Student Senate Minutes
Monday, August 25, 2014
- Call to Order at 7:34
- Beginning Roll Call
- Invocation
a)Brett Walton
- hot water story
- Open Floor
- Acceptance of Minutes
- SGA Executive Announcements
a)Logan Powell—President
- Board meeting September 5th
Haley Center improvements
- Student Committee on Athletics
b)Richmond Gunter—Treasurer
- Treat Reserve Fund Requests very seriously
- Student Center Wi-Fi bill
Olabode’s platform
Student Center is one of the biggest problem areas for Wi-Fi
Current Wi-Fi infrastructure was put in when Student Center was originally built and was intended for one device per student-thus making it outdated
OIT hopes to create 93 access points (triple the current number). The increased number of access points will:
- Improve reliability
- Improve speed of Wi-Fi
Improving the Wi-Fi will increase trust of students in SGA (especially in the way of feedback)
The money to support the increase in Wi-Fi will not come from student activity fees. It has been created through revenue
c)Colson Smith—E.V. P., Programs
d)Jackson Pruett—E.V. P., Initiatives
- Tiger Ten video
- GPS will track the two additional lines just like all other Tiger Transit vehicles
e)Taylor Akers—Chief of Staff
- Executive Committee Reports:
a)John LeMaster–Executive Committee
- Motion to bring PSSB 14-0825-01 to New Business
- Motion carries
- Motion to bring PSSB 14-0825-02 to New Business
- Motion carries
- Motion to bring PSSB 14-0825-03 to New Business
- Motion carries
- Wiley: Motion to consider each bill separately
- Motion carries
b)Natalie Thomley– Academic Affairs
- Meetings Wednesdays at 3
c) Patrick Michael – Budget and Finance
- Meetings Mondays at 5 (Conference room B)
- Motion to amend 14-0825-01 to include shipping charges thus changing the amount to $2,257.10
- Motion carries
- Budget and Finance committee meetings will begin two weeks from now
d) Abby Lemons – Code of Laws
- Meetings Mondays at 4
- Resolutions must come through Code of Laws before they can go to Exec
e)Jeremy Wiley – Diversity And Multicultural Affairs
- Meetings Thursdays at 11 (tentative)
f) Joe Cotton – Student Affairs
- Meetings Thursdays at 3:30
g) Anna Jane Taylor – Sustainability and Environmental Affairs
- Meetings Tuesdays at 2:15
- Working on resolutions coming through soon
- Encourages students to recycle on game days
- Old Business
- New Business
a)PSSB 14-0825-01 Auburn Answers Reserve Fund Request
- Way
- iPads will show students that SGA actively listens to and appreciates their feedback
- Auburn Answers Week September 8-12
- iPads will be locked so that it will always stay on Auburn Answers page
- Stand will serve as good advertisement for SGA programs and initiatives (replaceable banners)
- Napier: Are the iPads the cheapest type of tablet to get?
Trey Fields: iPads were first option and are currently on sale at Wal-Mart
- LeMaster: Are these iPads and stands going to be used other than Auburn Answers week?
Fields: The iPads and stands will stay permanently around campus unless otherwise decided
- LeMaster: Will this go into the SAP technology bank or will it be through SGA?
Fields: SGA
- Burel: How permanent are they? Are they fixed to the ground?
Fields: Still working on specific locations. Capable of being moved if one location would be better
- Motion to pass bill as written
Motion carries
b)PSSB 14-0825-02 Student Government Association Reserve Fund Request for Tiger Ten
- Walton
- Silver: Does the GPS help students decide whether to ride the bus (if it isn’t far away) rather than ride with a friend, and thus make a safer decision?
Walton: The numbers show that more people are riding the bus and thus less people are riding with unsafe drivers
- Burel: Who owns the vans?
Byrd: The dark blue vans are owned by the Department of Safety
- Tribble: If the system changes, would we be able to repossess the GPS system?
Pruett: The system is designed to serve students long-term
- Motion to pass bill as written
Motion carries
c)PSSB 14-0825-03Reserve Fund Request regarding Student Center AU Wi-Fi Improvements
- Beauchaine, Hightower, Walton
- Motion to pass bill as written
Motion carries
- Future Orders of Business
10.Vice President Announcements
a) Olabode Anise
- Weir - brief summary of the retreat
Are we representing ALL Auburn students?
Have we been researching bills effectively before coming to Senate?
Main goal: Continue to prioritize raising awareness to students as to what Senate is working on for them
- Jackson: senate dinner at Jim n’ Nicks. Time will be decided through an upcoming doodle poll
- Jones: refresher on Parliamentary procedure
- Sign up for one on one with Olabode
- Thank Jonathan Hart and his team for the fantastic Senate website
- Thanks to everyone who signed up for Ask Me
- Come to one senate exec per semester and make sure to log attendance with Kaitlin before leaving
11. Advisor Announcements
a) Brad Smith
- Always copy advisors on emails
- Research bills thoroughly
12. Ending Roll Call
13. Adjournment at 8:26
- Michael: motion to adjourn
- Motion carries