CrossCamp 2016
Parent Information Guide
The following information will help you, the parent, as you prepare to send your child to camp and in turn will help us provide the best possible camping experience for your child.
Check-In:Monday, June 6th @ 9:00am*don’t forget to bring a sack lunch in a Ziploc Baggie!
Please park in the Worship Center parking lot. Our buses will be parked in the circle of the “C” Building to load luggage.
- Start in front of the “C” Bldg. circle: get your Nametag. Your bus number will be on your nametag (we can help you find it!).
- Drop off luggage at the bus number that corresponds with your nametag bus number.
- When you drop off your luggage at your bus, there will be a large cooler at your bus for your lunch. PLEASE put your lunch in the cooler – we will carry the coolers to the picnic area at camp for lunch.
- Go to the “C” Building Lobby toStation 1 - Main Check-In – someone will be here to check you in. We will make sure we have all your necessary forms and all balances have been paid in full. *All questions should be directed to Mrs. Ashley or Pastor Mark.
- Move to Station 2 - Nurse’s Station. Turn in any prescription medication and drop off your completed medication form for your child. If you would like for your child to be able to have OTC medicines (such as, Benadryl, Motrin, etc.), you MUST have a completed Medication Form on file with Nurse Terri.
- Move to Station 3 – Money Station. Turn in your camper’s money for the canteen. This mustbe CASH.
- Head into the multi-purpose room with Pastor Mark to meet your cabin!
- Buses will leave PROMPTLY at 10am.
Check-Out:Friday, June 12th @ 3:45pm**Come to the “C” Building to begin the check-out process.
- Stop at Station 1 - Main Check-Out,Mrs. Ashley will be here to check your child out. Be sure to bring a photo I.D. with you and be sure that the person picking up your child was listed on yourregistration.
- Move to Station 2 - Nurse’s Station. Please pick up any prescription medication from Nurse Terri.
- Head to the multi-purpose room doors and tell Pastor Mark (or the person with the microphone) which child you are picking up.
- Pick up luggage at the numbered bus luggage pick- up locations.
- Look through “lost and found” items in the pile outside, before you leave, to claim anything that might be yours. **Anything unclaimed will be donated!
Directions to Camp Linden–Located approximately 7 miles South of Linden on Hwy 13. The sign is located on the left side of the road just as you approach the crest of the hill. You can reach Hwy 13 from I-40 at the Linden/Waverly exit. Camp Linden is about a 30-minute drive from this exit.
Food or Snacks– Please do not send snacks to camp, except for medical reasons. (Any food medically necessary that comes to camp will be kept with Nurse Terri in the refrigerator.) Campers can purchase snacks at the Linden Camp Store. Food is not allowed in their cabins!
Forms– It is very important that allforms are completed in detail and signed by a parent or legal guardian. A camper CANNOT attend camp without the proper forms. This is for the safety of your child, as well as others at camp.
Free Time– All campers (depending on age restrictions) will have the opportunity to choose two of the activities below.
- Kayaking – Linden Valley provides the kayaks, equipment, transportation and a guide to take your campers down the river. An additional $25.00 fee will apply to all kayak participants. Child must be 10 years old to participate in kayaking.
- Paintball/Paintball Shooting Range – Linden Valley provides paintball guns, instruction and safety equipment and 100 paintballs. Child must be 10 years old to participate and an additional fee of $30.00 must be paid. The paintball shooting range is also available to all campers (includes all equipment & 100 paintballs) and has a fee of $15.00. *Extra paintballs are $5 for 100.
- Low/High Ropes and Zip Line Courses – Linden Valley provides the instruction and safety equipment needed for the low/high ropes and zip line courses. Child must be 12 years old to participate in the zip line and the fee is $25.00 for 2 zip line runs. Child must be 12 years old to participate in the high ropes course and the fee is $25.00. Child must be 10 years old to participate in the low ropes course and the fee is $25.00.
Phone Calls– No phone calls are made by campers or staffers. Please do not call your child or expect him/her to call you. IFthere is an emergency at home, call the camp and ask for the camp director. Camp Linden: 1-877-354-6336 ext. 1405. IF an emergency arises at camp, the camp director will call you.
Leaving Camp– The identification (photo ID) of person picking up camper(s) will be checked and compared to the list of people you give or do not give permission to pick up your child. Please fill out that section of the camper registration thoroughly.
Lice – Because lice is becoming more of a problem in schools and camps, the Tennessee Baptist Convention Camps have a no lice or nit policy. If any lice or nits are found in a child’s hair while they are at camp, the child will be sent home. You must check your child for lice 7-10 days, then 1-2 days before camp so that if lice/nits are found, proper treatment can be administered. You may even consider taking your child to your local health department to be checked.
Mail– When writing your child, please write early enough to allow delivery before the last day of camp. It takes mail 4-5 days to arrive on the camp. Please be encouraging in your letters, being positive about the camp experiences. You may want to include some envelopes already stamped and addressed to those people your child may want to write. Mail is distributed during lunch each day.
The camp mailing address is:
Linden Valley Baptist Conference Center
Attention: CrossCamp June 6-10 TSC (Be sure to include this!)
Camper Name
1225 Baptist Camp Road
Linden, TN 37096
Medical Treatment – CrossCamp is staffed with a nurse that provides first aid treatment at the 24-hour first aid station. There is a clinic within 15 minutes from Camp Linden. The completed medical form is an absolute necessity in treating medical needs.
Medication – No medication is kept in the cabins. All medications must be kept in the first aid station and dispensed by the nurse. Send only prescription medications, in original bottle/container and properly labeled with camper’s name, name of medication, and instructions. The camp nurse will have over-the-counter medications for headaches, stomach problems, swimmers ear, insect bites, allergy/sinus problems, etc, if you gave her approval to administer them to your child.
Shorts and shirts for 5 days, plus two extras. / Cover – up and separate towel for poolToiletries / Bible
Socks and underwear / Pencil/Pen and paper/Journal
1 pair of jeans / Jacket
Tennis shoes / Raincoat/Umbrella
Flip flops or old pair of shoes / Insect repellent/Sunscreen
Pajamas / Plastic bag for wet articles
Sheets and blanket or sleeping bag/Pillow / $25-30 for Canteen/Snacks/Gift shop
Washcloths and towels / Camera (if needed)
Large garbage bag with name on it for dirty clothes / Envelopes & stamps to send letters home
Swimsuit (no 2 piece and no cut-offs)
*Label all Sports Equipment*
- No IPods/mp3 players, video games, cell phones or other electronic devices at camp.
- No alcohol, tobacco, non-prescription drugs, fireworks, matches, guns, or knives at camp.
- Campers are not allowed to use the phone. Camp director will contact parents if needed.
- Campers are not allowed to bring snacks except for medical reasons.
- Campers must be in groups of three or more at all times.
- Campers are expected to participate in all activities.
- What Pastor Mark or Mrs. Ashley says goes!
Spending Money– The Linden Canteen will be open each day for snacks. In the camp store, they have t-shirts, snacks, and other assorted camp products. A suggested amount of spending money is $25-30. We will collect ALL money on Monday morning when you arrive and keep up with what your child spends each day.