Indigo Shire Tourism Festivals & Events

Grants Program 2016 / 2017


The Indigo Economic Development & Tourism Advisory Committee (IEDTAC) is a joint initiative between Indigo Shire Council and the local tourism industry to provide a co-ordinated regional focus for marketing and tourism development. Each year the committee calls for applications to the Tourism Festivals & Events Grants Program and provides a recommendation to Indigo Shire Council on how to distribute the discretionary fund.

Objectives of the Grants Program

That IEDTAC will recommend distribution of Indigo Shire Council’s annual discretionary festivals and events fund. The objectives of this allocated funding are to:

  • Assist with innovation for events that bring new economic benefit to Indigo Shire. This encompasses new events as well as existing events that are introducing new initiatives. Examples of new initiatives include marketing to a new audience or developing a new product within an existing event.

Funding Available


Monetary assistance to event organisers for the purposes of operational or marketing expenses associated with the event. The maximum financial support amount is $4000.00.


Non-monetary funding that can assist event organisers to cover costs associated with the use of council resources and other services required to run the event successfully. Examples of logistical support include road closure, waste management and extra cleaning of public facilities.


  • Events that are complementary to Council’s strategic direction and the values of IEDTAC.
  • Events that incorporate one (or more) of Indigo Shire’s identified product strengths.
  • Events that attract significant positive publicity and boost the profile of the region as a tourist destination.
  • Events that have regional tourism significance, increase visitation and provide strong economic benefit.
  • All or part of event to take place within Indigo Shire
  • Event is not entirely financially dependent on only Indigo Shire Council support, other avenues for income and funds have been sourced.
  • Event takes place between 1st July 2016 and 30th June 2017.
  • Be a registered business, including commercial operations, or an incorporated association. If the organisation is not incorporated, then it must be under the auspice of an incorporated association.
  • Practice equal opportunity and non-discrimination
  • Deliver the event within the grant period
  • Events that apply for a Community Grant are eligible.


  • Events that have a political purpose, or applications made by political organisations
  • Events that denigrate, exclude or offend parts of the community
  • Applications from organisations linked to contentious issues that may harm the reputation of the Indigo Shire community or Council by association
  • Events with the sole purpose of advocating a religious faith or belief
  • Events that directly promote anti-social activities such as gaming (excluding regulated gaming events such as horse racing)
  • Applications seeking retrospective funding
  • Applications not submitted on the correct form
  • Applications which do not include all necessary documentation
  • Applications received after the close date

Please note: Indigo Shire also runs a Community Grants Program which includes funding to support community events. Only events with tourism significance and economic benefit will be considered under the Indigo Shire Festival & Event Sponsorship Program.


·  Applications open Monday 13 June 2016

·  Applications close Monday 25 July 2016

·  Funding results announced Wednesday 31 August 2016

Assessment Criteria

The Indigo Shire Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee (IEDTAC) will assess how effectively each application addresses the following assessment criteria. The potential for a higher demand for grants than Council can resource means that not all applications may be funded.

  1. Evidence that the event promotes one or more of Indigo Shire’s identified key tourism strengths?

·  History & Heritage (including our streetscapes)

·  Food & Wine

·  Natural Attractions

·  Ned Kelly Country and Bushranger History

·  Outdoor Activities (including cycle tourism and bird watching)

·  Arts

·  Touring Destination

  1. Evidence that the event reflects the values identified by the IEDTAC, those being:

·  Encouragement of authenticity and friendliness.

·  Custodial concern for nature and sustainable living.

·  Respect for heritage: aboriginal, cultural, built and social.

  1. Able to demonstrate likely impact of event on local economy/flow on benefits to local businesses which can be directly attributed to the staging of the event.
  1. Level to which the event will attract outside visitors (intrastate/interstate) and increase overnight stays, visitor yield and repeat visitation.
  1. Evidence that the event is financially viable.
  1. If a recurring event, what potential does the event have to a) Grow and b) Become financially self-sustainable and what plan is in place to achieve this?
  1. Evidence of event management capacity of organisers/experience successfully running an event of similar size/scale.
  1. Evidence of an event management plan that identifies a defined target market/audience and marketing and promotional strategies that will generate positive media coverage of the event, town and Indigo Shire as a tourist destination.
  1. Timing of event allows sufficient timeframes for permits and planning requirements.
  1. Does the event have the support of the relevant local, or regional, tourism association and/or Chamber of Commerce (if applicable)?
  1. Integration of the proposed event with the local community
  1. The value added to the existing events calendar

General Conditions

Acknowledgement of Indigo Shire Council’s support
Where appropriate, Indigo Shire Council must be acknowledged as a sponsor and the Indigo Shire Council logo included in printed promotional material (brochures or flyers), newspaper and television advertising and on the festival or event website. Various electronic copies of the Indigo Shire Council logo are available at

Other costs
Unless agreed otherwise through the grant provision, all other costs associated with the event are the responsibility of the organising committee. Council involvement not detailed through the grant application process will be charged at commercial rates. (E.g. road closures, equipment hire, waste services etc.) Applications for other costs (in-kind) must be included as part of this application.

Event Feedback - Surveys

Successful festivals and events must agree to conduct the Indigo Shire event survey at the event, or subsequently send out to an email database of participants, to gather data about visitors and economic impact. This data will assist with:

  • Helping organising committees to improve the festival/event.
  • Provision of valuable information on the importance of events to Indigo Shire’s economy.
  • Informing future marketing campaigns.

Reporting and EvaluationPost Event Evaluation Forms, including an Acquittal Report will be distributed to successful applicants. This form must be submitted to Council within four weeks of the conclusion of the event. Failure to provide a Post Event Evaluation Form will deem the event ineligible for grant funding in following years.

The Process

The Indigo Shire Festivals & Events Grants Program has a pool of $26,000 (subject to Council approval and adoption of the Indigo Shire draft budget at Council’s special meeting in June). This pool of funds is for delivery of grants and sponsorship to festivals and events in Indigo Shire in 2016/17 financial year.

An event will generally be allocated funding for a maximum of three years (although Council reserves the right to assess individual cases) and funding given in one year does not guarantee funding in following years.

Applications should be sent to Indigo Shire Festivals & Events Funding Program, PO Box 28, Beechworth, 3747 and must be received by 5pm on Monday, 25 July 2016. If you need any assistance completing the application form or have any queries, please contact the Tourism Department on 1300 365 003 or



Event name
Date/s of your event
Name of the organisation applying for funding
Postal address
Name and position of contact person
Contact phone number
Email address
Event website (if applicable)
Which local tourism association is supporting the event?
Financial Support
Provides monetary assistance to event organisers for the purposes of operational or marketing expenses associated with the event.
What amount of financial support are you applying for?
The maximum financial support that can be applied for is $4000.00
What will the financial support be used for?
Please be specific and provide a breakdown of costs.
Logistical Support
Non-monetary funding that can assist event organisers to cover costs associated with the use of council resources and other services required to run the event successfully. Examples of logistical support include road closure, waste management and extra cleaning of public facilities.
Does the event require logistical support?
If YES, do you require assistance in obtaining a quote?
Please provide details. / YES / NO
If YES, please indicate below the specific logistical support your event requires.
Traffic Management
Including road closures and changes in existing traffic conditions / YES / NO
Waste Management
Extra bins and emptying / YES / NO
Use of Council venues
Including venue or reserve hire / YES / NO
Extra servicing of council facilities
Additional cleaning of toilets / YES / NO
Please detail any other logistical requirements
Financial Details
Bank details for direct deposit / Name of Bank:
Account name:
Account number:
Are you registered for GST?
If yes, please provide ABN / Yes / No
Event Details
Please provide a brief description of the event.
What are the key objectives of the event in 2016/2017? / · 
Please provide expected crowd numbers and anticipated origins of attendees (e.g. local day trippers, Melbourne, interstate, international, specific demographics etc.)
How does the event promote one or more of Indigo Shire’s identified key tourism strengths?
·  History & Heritage (including our streetscapes)
·  Food & Wine
·  Natural Attractions
·  Ned Kelly Country and Bushranger History
·  Outdoor Activities (including cycle tourism and bird watching)
·  Arts
·  Touring Destination
How does the event reflect the values identified by the IEDTAC?
·  Encouragement of authenticity and friendliness.
·  Custodial concern for nature and sustainable living.
·  Respect for heritage: aboriginal, cultural, built and social.
Demonstrate the likely impact of event on local economy including flow on benefits to local businesses which can be directly attributed to the staging of the event.
How does the event provide an opportunity for a significant injection of “new” money into Indigo Shire?
Please provide as much detail as possible.
How does the event attract outside visitors (intrastate/interstate), encourage overnight stays within Indigo Shire, maximise visitor yield and promote repeat visitation?
Please provide as much detail as possible.
If a recurring event, what potential does the event have to become financially self-sustainable and what plan is in place to achieve this?
Please provide as much detail as possible.
(Please note: Funding is assessed on an annual basis and successful funding this year does not guarantee funding in future years).
Does the event have the support of the relevant local tourism association?
Please detail level of support.
Please detail any other sponsorship, grant funding, or community partnerships which are potentially available to your event. Or that you have been successful in obtaining?
You must attach to this application / q  A detailed event budget showing income, expenditure and anticipated profit/loss
q  An event management plan marketing plan that identifies a defined target market/audience and marketing and promotional strategies that will generate positive media coverage of the event, town and Indigo Shire as a tourist destination. Template can be provided on request.
q  An action list with dates of the proposed activities in the lead up to the event
q  Any relevant letters of support
q  A copy of your public liability insurance certificate of currency
q  A risk assessment for the festival or event. Template can be provided on request.
q  Statistics/reports from previous years (if the event has been held before)
q  Last year’s post evaluation form (if the event received Indigo Shire Festivals & Events funding previously)

Grants Program 2016/2017