Speaker Application for ICF Virginia Chapter
Thank you for your interest in presenting to the ICF Virginia Chapter. The ICF Virginia Chapter’s Mission is to be a dynamic ICF chapter known for promoting the coaching profession through increasing awareness, sharing knowledge and expertise, and empowering others to reach their full potential.
We are specifically interested in speakers who can address the ICF Core Competencies, personal development of coaches, business development, and any other skills or tools that are relevant to the coaching profession.
ICF Virginia Chapter Luncheon meetings take place the second Friday of each month from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Westwood Club, 6200 West Club Lane, Richmond, VA. ICF Virginia audience includes 25-30 experienced coaches and interested participants. As a speaker, you will have one-hour (12:00 – 1:00 pm) for your presentation.
Currently scheduled presenters and their topics are listed on the ICF Virginia website Calendar of Events page.
Speaker Application Process:
- Complete this Application
- Submit it to:
Marcelle Fowler
ICF Virginia Programs Co-Chair
- One of ICF Virginia’s Programs Co-Chairs, Gay-Lynn Carpenter or Marcelle Fowler, will contact you within 14 days of receipt.
- Applications will be reviewed as received.
- Not all Applications will be accepted.
Presenter’s Name (to be published):
(*Please send a jpeg picture to be included on the ICF Virginia website)
Title of Program:
Company Name:
Company Address:
Email Address:
Are you open to a webinar presentation? (Please highlight)
Is presenter a member of ICF?
If so, what credential statusas the presenter achieved (Please highlight)?
•Currently pursuing an ICF Credential
•Not currently pursuing an ICF Credential
Has the presenter spoken at other ICF chapters or conferences?
Please provide a brief description of the program (less than 500 words). This description will be included on our website and promotional materials.
Describe 3-5 learning objectives. At the end of your presentation, participants will be able to…
Please provide a brief bio to be included on the website and promotional materials (100 words or less).
Please highlight one or more core competencies and/or categories below that would be a designation of the program:
- ICF Core Competencies:
•Meeting Ethical Guidelines and Professional Standards
•Establishing the Coaching Agreement
•Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client
•Coaching Presence
•Active Listening
•Powerful Questioning
•Direct Communication
•Creating Awareness
•Designing Actions
•Planning and Goal Setting
•Managing Progress and Accountability
- Personal Development of the Coach
- Business Development and Marketing
- Other Skills and Tools directly applicable to coaching
*Please highlight the audio visual items needed for your presentation:
- LCD Projector/Screen
- Podium (placed in the front of the room)
- Flipchart
- Table for Promotional Material*
* Presenters may display and/or sell promotional materials at the end of the presentation. We ask that you do not directly sell or promote during the presentation.
Warm regards,
Marcelle Fowler
Program Committee Co-chair
ICF Virginia Chapter
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