- To promote and uphold school spirit through support of sports, clubs, events, etc.
- To encourage good sportsmanship among students and to promote positive relationships between schools during all athletic events.
- To establish team unity and the ability to work with and lead others through planning, organizing, and serving. Working relationships should be established with the community, faculty, student body, and others.
- To acquire, maintain, and improve physical abilities and well-being while developing communication skills, proper techniques, and assuming competent performance skills.
(a)Students entering the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades must have passed during the last two semesters in attendance and summer school, if applicable, at least six new Carnegie units with a minimum composite numerical average of 70 in those six units.
(1)Four core curriculum courses must be included in those units passed and averaged. (English, mathematics, science and social studies are core curriculum courses.)
(2)Any student that accumulates more than four units of core courses per year may earn less than the required four core courses during the next school year and be eligible as long as the student remains on track for graduation with his/her class.
(b)Eligibility will be determined before the start of each year. A student that is academically eligible at the beginning of the school year remains eligible for the remainder of that school year.
(a)A candidate must meet the above A or B grade average or meet the A or B average requirement before school starts for the next year. If needed, a student may earn credits in summer school if cheerleader schedule allows.
(b)Candidates for cheerleader will be required to submit an Application/Permission form signed by a parent or legal guardian. Also, a current Physical Evaluation form must be provided before candidates can attend tryout clinics.
(c)Each candidate and a parent or adult proxy is required to attend the designated parent meeting before the clinic to discuss the tryout procedure, rules, and regulations about cheerleading clinic and tryout dates.If a candidate does not attend this meeting with a parent or proxy, he/she will not be allowed to participate in tryouts. No parent or adult proxy can represent more than one candidate unless candidates are siblings.
(d)Each candidate must appear before a panel of judges.
(e)Out of district students must have attended Oneonta City School at least one semester before being allowed to try out for cheerleader.
Oneonta will have one division of cheerleaders:
VarsityGrades 8-11 at tryouts
Varsitywill consist of all candidates which meet an 80% mastery level (total score)at the time of tryouts.
Varsity candidates for head/co-head must have had one year of cheerleader experience in the appropriate division to be eligible. Voting will be done for head cheerleader first and then co-head. The position of head/co-head will be chosen by an accumulation of the following:
A. Squad Vote
B. Sponsor Vote
- Cheerleading is an important part of the school’s athletic program. It should be taken very seriously, and each member of the squad must be willing to give his/her best. Cheerleading takes many hours of practice and hard work. Our season runs most of the school year. Cheerleaders must be willing to discipline themselves to study hard and dedicate themselves to a full yearof cheerleading. It is essential that each participant understand that being a cheerleader allows little time for other activities. It is your child’s responsibility to insure that cheerleading receives an equal amount of his/her time. It is your child’s responsibility to make arrangements with other coaches or directors to allow for this equal division of time. You should not assume that cheerleading comes second. We as coaches try to be reasonable, but you must realize it is your child’s decision to take on other activities and excessive absences from cheerleading responsibilities will result in dismissal from the squad.
- If other commitments result in cheerleaders failing to perform their duties or completing deadlines for responsibilities, appropriate demerits will be given.
- Outside commitments should notconflict with any student’s cheerleading duties. Please consider this carefully when making a final commitment to the squad. Cheerleaders should always consult the practice calendars or game schedules BEFOREmaking personal appointments.
- Potential Cheer Interruptions: family vacations, jobs, weddings, ACT classes, outside gymnastics, driving lessons, etc. (These interruptions may not be considered “Excused Absences.” These are not all possible interruptions, but just a list to be used as references.) Students should plan according to advised times and let the Advisor/Coach know of any conflicts in advance through parent notes or email. Excused absences will follow Constitution guidelines. Unexcused outside commitments that conflict with any student’s cheerleading duties may result in disciplinary actions as stated in the Constitution.
Financial Concerns
Cheerleading involves a huge financial commitment on the part of the parents. All applicants for tryouts will be made aware of the financial obligations involved with being a cheerleader. By signing the Application/Permission form to tryout and the Notification of Receipt, parents are accepting financial responsibility for all expenses incurred for camp or uniforms.
- Financial dues may vary depending on final decisions for camp attendance and uniform purchases.
- A previous cheerleader is REQUIREDto pay any outstanding account balances in order to be cleared for tryouts. If balances have not been paid, he/she will not be allowed to participate in tryouts for the new season.
- Payment deadlines must be paid by the posted dates. Failure to meet expected deadlines could result in the cheerleader being removed from squad activities until payments have been made. If at anytime you encounter some financial hardships, it is imperative that you contact the sponsor/coach. We understand fully that unforeseen circumstances can occur where financial obligations are concerned, but when parents/cheerleaders are not responsible for paying accounts, it hurts everyone involved.
- If at any time the cheerleader is removed for disciplinary reasons or if the cheerleader quits the squad, all account balances are required to be paid in full (regardless of other deadlines).
Payment Schedule/Deadlines
1st-$35tryout fee (non-refundable) - due the afternoon of the parent meeting (2/8/2015)
2nd–Uniform/camp wear Deposit – no later thanMarch 10, 2015 -*required deposit of $150 due at theMandatory Uniform/Camp Wear Fitting – Tuesday, March 10, 2015@ 3 P.M.**No uniforms/camp wear will be ordered without deposit. The balance of uniform/camp wear must be paid upon delivery. Cheerleaders will not receive their uniform/camp wear until the balance it paid.
3rd-Camp Deposit$200- Due no later than Friday, May 22, 2015.
4th – Camp Balance –Due no later than Friday, June 5, 2015.
Initial fees mostly apply tocamp,uniform orders, and camp wear. Additionalitems make up the remaining balance of a cheerleader’s account. The overall financial obligations can range from $750 - $2,000 (or more).
- Although fundraisers may be scheduled to help cheerleaders with expenses, there is no guarantee that these fundraisers will occur prior to payment deadlines. If the circumstance arises, sponsors/advisors are more than willing to give refunds for overpayment of accounts.
- Once uniforms are purchased and/or camp payments made, each cheerleader is solely responsible for all funds that are due. Payments for camp and uniforms are non-refundable purchases. All uniforms are the property of OneontaHigh School and must be returned at the end of the season or upon termination from the squad. Other cheer accessories are considered personal items. Each cheerleader is responsible for all payments relating to Varsity Spirit Fashions and camp.
- Uniforms and supplies are usually ordered through Varsity Spirit Fashions. Our representative schedules fitting dates according to her schedule and many months in advance. This fitting requires that the cheerleader make purchase decisions based on current squad uniforms and sizes. Any new purchases will be voted on by secret ballot and will be decided by majority vote.A parent and the cheerleader will be required to attend this fitting. Uniforms cannot be ordered for those who are not in attendance on the fitting date. OHS and its sponsors will not accept responsibility for uniforms that are ordered incorrectly by a parent/cheerleader. Replacement fees and shipping fees for incorrect orders on the part of the parent/cheerleader will be the full responsibility of the parent. Our sales representative provides suggestions and opportunities for the cheerleader to try various sized items. The decision on uniform sizes is ultimately that of the parent.
- When purchasing uniforms for new squad members, it is standard procedure to disperse the cost of ordering items that match “old” uniforms among new squad members only. The cost of any “new” uniform is applied to each individual cheer account.
- At the end of each cheerleading season, uniforms that will be used by the next squad must be returned to the sponsor. If a cheerleader does not return his/her uniforms, he/she will not be allowed to participate in tryouts.
- Cheerleaders will be expected to participate in gymnastics on Wednesdays as a squad. The cost is usually $40 per month. If you do not have your money paid to the sponsor the first class of the month, you will not be able to participate until you have paid. Our gymnastics time has been set for cheerleaders to build tumbling/stunting skills as a squad. When one member is not present, it affects the entire group. A cheerleader is not exempt from attending gymnastics due to other sports, jobs, activities, etc. Gymnastics follows all Cheerleader Constitution guidelines!During this time squads learn proper techniques for safety, stunting, and tumbling.
Cheerleader Duties and Responsibilities: Failure to meet any of the duties and responsibilities listed below will result in demerits and/or dismissal from the squad.
- Cheerleaders must be covered by school or individual insurance and present a copy of the birth certificate to be kept in the school office.
- Cheerleaders are expected to work as a team and to support the athletic programs. They should demonstrate spirit, pride, enthusiasm, and good sportsmanship during all games.
- The performance, appearance, and attitude of the cheerleading squad are a direct reflection on both the school and the individual members of the squad. Cheerleaders should maintain a high standard of conduct at all games and in public. Each member should stay in top physical condition.
- Uniforms and shoes must be clean. Hair must be clean, out of eyes, and worn up with the correct bow. Cheerleaders will not be allowed to wear jewelry or fingernail polish or chew gum at games or practice.At no time will bra straps be allowed to show in uniform.(see demerits-National Federation of State High School Associations)
- Uniformity is crucial to presenting ourselves as a “cheerleader squad.” It is each cheerleader’s responsibility to be prepared with ALL necessary items to dress with the team (i.e. uniforms, ribbon, socks, jacket, pants, rain gear, gloves, hats, etc.) If a cheerleader forgets the appropriate items and his/her actions affect the uniformity of the group, the cheerleader will be required to sit with the sponsor. It is unfair to expect an entire squad to be penalized for the actions of one. (see demerits list) Decisions for warm-up pants, skirts, jackets, etc. will be made prior to the start of a game. Warm-up pants will not be put on or removed on the field or in the stands.
- Cheerleaders should make sure all materials for signs, ballgames, pep rallies, practice, etc. are ready before 7:30 a.m. the day they are due. Responsibilities for pep rallies will be assigned by the sponsor and/or head/co-head cheerleader. All forms of responsibility for pep rallies, practices, games, etc. will result in demerits if they are not completed. In working together as a team, each person must be willing to do his/her part.
- Cheerleaders are required to attend summer camp when and where the sponsor chooses. Cheerleaders will raise money for expenses whenever necessary.Participation in fundraiser events is considered mandatory. Fundraisers are used to help cheerleaders pay off their personal accounts and pay for other expenses such as transportation, yearbook fees, and printing supplies. If a cheerleader does not participate in fundraisers, no deductions will made to personal funds that are owed.
- If fundraising is necessary for the squad, all cheerleaders will be required to participate. All fundraisers do not automatically result in deductions from personal accounts. At times, fundraising is necessary for squad finances as well. Help with this type of fundraising is also considered mandatory for the benefit of the squad as a whole.
- A cheerleader is expected to attend all summer practice sessions and/or activities (including gymnastics). This includes dates set up to prepare for upcoming seasons and sign-painting. In the case that a cheerleader will be absent or late to summer practices, he/she must contact the sponsor in advance. Practice times will be set by the sponsor. No vacations are allowed two weeks before cheerleader camp or two weeks prior to school opening.NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE FOR THESE DATES!
Summer practices, including gymnastics, are often the only times we meet to communicate information and organize plans for the beginning of school. If cheerleaders miss these practice times, they are holding back the progress of the entire group.
- Cheerleaders are not excused from practices, activities, or games unless the absence is cleared in advance or unless a doctor’s excuse is received within 3 days of missing an activity, game, or practice. Acceptable reasons for absences are outlined in the school handbook. Although, information is usually turned in to the high school office, sponsors do not have access to this information. It is the cheerleader’s responsibility to provide doctor’s notes or excuses directly to the sponsor!A student is not allowed to participate in after school activities and/or games unless they have been in attendance at least ½ day. It is the cheerleader’s responsibility to notify the sponsor in event that this occurs.
- Practices during the school year will mostly occur after school as determined by the sponsor. Cheerleaders should arrive to practice on time and dressed in the appropriate spirit wear. If stunting and/or other physical activities are to take place, stretching should be done immediately. Failure to arrive promptly will result in use of demerits.
- Cheerleaders must follow school rules and policies. Failure to do so will result in demerits and/or dismissal from the squad.
- Cheerleaders will ride to and from away games with the sponsor. Cheerleaders will NOTbe allowed to drive personal vehicles to or from away games. When allowed, a parent must sign his or her child out at the game. If a parent does not sign his/her child out with the sponsor, he/she must return with the bus and/or sponsor. In order to ride home with anyone other than the sponsor or a parent, written permission must be received by the sponsor or principal the day before the event. Permission will NOTbe granted by telephone or by a note unless approved through the principal or sponsor by the appropriate deadlines.
- Cheerleaders who miss the bus must ride to the game with a parent. The parent and the cheerleader must sign in with the sponsor.
- Cheerleaders should be on the field 45 minutes before football games and be at the gym 30 minutes before basketball games. They should not leave the game to go home unless all post-game responsibilities have been completed and they have the sponsor’s permission.
- If a cheerleader quits or is dismissed from the squad for disciplinary reasons at any time during the year, he/she will not be allowed to go out for cheerleader the following year.If a cheerleader is dismissed from the squad due to disciplinary measures or if a cheerleader quits the squad, all remaining balances must be paid immediately!
17. Cheerleading is a rigorous activity, which requires its participants to be in top physical and mental shape.
It is a performance-oriented activity where full participation is expected. If health issues which limit full participation occur, a cheerleader will not return to cheerleader duties without official notification of injury and clearance to participate from a doctor.
It is the cheerleader’s responsibility to turn the notification in to the sponsor/advisor. The cheerleader is still required to dress out and to be present at all practices, games, or other required events, unless hospitalization or other issues are involved. Ongoing injuries which limit participation will be assessed on an as-needed basis. Removal from the squad may be a possibility depending on the severity and limitations of the injury. Overall considerations must be made to the safety to the squad when members are unable to perform their duties.