Course Syllabus

ECE 623 – Diagnosis and Reliable Design of Digital Systems

Department:Electrical and Computer Engineering

Course Number:ECE 623

Course Title:Diagnosis and Reliable Design of Digital Systems

Credit Units:3

Course Description

Basic theory, techniques for testing digital circuits and systems. Design techniques for fault tolerant and early diagnosable systems. Test generation for combinational and sequential logic circuits, checking experiments. Gate level fault simulation, and its application to diagnosis. Design techniques using static and dynamic redundancy for reliable systems. Design for testability (DFT) including full and partial internal scan and boundary Scan. Memory test, delay test and at speed testing. Built In Self Test (LBIST, MBIST). Reliability basics its relation toaccelerated testing.


Students taking this course should understand the material in ECE 620 or consent of the instructor.

Texts and References

Required Text:Lecture Notes, Journal Papers

Ref Text:M.A.Breuer, A.D.Friedman and M.Abramovic



A list of references is also attached together with a list of journal papers on individual topics.


Course handouts and supplementary materials will be distributed in the classroom.

Term Project: a) Implementing D-algorithm, FAN or Podem algorithm

using a language of your choice.

b) Term paper ( for a list of topics consult the instructor).

Note:* Homework solutions will be handed out.

* Besides textbook and lecture notes, there will

be some papers available from different journals.

* Exams are closed book, notes, etc.

* Final exam is comprehensive.

* Grading is based on +/- system

Topics Covered/Course Outline

I.Introduction to testing

  1. Basic Concepts

 Diagnosis

 Reliability

 Fault Tolerance

  1. Fault Models

II.Combinational circuit test generation

  1. Truth Table Methods
  1. Algebraic Methods

 Boolean Difference

  1. Path Sensitization Methods (Algorithmic test procedures)

 D-algorithm

-FAN, PODEM Algorithm

 Critical path Test

III.Fault Collapsing

A. Fault Equivalence and Dominance

B. Multiple Faults

C. Special Circuits

IV.Test Generation for Sequential Circuits

V.Functional Testing of Sequential Circuits

  1. Checking Sequences and Machine Identification
  2. Path Sensitization Methods
  3. Asynchronous Circuits
  4. Delay Faults and Hazards

VI.PODEM Algorithm for Combinational Circuits Test

VII. Fault Simulation

  1. Fault Simulation for Combinational Circuits
  2. Fault Simulation for Sequential Circuits

VIII. Random Testing

  1. Comparison Testing
  2. Hybrid Testing

IX. Test Compaction

Transition Count Test

Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) Testing

X. Design For Testability(DFT)

Testable circuits

 Readily testable

 Self-checking

 Self – testing


-Partial Scan

-Full Scan

XI.Memory Testing


A.Test Pattern Generation For BIST

B.Generic Off-line BIST Architectures

C.Specific BIST Architectures



XIII.Fault Tolerant Digital Systems

  1. Measure of fault tolerance
  2. Reliability, MTBF, MTBR, MTTF
  3. Redundancy techniques (TMR)
  4. Fault tolerant systems

 Dual System

 Space borne computers

XIV. Accelerated Test

-Temperature Stress Test (Burn-In, Temperature Cycling).

-Voltage stress test.

-Electro Static Discharge (ESD) test.


Midterm examinations, homework assignments, term project and final exam.

Design projects are based on individual and/or teamwork depending on the scope of

the project selected and must be formally presented by the students in class.

Course Objectives

After completing this course the students should be able to:

  1. Understand advanced digital testing algorithms.
  1. Use the appropriate test algorithm methods for achieving digital certain fault coverage specifications in design.
  2. Understand design for testability (DFT) techniques as it applies to digital design. Become familiar with how to optimize a test plan based on a given reliability (fault coverage.
  3. Use the fault tolerant methods to increase the reliability (fault tolerance) for system design.
  4. Understand the fundamentals of reliability concepts, accelerated tests such as burn-in, temp cycling and HAST.
  5. Understand different techniques in Built In Self Test (BIST) such as MBIST and LBIST.
  6. Understand and apply test techniques such as Iddq test, at speed test and delay tests.

Relationships to Program Outcomes

This course supports the achievement of the following outcomes:

a)Ability to apply knowledge of advanced principles to the analysis of electrical and computer engineering problems.

b)Ability to apply knowledge of advanced techniques to testing of design systems.

c) Ability to apply the appropriate design practices, emerging technologies, state-of-the-art design techniques, software tools, and research methods for design and design for testability of digital systems.

d) Ability to use the appropriate state-of-the-art engineering references and resources, including IEEE test journals and industry publications, needed to find the best solutions to system design.

e)Ability to communicate clearly and use the appropriate medium, including written, oral, and electronic methods.

f)Ability to maintain life-long learning and continue to be motivated to learn new subjects.

g)Ability to learn new subjects that are required to solve problems in industry without being dependent on a classroom environment.

h)Ability to be competitive in the engineering job market or be admitted to an excellent Ph.D. program.


  • Agrawal, V.D. and Seth, S.C., Test generation for VLSI chips, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1988.
  • Butler, Kenneth M., Assessing Fault Model and Test Quality, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992
  • Cheng, K.T. and Agrawal, V.D., Unified Methods for VLSI Simulation and Test Generation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989.
  • Eichelberger, Edward B., ed., Structured Logic Testing, Prentice Hall, 1991
  • Fujiwara, Hideo, Logic Testing and Design for Testability, MIT Press, 1985
  • Hnatek, Eugene R., Digital Integrated Circuit Testing from a Quality Perpective (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993)
  • Miczo, Alexander, Digital Logic Testing and Simulation, Harper & Row, 1986
  • Rajsuman, Rochit, Digital Hardware Testing (Boston: Artech House, 1992)
  • Tsui, Frank, LSI/VLSI Testability Design, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1987
  • Wang, Francis, Digital Circuit Testing (San Diego: Academic Press, 1991)
Boundary Scan Testing
  • Bleeker, Harry, van den Eijden, Peter, de Jong, Frans, Boundary Scan Test. A Practical Approach, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993, ISBN 0-7623-9296-5
  • Maunder, Colin, The Board Designer’s Guide to Testable Logic Circuits, Addison-Wesley, 1991, ISBN 0-201-56513-7

Built-In Self Test (BIST)

  • Bardell, P.H., McAnney, W.H., Savir, J., Built-In Test for VLSI: Pseudorandom Techniques, Wiley Interscience, 1987
  • Goessel, M., Graf, S., Error Detection Circuits, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-707438-6
IDDQ Testing
  • The Journal of Electronic Testing (JETTA), Vol.3, No.4, Dec. 1992 (Special Issue devoted to IDDQ testing with good tutorial material and the most recent papers.)
  • Gulati, Ravi,, IDDQ Testing of VLSI Circuits, hardcover version of the JETTA issue, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Maliya, Y. and Rajsuman, R., Bridging Faults and IDDQ Testing, IEEE Computer Society Press Technology Series (Order number 3215-05), Library of Congress Number 92-30950, IEEE Catalog number EH0357-4, ISBN 0-8186-3215-1
Memory Testing
  • Van de Goor, A., Testing Semiconductor Memories, Willey, ISBN 0-471-92586-1
System Testing
  • Simpson, William R., and Sheppard, W., System Test and Diagnosis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994, ISBN 0-7923-9475-5
Test Integration
  • Parker, Kenneth, Integrating Design and Test: Using CAE tools for ATE Programming, IEEE order number EH0261-8, IEEEServiceCenter
Transistor Level Modeling
  • Rajsuman, R., Digital Hardware Testing, Transistor-Level Fault Modeling and Testing, Artech House, ISBN 0-89006-580-2

Magazine: IEEE Design and Test, IEEE Computer Society

Industry-oriented periodical: Test & Measurement World

Conference Proceedings

  • International Test Conference (ITC) , IEEE.
  • International Conference on CAD (IEEE/ACM)
  • Design Automation Conference (ACM/IEEE)

Prepared by:

Prof. Ramin Roosta