Shortened Time
The 4th trumpet clearly states in Rev 8:12 the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise. So the day becomes a 16-hour day and night not a 24 hour day and night so the days speed up but the heavens stay in place so days will go faster (The fourth trumpet). Tribulation lasts 2550 days with 1260 the first half and 1290 the second half. So you can take 1290 days, which is how many days the 2nd half of tribulation is and divide 1290 by 3 = 430 days. So the 2nd half will be shorter by 430 24 hour days. Because we don’t know the time of the 4th trumpet we cannot determine how many days shorter the first half of tribulation will be.
On Oct 29, 2008 there was a sign in heaven (see Kevin Heckles article Astronomical Discovery in Revelation 1 & 2)
I believe that was the beginning of the last 10 years and the sign of the rise of antichrist. And with the sign in Psalm 109:6 “Set thou a wicked man over him and let satan stand at his right hand” Who came into the limelight in 2009?!!
JR Church’s “Hidden Prophesies in the Psalms” shows that the psalms line up with our years. Psalm 114 states “Tremble thou earth at the presence of the God of Jacob.” Then you look at Rev 14 where Jesus stands on Mount Zion with the 144,000. In my studies I looked at how Revelations also lines up with 2014 mid-tribulation. Psalm 118:22 declares “The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.” All words used are past tense meaning they had happened already. Then 119 begins reciting the Hebrew Alphabet which represents Jesus Christ according to JR Church.
I agree with that the time of Jacob’s trouble does not run concurrent to the sabbatical week. But I am looking at years other than the years that they say. I tried to look at two years difference because of Oct 29, 2008. But the psalms don’t line up correctly with two but they do with one year. Psalm 110 speaks of God rising up to make His enemies His footstool. From 2010 on there have been masses of dead birds, animals and people plus many great earthquakes, floods and prophesies in Isaiah that have been fulfilled, judgments through kings upon the middle east happened in Feb 2011 which I took to mean God was using Nissan as the beginning of the year. Psalm 110s timeline was Mar 15, 2010 to Apr 3, 2011. So it was fulfilled in its time; God truly left dead bodies all over and many heads over many countries have been wounded!
Lev 25:21-22 states that the sixth year is when the Lord will begin blessing Israel for the Jubilee. Could this be the second bringing in of the lost tribes of Israel? Then Armageddon?
My timeline is not accurate I just used the 1st of Nissan and the 1st of Tishrei as starting and ending points. I made this to show how the shortened days work. I used the Psalms and Revelations to try figuring times.