Notes for discussion on formalising the
Disability Hub Committee

The Disability Hub needs to agree its Committee’s structure and roles ahead of electing its Committee Members at the November Disability Hub meeting.

Proposed structure of Disability Hub Committee

Below is the proposed structure of the Committee of the Disability Hub to enable the Hub to function effectively. The role of the Committee is to drive the Hub, by setting meeting agendas and developing an action plan for the Hub.

·  Chair – chairs Disability Hub meetings

·  Vice Chair – chairs Disability Hub meetings when the Chair is not available

·  Secretary – takes notes for Disability Hub meetings

·  2 x Hub Representatives – provide 2 way communication between the Disability Hub and the Equality Hub Network Board

·  Other Committee Members

This is just a suggested structure – it’s up to the Disability Hub to decide what will work best for it.

As set out in the Equality Hub Network Terms of Reference, the 2 Hub Representatives who will represent the Disability Hub on the Equality Hub Network Board must self identify as disabled.

Electing the Committee

After the structure of the Committee is agreed, the Disability Hub can elect its Committee.

Disability Hub Members will vote by secret ballot at the next meeting of the Disability Hub on Thursday 26 November 2015.

Anyone wishing to stand as a Committee Member will need to register their interest and submit a short statement (up to 200 words) saying why they believe they are suitable for the position and why people should vote for them. If you need support in putting together a statement, please contact the Elections, Equalities and Involvement Team – or 0114 273 5861.


At the Equality Hub Network launch event in June 2014 it was decided to form an Interim Equality Hub Network Board, with each Equality Hub represented by one delegate from groups we have been working with and one delegate elected at the September 2014 Network event. After a settling in period, each Hub will elect its Committee, including its Hub Representatives.

The role of the Committee is to drive the Hub, by setting meeting agendas and developing an action plan for the Hub. The Committee enables the Hub to function effectively.