

for the


Following is a compilation of responses to a request for best practices for motivating and preparing students for success on the WorkKeys and End-of-Course Technical Skills tests. Thanks so much to all who responded.

1. MasonCountyCareerCenter is sponsoring a trip to Co-Sci or the ClayCenter for students who pass the EOC tests and have faithful or perfect attendance. The school sends a letter home to parents before the test date explaining the importance of the EOC test and its relationship to EDGE credit. They also awards certificates to the highest score recipient in each testing group. For further information, contact Pam Abston at . .

2. WirtCountyHigh School teachers incorporate reading and math skills into their daily lessons. They have word walls to introduce new terminology. Students keep notebooks with CSO information – questions, answers, general information - to use as a study guide. For further information, contact Dottie Hardbarger at .

3. HampshireCountyCareerTrainingCenter uses the PLATO and KeyTrainprograms to prepare Automotive and Building construction classes for the WorkKeys tests. They rotate small groups to the ABE center during the semester and the ABE instructor works with them. For more information, contact Scott Staley at .

4. RandolphTechnicalCenterputs students through the KeyTrain software until they score the necessary level for the particular program area prior to their taking the WorkKeys test. The instructors constantly review the CSO’s, especially just prior to the EOC tests. For further information, contact Don Johnson at .

5. Ralph R. Willis Career Center students must maintain item banks of key words and vocabulary words taken from lessons developed from courses constructed using state approved CSOs. They must write at least one page every week on a significant technical subject. Instructors review the CSO’s every day on the subject covered, develop mock test banks (using the EOC format) and study guides, and list key concepts and main ideas on the chalkboard for review. For more information, contact Clarence Elkins at .

6. FayetteCounty is in the process of prioritizing the vocational curriculum using the Max Thompson Learning Focused system, starting with the business education teachers. They have found the system very effective in raising WESTEST scores in the academic programs. For more information, go to or contact Anna Kincaid-Cline at .

7. MercerCountyTechnicalEducationCenterteachers and administrators create an atmosphere prior to testing that motivates students to try hard on the test and then relax and have some fun. They make sure students understand that by doing well on the tests they can prove to themselves that they have skills. (They believe it is counter-productive to tell them that they must do well to give the program good scores). They also present an award certificate to the student with the highest EOC score in each class at the home schools’ award ceremonies. The school sends letter home to the parents two weeks prior to the testing window, encouraging parents to see that their kids are well-rested, fed, etc. The school supplies breakfast bars prior to a.m. test sessions. Students are allowed to go the “breakroom” after the test – an area that is off-limits during the regular school schedule. Students are prepared to deal with problems MercerCounty has with internet speed. The school also provides certificates to those teachers who improved their scores and to the ones who achieved mastery. For more information, contact Bill Sherwood at or Josie McInturff at .

8. James Rumsey Technical Institute prepares for the EOC tests by distributing a parent’s packet during the first week of school. Every teacher does one and includes a course syllabus and a copy of the CSO’s, among other things. They also send a letter home to all parents talking about the importance of the tests, emphasizing thenumber of EDGE credits students who score 74% or better earn. For more information, contact Vicki Jenkins at .

9. Academy of Careers and Technology instructors in the Collision Repair and Drafting programs used the KeyTrain program to raise their students’ scores on the WorkKeys tests. They have good data charts showing the correlation between KeyTrain remediation times and the subsequent gains in WorkKeys scores in reading and math. They are also using ExamViewsoftware, which has a format similar to the EOC tests, to develop formative and benchmark testing. It allows teachers to correlate questions to CSO’s and then use the comprehensive reports available in ExamView to identify trouble areas for reteaching. For more information, contact Dwight Hutchinson at or Charles Pack at .

10. RoaneJacksonTechnicalCenterposts the “Technical Word of the Day” at locations throughout the facility. All programs are scheduled weekly to use computers for the KeyTrain program. Most instructors require journal writing.

For further information, contact Dennis Carpenter at .

11. United Technical Center uses Kaplin Reading & Math Empowerment. The Automotive Technology and Collision Repair instructors use the related math sections in their Delmar textbooks. Other teachers work with the center’s math teacher and the remedial teacher works with the special needs students once or twice a week on math and reading. Some teachers play Jeopardy, bingo and Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Some use bell ringer worksheets for the WorkKeys. Most classes have regularly scheduled math and reading instruction. For more information, contact Joan Smith at .

12. MineralCountyTechnicalCentersends two letters to the parents of students enrolled in EDGE courses – one from the center director and one from the superintendent. The letters emphasize the importance of EOCTST scores and the money they will save on college tuition. It also explains the Recognition Program guidelines and the implications for the school. In addition, the center involves their business partners in rewarding students for passing the EOC tests. BB&T provides a framed certificate and Denny’s/MCTC provide a free Grand Slam to those who pass the tests. The staff provides reviews before the testing. For more information, contact Alan Whetzel at .

13. Calhoun-GilmerCareerCentergets discounted coupons for large pizzas to give to students who average 74% or higher on the EOC tests. For more information, contact John Bennett at .

14. Berkeley County Schools emphasizes the earning of EDGE credit for those scoring 74% or better on the EOC exams. Their Tech Prep consortium also works very hard all year promoting the EDGE advantage. For more information, contact Phil Miller at .

15. CarverCareerCenterin KanawhaCountyhas recently starting using audio textbooks for their students who have learning or reading disabilities. The program comes from a non-profit organization called Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (RFBD). RFBD has many technical textbooks currently available and will record others. For more information, contact Brenda Mills at or log on the organization’s web site at . Carver alsoreports great success with the KeyTrain program.