St Jacob’s United Church of Christ, Blue Creek, 8 am
Adult Sunday School at St. John’s 9:30am
Next Bible Heroes FUNday Sunday Oct 22, 9:15am
St John’s United Church of Christ, Penntown, 10:30 am
October 8, 2017
We extend a warm welcome to each of you!
Pastor Lynne: (812) 623-0354 or
(319) 830-4048 or
Office: (812) 623-3410 or
Welcome / Announcements * (Those who are able, please stand)
*Call to Worship
The heavens are telling the glory of God
May our worship reflect God’s glory.
The firmament proclaims God’s handiwork.
May we see each other as the handiwork of God.
Let our prayer and praise, our singing and proclamation
project the love of God.
We commune with Christians around the world,
with Christians throughout time.
With Christians across geography and across time,
Let us worship!
*Opening Hymn “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” #72
Holy and gracious God,
let us be open to your presence among your people,
those gathered for worship, and all of your people,
throughout your creation. May we receive you fully and respond to you wholeheartedly. Amen.
*Passing of Peace
*Response “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” #472
Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face;
And the things of the earth will grow strangely dim
in the light of His glory and grace.
Scripture Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20
Meditation Pastor Lynne
Morning Prayer/Lord’s Prayer (sins/sin)
Call for the Offering
In thanksgiving for God’s blessings to us,
let us give of our treasure as an offering to God
through the ministry of this church.
Offertory Response Doxology #44
Prayer of Dedication
Loving God, as Jesus made a few loaves and fish
into a meal for thousands, multiply our offerings.
Take these gifts we bring you as a token of our desire
for oneness with creation and justice for all your people.
*Closing Hymn “Sing to the Lord of Harvest” #724 vs 1
May the blessings of God, the Creator, the Christ,
and the Holy Spirit go with you. Amen.
*Choral Response “Sing to the Lord of Harvest” #724 vss 2-3
Written by the Rev. Ruth Garwood, certified leader of InterPlay, a system of forms in movement, story-telling and vocalizing that brings body and soul together, and brings communities together. She teaches suicide first aid via Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training. Used with permission. CCLI# 3100743.
Organist: Shirley Huber
Upcoming Scripture: Ex 32:1-14 Phil 4:1-9 Matt 22:1-14
Please lift in Prayer: Alvin & Anna Mae Werner (Rick’s parents); Louie Schwegman; Tom Hughes; Cliff Calhoun; Rosie Forthofer (Shele Wiedeman’s mom); Bo Calhoun (Cliff’s uncle); Gib Young (Jane W’s brother-in-law); Amy Murray; Ron Meyer (Justin’s grandpa); Jill Wolf; Betty Meyers (Diana R’s mom) and her caregivers; James Robertson (at Mercy West Hospital); Lynsey Gesell; Shirley Huneke; Charles Hadden; Jan Cowan and Gregg Leppert (friends of Kim G); and Marcia Agbor (childhood friend of Diana R).
Hurricane Response
In the face of natural disasters, violence, or grinding poverty, hygiene kits can mean the difference between sickness and health for struggling families.
We are collecting Hygiene Kits with New Horizons until October 22nd. Church World Service will be sending these to hurricane victims. Please be generous!
Today, October 8 – St. Mary’s of the Rock
Annual Turkey Dinner, 11am-4pm
Today, October 8 – Organ Recital at 4 pm
St. John’s UCC Huntersville, Batesville
David W. Hanson, organist
Free-will offering for St John’s music fund.
October 10 – Solitude in a Chaotic World
... The load on our hearts and minds can become rather heavy, considering that many of us may feel a bit frayed lately, whether on a personal level or with the additional grief of recent national and world events.
The doors of St. John’s United Church of Christ at Penntown will be open from 6-8 p.m. on Tuesday, October 10 to all in the community who may wish to come and sit in the quiet of the church sanctuary to pray, reflect or meditate.
Please come and go as fits your needs.
October 11th – Wednesday mornings at 9am, Pastor Lynne
invites you to attend a prayer group. We’ll have a short devotion, reflection and a time to pray.
October 15 – St. Jacob’s Turkey Dinner, 10:30am–1:30pm,
Carry-outs available.
Monday, October 16, 11 am – 5 pm
Sunman American Legion Post 337
Schedule at or call Roger Lang at 812-623-3685
October 22 – Consecration Sunday
Please check your email for more information!
Wednesday, October 25th, 6:30 – 8 pm,
St. John’s Parish Hall
Ladies of St. John's and St. Jacob's:
You are invited to Bingo Night hosted by the Women's Circle. Come for an evening of Fun, Food and Prizes!