The Board of Directors as Trustee to The Cambridge and Peterborough Mental Health and Primary Care Trusts Charitable Funds has resolved to establish a Panel to be known as Charitable Funds Management Panel (“the Panel”), to discharge all the duties of the Corporate Trustee in the management of these funds. All procedural matters in respect of the conduct of meetings shall follow the Trust’s Standing Orders.


The purpose of the Panel, is to consider the general running and use of the charitable funds and make recommendations to the Board, as Trustee.


Consider any changes in investment policy and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Review performance of current investments in respect of both income and capital.

To implement and monitor the Scheme of Delegation.

To receive reports from both the Trust's Internal and External Auditors concerning Charitable Funds and monitor and review the implementation of any recommendations.

To review the Charitable Funds Audit Reports prior to submission to the Trust's Audit and Assurance Committee.


The Chairman shall be a Non Executive Director of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust.


Administration for this Panel is the responsibility of the Director of Finance and Performance. The Financial Services Business Manager (Anglia Support Partnership) shall be the administrator of the charitable funds and take Minutes at the meetings.

Deadline for agenda items is 7 working days prior to the meeting.

Deadline for the submission of supporting papers is 7 working days prior to the meeting.

Papers will be despatched to members and attendees 5 working days prior to the meeting.

Distribution of minutes will be provided to all members of the Committee, within 5 working days following the meeting.


The Chair shall be a Non Executive Director of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust.

The Partner Organisations shall appoint one member each.

The Director of Finance of the Trustee is ex-officio a member and will act as Secretary.

The Panel will also include a Board representative or a Board approved person with delegated responsibility from the following organisations:

Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust

The representatives have authority to consider their respective funds.

A nominated Lead/Deputy Lead Governor shall be an attendee of the Committee, with a nominated deputy who will attend the meeting in their absence. The Lead/Deputy Lead Governor will be responsible for clarifying with the Chair of the committee the content of any feed back to the Council of Governors following each meeting


The members of theCharitable Funds Management Panel have the right to invite others to attend its meetings including any Director, professional advisor, the Chief Internal Auditor or a representative of the Trust's External Auditors.


A quorum will be two members of the Panel, one of whom must be from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust together with one representative from the Membership.


A work plan will be developed, which includes monitoring material transactions proposed through Charitable Funds, to inform the agenda of these meetings and adherence to the plan will form part of the compliance monitoring report.


Responsibility for the Charitable Funds rests entirely with the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust Board of Directors, who act as Trustee. The Board of Directors will retain overall control of the charity’s activities taking into account the recommendations submitted by the Charitable Funds Management Panel to the full Board at least annually.

The Board of Directors will set out its Investment Policy in writing.

The Charitable Funds Management Panel will meet at intervals to review investments in accordance with the following objectives:

•ensuring that funds are properly protected and that as far as possible capital is not put at risk and will be protected against inflation

•obtaining best income from the investments with which to carry out the purposes of the various individual funds.

In the event of any equality of votes, the Chair shall have a second or casting vote

The Chair shall present a report of the activities of the Panel, to the Board after each meeting.

The Panel is authorised to investigate any activity within its terms of reference. It is authorised to seek, and may secure information it requires to carry out its duties, from any employee and all employees are directed to co-operate with any request made by the Panel. The Board authorises the Panel to obtain any expert professional advice the Panel considers necessary.


The Minutes of the Charitable Funds Management Panel meetings will be circulated to all Board Members and the respective Partner Trust representatives.


Members or a Board approved person with delegated responsibilityare expected to attend two meetings each year. If Members are unable to be present, they may nominate the most appropriate deputy to attend in their place (dependent upon the agenda) and their attendance will be recorded in the minutes.


Meetings will be held as a minimum twice per year and additional meetings can be convened as required. The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust or any Member of the Panel may convene special meetings.


The Panel Chair will oversee compliance to the Terms of Reference and provide a report to the Trust Secretary on an annual basis.


The Terms of Reference for the Charitable Funds Management Panel will be reviewed as a minimum on an annual basis and approved by the Board of Directors.

Date of ApprovalApril 2012

Date of ReviewApril 2013

Version Number1

AuthorDirector of Finance and Performance