Powell Center Working Group
2015 Information Technology Checklist
The Information Technology Checklist provides a menu of the IT resources available to Powell Center Working Groups. The Information Technology Quick Referencelists the IT resources available. Items that Working Groups need to requestprior to meeting are listed below. To ensure your IT requests are met, submit your requests as soon as possible, or at minimum, four weeks before your scheduled meeting. If the Working Group’s needs change after the submission of the form, please notify the contact listed below.
Please check the boxes next to requested items and provide additional information as requested. Return the Checklist to Leah Colasuonno—MeetingLogistics Assistant: x103/970-‐226-‐9103or
ITLiaison/Data Manager Contact Information:
- Your Name:Click here to enter text.
- Phone Number: Click here to enter text.
- Email Address: Click here to enter text.
- Working Group Name: Click here to enter text.
- Meeting Date(s): DD/MM/YYYY through DD/MM/YYYY
*Please only provide meeting dates that will require the IT needs requested below.
If different meetings require different IT assistance, please fill out an additional form.
☐Plotter:a40x52 inch capableplotter is available to WorkingGroups. Files must be submitted ahead of time so that they can be prepared prior to the meeting. The Powell Meeting Logistics Assistant from FORT will contact you about transferring the files.
☐WebEx: WebEx conferencing services include one dedicated teleconference phone number and the ability to share your desktop. At this time video conferencing is not available. Please visit the USGS Webex Enterprise site to setup:
☐Application Support -myUSGS: myUSGS is a suite of content management and collaboration tools for USGS science teams including their external partners. myUSGS is a component of what has been termed an "Integrated Information Environment" in the USGS.
In order to set this space up for your group, we will need some information:
1) A list of all your participants (Name - First, Last, and E-mail address) Click here to enter text.
2) Space name – (generally the proposed title of the working group):Click here to enter text.
3) Space key - This is a lowercase name with no special characters or spaces. Example: Community for Data Integration uses "cdi". You will not be able to change this name after the community/space is created. Click here to enter text.
Would you like information onuser training for myUSGS? Yes: ☐ No: ☐
☐ Application Support -ScienceBase:The Powell Center provides access to and support for the ScienceBase Data Integration and Management Platform for long-term data storage.
ScienceBase website:
*If you have a USGS login and Active Directory password, you should be able to view public folders within ScienceBase.
Who will require initial access: Click here to enter text.
Available to the public? Yes: ☐ No: ☐
Would you like to setup a training for ScienceBase? Yes: ☐ No: ☐
☐OnsiteData Storage:The Powell Center provides up to7Tb of temporary data storage for Powell Center Working Groups on a local storage network.It is the working group’s responsibility to remove all relevant data at the conclusion of the meeting.
Approximate storage capacity needed: Click here to enter text.
☐High Performance Computing (HPC) Resources: The USGS Applied Research Computing (ARC) group provides Powell Center Working Groups with access to multiple types and levels of HPC resources. Current capabilities include:
1.) Distributed Memory Cluster - 700 cores and 2.5T of memory
2.) Shared Memory System - SGI UV2000 256 cores 4TB shared memory machine
Operation ofHPCResources is fairly advanced and direct access is limited to USGS personnel.HPCResources should be explored with the USGS ARC group after the Powell Center Working Group has developed a working prototype for computing or modeling their project data. The ARC groupmay be able tofacilitate modifications to parallelize the code for higher performance. If interested in a consultation, please contact Leah Colasuonno().
Should the project’s computational requirements exceed these capabilities, we can facilitate allocations on larger supercomputers through agreements with the NSF Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) and Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
☐RAM VisWall: A bank of 24 wall-mounted monitors that can be used for displaying large or numerous GIS datasets, photos, or other data products. The 6x4 monitor array can be flexibly configured to show a single map spread across all 24 monitors, 24 individual monitor outputs, or a combination of medium-sized outputs, such as six 2x2 monitor maps or three 2x4maps. The software used to run the displays, VisTrails and a VisWall package developed here at FORT, is relatively user friendly and easy to get started with. Powell Center working groups can utilize this resource for presentations, demonstrations, and data exploration. Note: Logical IT access to the VisWall is limited to USGS employees with Active Directory credentials.
Please specify if you think you will have modeling tasks that will need to be supported during the meeting:
Click here to enter text.
Note: If you have questions or uncertain about required services for your Working Group’s needs, please indicate that you need more assistance and specify as much as you can about your potential IT needs.
Updated: 6/17/151