Pre-Qualification Questionnaire for

The St. Luke’s Road

Complex Mental Health Service

This application will be treated as strictly private and confidential



1.1Introduction & Overview of Documents

1.2The Service at St. Luke’s Road

1.3Minimum Requirements of the Provider

1.4Evaluation Process & Methodology

1.5Procurement Timetable

1.6General Guidance

1.7Queries and Clarification

1.8Registration of Expressions of Interest



2.1Company Details and Status


2.3Equality and Diversity

2.4Health & Safety

2.5Financial Standing & Capacity

2.6Technical Experience, Expertise & Capability





1.1Introduction & Overview of Documents

1.1.1The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea (the ‘Council’) is seeking to appoint a Provider for its new accommodation based support service for adults with complex mental health problems, to be based within the borough at St. Luke’s Road (the ‘Service’).

1.1.2Key information about the Service and minimum requirements for the Provider are set out in the Draft Service Specification and section 1.3 respectively.

1.1.3Interested Providers are asked to read these Instructions carefully, to ascertain whether they meet our minimum requirements, before proceeding to complete the pre-qualification questionnaire (‘PQQ’).

1.1.4Answers to the PQQ will be assessed by the Council to select suitable Providers for inclusion in the tendering process. Details of the evaluation process and methodology are set out in section 1.4.

1.1.5A timetable of the procurement process is set out in section 1.5.

1.1.6General guidance for the completion of the PQQ is set out in section 1.6.

1.1.7Where a Provider is in any doubt as to the meaning of any of these Instructions or any question in the PQQ, the Provider should submit their query to the Contact Officer (section 1.7) within the clarification period.

1.1.8Answers to all queries of general application shall be posted on the Council’s website. To ensure that you are notified of any updated guidance published on the website, you are advised to register an expression of interest (section 1.8). However, failure to register an expression of interest shall not preclude a Provider from submitting a PQQ for assessment.

1.1.9The closing date for receipt of PQQs is: 12 noon, 27 February 2009.

1.1.10PQQs received after the closing time and date shall be rejected, subject to the provisions of section 1.9. Details of where to submit the PQQ are also set out in section 1.9.

1.1.11This document and any correspondence with the Provider does not impliedly or expressly constitute an obligation on the part of the Council to invite tenders from any or all of the companies who respond to this questionnaire.

1.1.12The Council reserves the right to amend, add to or withdraw all, or any part of these Instructions or the PQQ at any time during the procurement process.

1.2The Service at St. Luke’s Road

1.2 The requirements for the service are set out in detail in the Draft Service Specification.

1.3Minimum Requirements of the Provider

1.3.1Only Providers who meet our minimum requirements will be invited to participate in the tender process. Where more than five Providers meet our minimum requirements, only the five highest ranked Providers following assessment of the PQQs shall be short-listed for invitation to tender.

1.3.2The minimum requirements for the Provider include both foundational and substantive criteria:

Foundational Criteria

1.3.3The foundational criteria are high standards of:

  • Probity;
  • Equality & Diversity;
  • Health & Safety; and
  • Financial Standing & Capacity

Substantive Criteria

1.3.4The substantive criteria are Technical Experience, Expertise and Capability as follows:

  • At least 3 years experience of delivering a similar service to that planned for St. Luke’s Road; specifically entailing a high level support 24 hours (waking night) service to adults (over 18 years of age) with mental health issues and a range of associated complex issues including:-

a)Substance misuse (dual diagnosis)

b)Difficulty in engaging and in a state of ‘revolving door’ (in terms of frequency of hospital admissions required and history of sporadic unsuccessful attempts to engage with statutory services)

c)Offender history

d)Problems with maintaining housing

  • Experience of working in partnership and collaboration with other mental health professionals, related statutory services, and as part of a multi-agency forum including MAPPA;
  • Effective approaches to ensuring service user involvement;
  • Good support planning practice and enabling meaningful activities;
  • Effectively meets Service User’s cultural needs;
  • Robust risk management policies and processes;
  • Robust quality assurance policies;
  • Effective means of communication with stakeholders and the ability to provide reports as required.

1.4Evaluation Process & Methodology

1.4.1Prior to formal evaluation, all PQQ responses will be checked for validity and completeness.

1.4.2A valid PQQ response shall be one received within the acceptance window for PQQs, duly signed where appropriate, and in the form required.

1.4.3A complete PQQ response shall be one with all sections completed and all schedules and required documentation submitted in accordance with these Instructions.

1.4.4Only valid and complete PQQ responses shall proceed to formal evaluation, save at the Council’s discretion where the omission or error is very minor and easily rectifiable.

Stage 1 – Evaluation

1.4.5Foundational Criteria (Probity, Equality & Diversity, Health & Safety, Financial Standing & Capacity) shall be assessed on a pass/fail basis only.

1.4.6To pass each criterion the Provider must meet the following standards:

Criterion / Standard
Probity / The Provider upholds high standards of business probity, and a good track record of maintaining these standards.
Equality & Diversity / The Provider demonstrably meets legislative requirements and effectively promotes, monitors and maintains standards of equality and diversity.
Health & Safety / The Provider demonstrably meets legislative requirements and effectively promotes, monitors and maintains standards in health & safety.
Financial Standing & Capacity / The Provider has good financial standing and sufficient financial capacity to take on this contract.
In addition to its own assessment, the Council will also use the services of Brookes Bates to obtain an independent financial risk analysis report. Providers must achieve a low or medium risk profile to pass (i.e. Providers with a high risk profile will be rejected).

1.4.7Answers to Substantive Criteria (Technical Experience, Expertise and Capability) questions shall be assessed on a point scoring system as follows:

Rating / Description / Score
Excellent / Effectively meets minimum requirements AND exceeds Council’s expectations in one or more aspects / 3 Points
Good / Minimum requirements met. Response is set out fully and comprehensively, and information provided or methods set out effectively assure the evaluation panel that minimum standards will be met. / 2 Points
Satisfactory / Minimum requirements met, but response may contain some incomplete information or set out methods which the evaluation panel consider of questionable effectiveness. / 1 Points
Unsatisfactory / Does not meet minimum requirements. Response either does not answer question, or does not set out sufficient information or methods will not ensure minimum standards will be met. / 0 Points

1.4.8To be eligible for participation in the tender process Providers must:

i)Achieve a pass in all foundational criteria standards; AND

ii)Achieve a minimum score of 1 point (satisfactory rating) for every answer to the technical questions; OR achieve an overall score of 40 or above in total for answers to the technical questions.

Stage 2 – Short-listing

1.4.9In the event that more than 5 Providers achieve our minimum requirementsfor eligibility to participate in the tender process (section 1.4.8), only the 5 highest ranked Providers shall be invited to tender.

1.4.10Where the difference in scores between the eligible Providers is marginal however, the Council reserves the right to apply further criteria and request further information from the eligible Providers to assist in the short-listing process.

1.5Procurement Timetable

PQQ Documents available online and PQQ Clarification Period Open / 28th January 2009
Close of PQQ Clarification Period / 24th February 2009
Closing Date for PQQ responses / 27th February 2009
Short Listing Result Notifications / 20th March 2009
ITT Issued and ITT Clarification Period Open / 27th March 2009
Close of ITT Clarification Period / 24th April 2009
Closing Date for Tender Returns / 1st May 2009
Preferred Provider and Unsuccessful Providers Notified / 12th June 2009
Expiry of Courtesy Standstill Period / 22nd June 2009
Signed Contract / 31st July 2009

1.6General Guidance

1.6.1All communication should be in the English language and details of accounts given in pounds sterling.

1.6.2Answer all questions or write ‘n/a’ if the question is not applicable.

1.6.3Answers should be set out within the PQQ form and within any word limits specified.

1.6.4Do NOT refer to an attached document as a substitute for an answer. Such responses will be given 0 points. Attached documentation should only be referred to in support of answers.

1.6.5All supporting documents sent should be clearly marked with the number of the sections and questions to which they relate. These may be referred to for verification purposes only and will not be scored.

1.6.6Do not include general marketing or promotional material for your company with your PQQ submission.

1.6.7For the purpose of the PQQ, the term “company” shall mean a partnership, incorporated company or other body, as appropriate, and the term “officer” shall mean any director, company secretary, partner, associate, trustee, committee member or other person occupying a position of authority or responsibility within the company.

1.6.8When answering questions, unless instructed otherwise, please give details specifically related to your company, not to the whole of the group if your company is part of a group.

1.6.9In order to provide the range and depth of skills required for the provision of the St. Luke’s Road Service, it is envisaged that some companies may wish to collaborate to form consortia, which will then apply jointly as a Tenderer for this contract.

1.6.10Where the intention is to submit a joint-tender as a Consortium, every member organisation of the Consortium is required to complete a separate PQQ.

1.6.11Consortium members may be required to undertake to form themselves into a single project company if awarded the contract.

1.6.12Providers must themselves bear the whole cost of completing and submitting a PQQ response, and if short-listed the whole cost of participating in the tender exercise. In no circumstances shall the Council or its staff, agents or advisers incur any liability whatsoever or be liable for any expenses incurred by Providers at any time. Any and all liability is hereby expressly disclaimed and excluded to the maximum extent permissible by law.

1.6.13The issue of this PQQ in no way commits the Council to award any contract at the end of the procurement process, nor does it constitute a contractual relationship.

1.6.14The laws of England and Wales shall apply for the purposes of any and all proceedings relating to this procurement process and any contract awarded pursuant thereto.

1.7Queries and Clarification

1.7.1The Council will not be entering into detailed discussions with any Provider in respect of the requirements of the service at this stage.

1.7.2However the Council shall answer any written queries in respect of the meaning or interpretation of any part of these Instructions or any question in the PQQ.

1.7.3Only the designated Contact Officer is authorised to answer queries on behalf of the Council. The designated Contact Officer for this stage of the procurement is: Sarah McCulloch.

1.7.4Please address queries to the Contact Officer by email to:

1.7.5The last day for submitting queries is: 24th February 2009.


1.7.7If the Council considers any question or request for clarification to be of general application and relevance to all interested Providers, the Council shall publish both the question and response (appropriately anonymised) on the Council’s website. Providers who have registered an expression of interest (section 1.8) shall also be notified directly.

1.8Registration of Expressions of Interest

1.8.1All interested Providers are advised to register an expression of interest (‘EoI’) in order to ensure they are notified of any updated guidance or answered questions in respect of the procurement process.

1.8.2To register an EoI Providers should notify the Contact Officer (section 1.7.3) of their intention to submit a PQQ, and provide the name and contact details of a single nominated point of contact on behalf of the Provider organisation.

1.8.3For this particular procurement exercise, failure to register an EoI shall not preclude any Provider from submitting a PQQ response.


1.9.1Providers are requested to submit two CD-Rom copies of the completed and signed PQQ, AND one hardcopy of the completed and signed PQQ together with the requisite Documents (specified in section 4) in an envelope marked ‘Private & Confidential’ and addressed to the Contact Officer at:




W8 7NX

1.9.2The closing date for receipt of PQQ responses is:

12 noon, 27th February 2009

1.9.3All CD-Rom copies of documents should be certified as virus free.

1.9.4Handwritten, email or fax submissions of the completed PQQ will not be accepted. PQQs received after the closing time and date shall be rejected unless the Provider is able to demonstrate to the Council’s satisfaction:

a)in respect of PQQs sent by post, that the PQQ was sent by first class post no less than two whole days before the closing time and date; or

b)in respect of PQQs sent by courier, that the courier order was for delivery no later than the closing time and date; or

c)in respect of PQQs delivered by hand, the Provider is in possession of a confirmation of receipt showing that the PQQ was received prior to the closing time and date; or

d)exceptional circumstances beyond the Provider’s control caused unavoidable delay


2.1Company Details and Status

Name of company who will be participating in theInvitation to Tender if selected, please include any previous names if different.

Name of Company
(hereinafter referred to
as “the Company”,
“You” or “Your”)

Address of Registered Office.

Registered Office

Person making application on behalf the Company, and their position in the Company.


Address for correspondence, email, telephone, fax, mobile and website address.

Web site address

List the full names of every officer (see ‘General Guidance’ for definition of “officer”)

Please give the full names (including all forenames) of all equity partners.

What is the total number of partners?

When was the Company formed?

Date of Formation

Is the Company a member of a group including other companies?

Tick as appropriate / Yes / No

If “Yes”, please give the names and addresses of all the other members of the group; where a partnership, the total number of equity partners in each company; the date when those companies were formed; and full details of the structure of the group indicating, for example, whether it is a partnership itself or a collection of separate partnerships sharing services.

Are you a sole trader, partnership, company or other body? Please specify.

Sole Trader / Complete this section then proceed to section 0
Other Body
If “Other Body”, please provide details

Please state the registration number and date of registration under the Companies Act 1985 or (if applicable) the Industrial Provident Societies Acts 1965 to 1978 (as amended).

Registration Number

Please enclose a copy of Registration or Incorporation Certificate/Document

Enclosed? Tick as appropriate / Yes / No

If your company is a member of a group, please describe (with a diagram if necessary), its relationship (e.g. legal and financial) within the group.

If the Company is a member of a group, please state names and registered addresses of the ultimate holding company and all other subsidiaries.

Would the group or the ultimate holding company be prepared to guarantee, as its subsidiary, the Company’s contract performance?

Tick as appropriate / Yes / No

Is the Company acting as the lead organisation within a proposed consortium?

Yes / No
If “No”, please state the name of the lead organisation

Please provide details of the full names, addresses and roles of the consortium members and major sub-contractors likely to be involved in the delivery of this contract.

Registered Office
Proposed Role
Registered Office
Proposed Role
Registered Office
Proposed Role


Any company failing to disclose relationships with others connected to the Council will be disqualified from being invited to tender.

2.2.1Is any officer, employee or consultant of the Company an employee or ex-employee of the Council?

Yes / No
If “Yes”, please provide details.

2.2.2Is any officer, employee or consultant of the Company connected to an employee or ex-employee of the Council?

Yes / No
If “Yes”, please provide details.

2.2.3Is any officer, employee or consultant of your company an elected member of the Council of someone who has been an elected member in the last 4 years?

Yes / No
If “Yes”, please provide details.

2.2.4Is any officer, employee or consultant of the Company related or otherwise connected with an elected member of the Council?

Yes / No
If “Yes”, please provide details.

2.2.5Is any officer, employee or consultant of the Company involved directly, or indirectly, in providing services to the Council?

Yes / No
If “Yes”, please provide details.

2.2.6Is any officer, employee or consultant of the Company involved in any other organisation/company that may be interested in bidding for the Council’s services under this tender process?

Yes / No
If “Yes”, please provide details.

2.2.7Have any officers of the Company become bankrupt or been involved in any company which has gone into liquidation or receivership?

Yes / No
If “Yes”, please provide details.

2.2.8Have there been any resolutions, court orders or proceedings for the Company’s winding up (otherwise than for the purpose of bona fide reconstruction or amalgamation) in the past?

Yes / No
If “Yes”, please provide details.

2.2.9Is the Company currently subject to proceedings for the appointment of a receiver, manager or administrator on behalf of a creditor (in respect of the company’s business or any part thereof)?

Yes / No
If “Yes”, please provide details.

2.2.10Is the Company subject to pending or threatened litigation or other legal proceedings, which relate to the conduct of its business or profession?

Yes / No
If “Yes”, please provide details.

2.2.11Has the Company been convicted of a criminal offence relating to the conduct of its business or profession?

Yes / No
If “Yes”, please provide details.

2.2.12Has the Company committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of its business or profession?