Weekly Newsletter of the Christian Reformed Church of Perth Inc.

5 Colombo Street, Victoria Park

Worship service times: Sundays 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.


Phone: 9356 7490 Pastor: Geoff Van Schie

Mobile: 0450 926 707 6 Booth Street,

Email: rnoppers@big pond.com WONGAN HILLS 6603

Phone: 08 9671 13 49


Church Website:


8th March 2015 AD Worship Services In Perth

TODAY 9.30 a.m. Rev. Dan Kroon

Hebrews 12:4-11

Loving Discipline From A Loving God

5.30 p.m. Rev. John de Jongh

Ps 69.6-12

John 2.12-25

NEXT SUNDAY 9.30 a.m. Pastor Reinier Noppers

15th March 5.30 p.m. Pastor Reinier Noppers


A warm welcome to all who have come to the services today, and a special welcome to visitors.

May the Lord bless each of us as we worship together: that His Name may be glorified and

that we encouraged and strengthened in faith. A crèche is available at the back of the building for those who wish to use it for children aged 0-4 years of age. Join us for refreshments after the service.


“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me...”

These are beautiful, well known words, words of comfort and hope, words from which many people have drawn strength in times of sorrow. And now, as once again the shadow of death looms large, we draw our comfort from the certainty that even in death there is life in Jesus Christ.

How can we be sure? The simplest of gospel truths is that, as Jesus went through the valley of death: as He died on the cross, and even more, as He rose from the dead, all its sting and power is taken away, and through faith we are given life eternal. Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour makes death merely a shadow, and takes away its awful emptiness. This is the faith which Arnold declared the whole of his life, and also the faith which now sustains Hetty as well, and the same Good Shepherd we can all turn to with every burden and sorrow we carry.

As the psalm declares, Jesus is always with us: no matter how hard life becomes; and He is there to carry us through, to remind us that we never go through anything alone! He comforts us, gives true peace in our hearts to fill the empty place, and helps us to see beyond the hurt that we feel now to the healing that comes from God.

The life we live and the death we die only makes sense in the wider picture: a picture that includes Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord at the very centre!

That is why, even in the face of death, we go to the Shepherd who restores our soul, walks with us wherever we need to go, provides for our needs and finally, takes us home to be with Him.


It is with deep sadness that we acknowledge that the earthly life of Arnold Zoethout has ended, and God has called him home. We pray for Hetty, Jaqueline and Henk, Peter and Suzie, and the grandchildren, and also for Peter and Cecilia, Hesmarie and Alika, as they mourn his passing. And yet we also give thanks through our tears, knowing that Arnold is now in heaven with Jesus, that his suffering has ended. Funeral Details: a graveside service will be held at Fremantle cemetery, at 11:15 a.m. on Friday 13th March, followed by a service of thanksgiving at the Gosnells CRC, 55 Mills Road, Gosnells, at 1:30 p.m. As a church family we will be helping to provide afternoon tea after the service: if you are able to help please speak to Trudy.

John Kik had surgery on his shoulder this past week, and we pray that he may have a full and swift recovery. Arie VanderLinden continues to weaken, and we also commend him and Mary to the Lord in our daily prayers. Cecilia also continues to recover from her ligament surgery and we are thankful that all seems to be going well. Ken Loos seems to be feeling a bit better as well and we can again give thanks to God for His answer to prayers.

We hope the Cadets had a wonderful Camp last weekend, and that again it was a great time of fun activities and learning about our awesome God.

Classis meets this Saturday at the Gosnells Church to discuss Synod reports. While on the subject of Synod, please do take the time to fill out the forms and indicate where you are able to help.

For the interim, Trudy Noppers will be doing the Link, so please forward any items to Trudy on or phone them through on 9356 7490.

Catechism Classes : both classes are back on TOMORROW, Monday March 9th. Please phone if you can’t make it.

JPastor Reinier


Wilson Fellowship starts again, Lord willing Wednesday March 11th , 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at John van den Berg’s place. We will be studying the Gospel of John. Please read John 7:1-52. All welcome!! Speak to John for more details.

Financial Church Update

Weekly income required as per budget

$2 801.00

Income received to date: $86 554, 75

Budget shortfall as of today: $11 480.25


23rd March 2015 Opening Night 7pm
David Griffiths – Mayor of Gosnells
All most welcome!
24th – 28h March
9.30am – 4.30pm
Gosnells Christian Reformed Church
55 Mills Road (West)
Gosnells 6110
Christina Verbrugge
Fund Raising Event - Proceeds go to sponsor
Charles & Lynnette Kafa,
from Samasodu, Solomon Islands

FUND RAISING AUSTRALIA TRIP for Charles and Lynnette Kafa

The SWIM Solomon Islands mission trip to the village of Samasodu on Isabella Island last September was the highlight of 2014 for us. Even being home again there is not a day that goes by that our thoughts and prayers don’t go back to the time we spent there.

During our stay in the village, living and working alongside the local people, in their environment we came to realise just how blessed we are with all that we have and yet never satisfied; always wanting more. There in that beautiful tropical paradise, a place without electricity (no air-conditioning or refrigeration), no transport, no sewerage, no local supermarket – just the very basic living conditions. There is a very limited communication system other than Solar powered UHF radio and no phone range. Yet these islanders seem to be pretty content and happy with the very little they have and on our departure we were overwhelmed with the generous outpouring of gifts from those of the village who we got to know and love.

This set us to thinking as to what we could do to make a difference on a more permanent basis in regards to their education and spiritual growth. We had a few discussions with Charles and Lynnette Kafa who are both primary school teachers; Charles being the headmaster and Lynnette teaching pre-schoolers. Charles is also involved and highly regarded in church leadership and holds a preaching licence which he received just prior to us going there.

Church services are held twice every day; early morning and evening, very much along the lines of a prayer book with very little preaching/teaching as we know it in our churches. Charles was very inspired and encouraged when he heard the preaching of the Pastor Nobin Shunmagum who then spent some time teaching Charles so that he could then also bring the gospel message to his people.

We have made a commitment to Charles and Lynette to sponsor them to come to Australia, to spend some time here in the West, so they can visit our schools and churches, speak and learn from our pastors and teachers, to be encouraged and for personal development. From here they will go to Melbourne to attend the ITEC Christian School Conference in July (Belgrave Heights Christian School has kindly agreed to cover all expenses for Conference) and then travel to Wamberal CRC in NSW to meet the folk who have been a huge support to Samasodu over the years.

It is our prayer that Charles and Lynette return to Samasodu better equipped to teach the children of the village but also to be a stronger voice in the church community so that God’s Word be proclaimed and explained, challenging the people of Samasodu to live their lives to the glory of God.

Charles and Lynette hope to come in June until late July and this fits in perfectly with the Conference in Melbourne. At this point in time we are waiting for visas to be approved and then we can put the final dates together.

For all this to become a reality we need to raise funds to cover the travelling expenses.

Our first fund raising event will be an ‘Art Exhibition’ from the 23rd to the 27th March at the Gosnells CRC. Artist Christina Verbrugge will showcase 40 of her paintings in diverse mediums. Christina has kindly offered her paintings at a reduced price proceeds of which will go to this fundraiser. We ask that you promote this event to your family and friends and encourage you to partner with us in this event. More information will be provided in the weeks to come.

Should you wish to make a monetary donation to assist with the travel expenses, please contact: Jack or Alice van Bemmel

Phone: 9390 6819 Mobile: 0417 958 410


MONDAY 3:45 Catechism at Noppers’ home

7:30 Catechism at church

FRIDAY 7.00 p.m. Cadets @ Gosnells Church

7:30 p.m. Youth @ Gosnells Church


Sunday April 5th Shared Lunch @ church

Saturday April 18th Manoah Market Day

Second Offerings

TODAY Solomon Islands Work Group

March 15th Committee For Social Responsibility

March 22nd Target 21

March 29th Manoah House

Good Friday April 3rd

April 5th


Am / Pm. / SOUND
Am / Pm / Musician/s / VIDEO
Am Pm
TODAY / Yvonne & Willem / Evan / Johan & Luke / Rebecca / James
15th March / Jannet & Raymond / Johan & Isaak / Paul N. / Rachel / James
22nd March / Eril & Steve / Paul N. / Luke / Elsa / James
29th March / Bardi / Luke / Johan & Isaak / tba / James
Good Friday / Jill & Willem / Steve / Paul vdK / Elsa / James
5th April / Rob & Willem / Johan & Isaak / Paul vdK / Elsa & Rachel / James
8thMarch / Husselmaan & Knoetze
15th March / . Noppers and Everix
22nd March / Tay, P. & Y. van der Kooij & Jill
29th March / Ossevoort, A. & M. Slooter & Johan
Good Friday April / R & H van derKooij, Venter, Bill
3rd April / Morgan, Loos, Janny
8th March / Trudy & Eliza
15th March / Mieke & Vanessa
22nd March / Yvonne & Bethia
29th March / Mieke & Emma
Good Friday / Holidays
5th April / Holidays
Bold print denotes crèche Door Reception
8thMarch / Ilezebel, Bethia, Emma
15th March / Jacqueline, Luke, Klarinda
22nd March / Melody, Leon, Joshua
29th March / Rebecca de Haan, Eliza, Nelson
Good Friday / Volunteers required
5th April / Annette, Isaak, Bethia

Please arrange your own swaps if you are unable to do your duty.