Upper Merion Area High School
Marching Vikings Handbook 2015-2016
Upper Merion Area High School
Marching Vikings
Student Name______
May 1, 2015
Dear High School Band Member and Parent(s),
Welcome to the 2015-2016 marching season. Our show this year is “Crime and Punishment”, including Mission Impossible from the films and TV series, Cell Block Tango from the musical Chicago and Jazz Police by Gordon Goodwin. The recordings for these songs can be found online on at http://www.jwpepper.com, simply type the titles into the search window.
This handbook covers most of what you will need to know as part of the Marching Vikings. Please review the contents with your parents and keep it available for your reference.
I would like to continue to have close communications with you throughout the summer and the school year. Please call or e-mail me with your questions and concerns. It will save a lot of time and frustration if we are aware of family activities (such as vacations) that will cause you to be late or absent from any rehearsals or performances. Throughout the summer email messages are preferred. Please e-mail me to initiate email communication with the music parents and myself and with any changes to your contact information. My e-mail address is: . The high school band room phone is 610-205-3828. Please leave a message on the machine if there is no answer. On most days throughout the summer I will not be in the band room. Navigate to the UMAHS Band Web Site via the main school district page then bookmark it for the future. The page will be kept up to date. Please note that the marching schedule is included in this handbook (times are tentative). There will be additional rehearsals, performances and report time changes, it is important that you check the web page often for changes.
The Upper Merion Music Boosters are a group of parents and friends who work with the students and directors to help make the music program more successful. They would welcome your participation. You will be contacted in the near future regarding meetings.
As a member of the marching band you are responsible for attending all rehearsals and performances. It is important that all of you are committed to a successful year. Again, please contact me if you have any questions. All rehearsals will begin and end on time. Your promptness is necessary in order for us to use our time in the most productive manner.
Mr. Donald R. Washam
Director of Bands
Upper Merion Area Senior High School
Statement of Purpose
The goal of the Upper Merion Area High School Instrumental Music Department is to provide the instrumental music student with the opportunity to participate in an outstanding high school band program. With the help and support of the school administration, we endeavor:
1. To help students play to the best of their ability
2. To teach students to read music fluently
3. To assist students in becoming strong and confident musicians
4. To expose students to great music, chosen from a wide variety of styles, time periods, composers and arrangers
5. To provide students with opportunities to perform music for a public audience
6. To develop student music ensembles of the highest quality possible
Extra-Curricular Status
Marching band is an extra-curricular activity for which students do not receive academic credit. In order to obtain our goals it is necessary for students and parents to understand that all rehearsals and performances are important. There are evening rehearsals, summer band camp, football games, parades, and competitions that are described in this handbook. Being a member of the Marching Vikings requires commitment. When students choose to become members they make that commitment.
Attendance Policy
Students learn many things by participating in a high school marching band program. Some of them are not necessarily about music. It is our goal to help our students learn about commitment, responsibility, dependability, and punctuality in the process of teaching them to play and perform music. It is our desire that students and parents will follow the attendance policy and inform the director of any conflicts as soon as they arise.
In order to maintain the high standards set by Upper Merion Area High School and its many successful curricular and extra-curricular programs, the marching band staff will adhere to the following policies on attendance at music functions outside of school:
1. Students are required to attend all after-school rehearsals and performances.
2. Students will be notified at least one month in advance if extra rehearsals and performances are scheduled, unless rescheduling is made necessary by weather-related or school district cancellations.
3. The music department will work closely with the athletic department, student government and any other activity to avoid scheduling conflicts. In the event of a conflict the band staff, faculty, coaches and administration will work out a compromise so that the student is not “caught in the middle.” Students must help by alerting us of any scheduling conflicts as far in advance as possible.
4. Valid reasons for absence include:
A. Illness that keeps the student home from school on the day of or the day after the music event. Please call the band room when this occurs. (610-205-3828)
B. Medical emergencies, traffic jams etc. If possible, please call the band room and make us aware of the situation. Put the band room phone number in your cell phone.
5. The following are not valid reasons for missing a rehearsal or performance.
A. After-school jobs
B. Non-school sporting events
C. Forgetting to attend
D. Vacations scheduled after you have received the band schedule
E. Other personal activities
F. Lack of transportation - Please ask for assistance, chances are someone could give you a ride.
6. Please look ahead and write the band activity dates on your calendar. Students who know they have conflicts with scheduled music activities should contact the director immediately to try to resolve them. We may be able to come up with a workable solution.
Band Uniform Guidelines
The Upper Merion Marching Vikings will be performing in uniforms purchased just a few years ago.
Uniforms will be fitted during a marching band rehearsal. The uniform will be given to you cleaned and pressed. Under no circumstances should any alterations be made or any fabric be cut from any garment. If the uniform requires cleaning during the season (due to spilled drink or food, etc.), the student is responsible for the cleaning expense. Uniforms will be distributed prior to each performance and collected upon return to the school.
Band Members are responsible for:
Khaki Pants
Black Socks
Black Gloves – Available through the band (Approximate cost $4.00).
Black Marching Shoes (Dinkles)– Available through the band (Approximate cost $35.00). They must be kept clean and polished.
T-Shirt and Polo Shirt– They will be available through the band.
Shorts or “Under Amour” – which will be worn under the uniform. Jeans or any long pant’s that extend below the marching pants cannot by worn.
Band Front Members are responsible for:
Khaki Pants
Guard Gloves – Available through the band (Approximate cost $12.00).
Guard Shoes – Available through the band (Approximate cost $35.00). They must be kept clean and polished.
There may be other uniform accessories (such as body suits or leotards).
T-Shirt and Polo Shirt– They will be available through the band.
Students are not permitted to wear jewelry with the uniform, including earrings and watches.
It is the student’s responsibility to be in uniform for every performance. Students will remain in uniform until instructed otherwise. Students will not be permitted to perform with the band if they are not in full uniform.
Fund Raising
The Upper Merion Marching Vikings receives limited funding from the school district. We will hold various fund-raisers throughout the school year. The money raised through these fund-raisers will be used to help offset additional costs. It is strongly encouraged that students fund-raise. The Upper Merion Music Boosters works with the band, orchestra and choir with these fund raising events. Participation in various fund-raisers over the year will lighten the students’ financial obligation and will benefit the organization as a whole.
Summer Rehearsals
During these rehearsals the music will be rehearsed and marching skills will be developed. The band front, percussion, brass, and woodwind sections will rehearse independently and as an ensemble. All of the following rehearsals will take place at the high school band room from 6:00 until 8:00 PM. If you cannot attend any of the following rehearsals due to vacations please send Mr. Washam an email.
June 2, 2015
June 16, 2015
June 23, 2015
August 11, 2015
Band Camp
August 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 from 3:00 PM until 9:00 PM
August 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 from 3:00 PM until 8:00 PM
It is extremely important that all students attend band camp. Our first game is on September 4th at home against Radnor. It has always been our goal to learn most of the show in band camp and that our first performance be a success. The instructors make every effort to develop a show that is both entertaining and challenging.
You must be prepared for all kinds of weather in marching band. The following guidelines will be helpful in allowing us to have productive rehearsals.
A. Wear loose comfortable clothing
B. Wear socks and sneakers
C. Wear a hat to keep the sun out of your eyes and off of your head
D. Bring a water jug
E. Pack some snacks for breaks
F. Use sun block
G. Eat a reasonable breakfast and bring a lunch
Performing Ensembles
Concert Band
The Concert Band is open to all students who play a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument. Concert Band will meet during the school day.
Advanced Band
The Advanced Band is selected by audition of students who play a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument. Advanced Band is comprised of ninth through twelfth grade students and will meet during zero periods from 7:00 AM until 7:45 AM every morning.
Jazz Band
The Jazz Band is selected by audition of students who play a saxophone, trumpet, trombone, guitar, bass, piano or drum set. Jazz band will rehearse in the afternoon beginning in November.
Fall Schedule (as of March 1, 2015)
Tue September 1 Rehearsal #1 6:00 – 9:00
Thr September 3 Rehearsal #2 2:30 – 5:15
Fri September 4 Radnor Home 5:45 PM
Sat September 5 UM Community Fair Home TBD
Tue September 8 Rehearsal #3 6:00 – 9:00
Thr September 10 Rehearsal #4 2:30 – 5:15
Fri September 11 Harriton Away 5:30 PM
Tue September 15 Rehearsal #5 6:00 – 9:00
Thr September 17 Rehearsal #6 2:30 – 5:15
Fri. September 18 Sun Valley Home 5:45 PM
Tue September 22 Rehearsal #7 6:00 – 9:00
Thr September 24 Rehearsal #8 2:30 – 5:15
Fri September 25 Plymouth Whitemarsh Home 5:45 PM
Tue September 29 Rehearsal #9 6:00 – 9:00
Thr October 1 Rehearsal #10 2:30 – 5:15
Fri October 2 Hatboro Away 5:30 PM
Sat October 3 Plymouth Whitemarsh Competition TBD
Tue October 6 Rehearsal #11 6:00 – 9:00
Thr October 8 Rehearsal #12 2:30 – 5:15
Fri October 9 Cheltenham Away 5:30 PM
Tue October 13 Rehearsal #13 6:00 – 9:00
Thu October 15 Rehearsal #14 2:30 – 5:15
Fri October 16 Upper Moreland Home 5:45 PM
Tue October 20 Rehearsal #15 6:00 – 9:00
Thr October 22 Rehearsal #16 2:30 – 5:15
Fri October 23 Springfield Home 5:45 PM
Sat October 24 Springfield (Delco) Competition TBD
Tue October 27 Rehearsal #17 6:00 – 9:00
Thr October 29 Rehearsal #18 2:30 – 5:15
Fri October 30 Wissahickon Away 5:30 PM
Thr November 5 Rehearsal #19 2:30 – 4:00
Fri November 6 Upper Dublin Home 5:45 PM
Home football games are pre-game performances starting at 6:30, with kickoff at 7:00. Performances and competitions will be added. All performance times are approximate and subject to change.
Student’s Name: (please print) ______Date ______
Statement of Understanding
As a member of the Upper Merion Marching Vikings, I understand that I represent my family, my school, and the band. My actions and attitude reflect the entire band. I agree to conduct myself with dignity at all times.
In addition to conducting myself with dignity and positive actions at all times I agree to attend all practices and performances. I agree to be punctual and stay for the duration of the event unless granted permission prior to the event. Vacations and other functions are not excused absences from practice or performances unless cleared prior to the event.
I have reviewed the contents of the Upper Merion Marching Viking Handbook, including the sections on attendance, and reviewed the tentative schedule.
I recognize that if I break the Participation Pledge, I am at risk for being removed from the Upper Merion Band. I understand that if I miss three practices without prior approval or legitimate reason I am at risk of being removed from the band.
Upper Merion Area School District
Co-curricular and Extracurricular Participation Pledge
I understand that participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities and programs in the Upper Merion Area School District is a privilege. Violation of personal conduct rules will result in my loss of that privilege.
I PLEDGE to remain drug and alcohol free during the season or period of my participation in extracurricular activities and programs. I further PLEDGE to refrain form any behavior that may be determined to be a threat of harm to the health, safety, or welfare of staff, students, or the reputation of the Upper Merion Area School District.
Students and their parents are responsible for familiarity and compliance with NCAA or other college eligibility standards. Upon request, the District will assist parents in obtaining access to and interpreting such eligibility standards.
Before signing this form, it is recommended that the student read and understand the Activity Code of Ethics, located in the Student-Parent Handbook.
Student’s Signature ______
Parent’s Signature ______