11/17/2018, 6:53:14 AM
(Lesson Plans)
Semester 1, 2017-2018 school year
Daniel R. Barnes
Monday 8/21/2017: First Day of School / Solar Eclipse
Passing Period: schedules into basket
Circulate Flyers: n/a
HW: get book. Read/take notes 1.3
WUP: Why was it dangerous to look at the sun today, even though there was an eclipse?
Roll: weird today – put “E’s” for kids w/schedules who show up
Harrass lab docs: not yet
Deliver remaining mail: n/a
Stamp: nothing yet
Go over wup: UV rays!
General announcements:
Tuesday 8/22/2017: normal schedule
Passing Period: nada
Circulate Flyers: none
HW: If online book didn’t work last night, get a real book and do 1.3 reading notes.
This is your one day of due date extension on this.
Everyone: 1.3 sxn assmt – correct your own work!
[Explain how to get on homework feed AND how to use student vault]
WUP: What is one big difference between a hypothesis and a theory?
Harrass lab docs: not yet
Deliver remaining mail: n/a
Stamp: 1.3 notes
Go over wup:
General announcements:
What is chemistry good for?
1 year physical sci toward grad
1 year lab sci toward UC/CSU admissions
Scientific Method ppt
1 start bio slide
2 start beg of earth sci slide
3 start ½ chem slide
4 start ½ earth sci slide
5 start just the swbats
Wed 8/23/17:
Passing Period: nothing
Circulate Flyers: nothing
HW: none tonight
WUP: Compare and contrast theories and laws.
SPECIAL: Circulate the seating chart
Stamp: 1.3 sxn assmt (and 1.3 notes due to book woes)
Go over wup:
General announcements:
Books back on shelf before leaving (also chairs up p5)
We’ll be combining 1.3 with ch 2 as a unit. 1 packet, 1 test.
These seats will change, but put your name on this blank chart anyway
Recycling bin
Restroom passes (clipboard, wooden pass)
Lost & found: planner p1, rolled up cardstock
Scientific Method ppt
1 bio slide just started hypothesis
2 earth sci slide finshed problem slide
3 chem slide ½ creatine rat discussion (still need to say ONLY ONE manipulated variable, please
4 earth sci slide about to be tricked by checkerboard/cylinder shadow slide
5 just after the swbats ½ through problem
Thursday 8/24/2017:
Passing Period: nothing
Circulate Flyers: none
HW: 2.1 reading notes
WUP: Who would a farmer need to collaborate with in order to develop a more effective insecticide?
Stamp: 1.3 section assessment, grace repeat/extension
Go over wup:
General announcements:
[Yes, enviro sci does count as physical sci, so if chem too difficult, switch to enviro
BTW, it hasn’t gotten difficult in here yet. It gets MUCH worse.]
[You do NOT need an ID to get a textbook, so go to the media ctr/textbook window without fear]
Period 2 gets yellow online textbook handout
Scientific Method ppt
1 re-start hypothesis no control over eclipse
2 slide after problem slide no control over eclipse
3 finish creatine/rat discussion slide 31 (what/why)
4 need to be tricked by checkerboard/cylinder shadow slide tower card
5 re-start problem eclipse experiment worked! . . .
Friday 8/25/2017:
Passing Period: n/a
Circulate Flyers: n/a
HW: 2.1 section assessment
WUP: What kind of variable should an experiment have only one of? Why?
Stamp: 2.1 reading notes
Go over wup:
General announcements:
Books need to go on the shelves before you leave the room.
I will stamp late work only if you can show me proof of absence clearance
Some other letter than “A” in PowerSchool
Absence note or picture on your phone of absence note
You in group photo on location at field trip
Scientific Method ppt
1 no control over eclipse correlation is not causation (funny graph cut short by bell)
2 no control over eclipse correlation is not causation (funny graph cut short by bell)
3 slide 31 (what/why) hyp vs theory discr q#3
4 tower card almost started dygi
5 eclipse experiment worked! correlation is not causation
Monday 8/28/2017: COLLAB cafeteria & . . . SHORT PERIODS! . . . GAS LEAK NO per 4!
Passing Period: n/a
Circulate Flyers: LEAPS flyers, blood drive
HW: 2.2 notes, prpr
Practice problem answers are in back of book (everyone turn to page!)
WUP: What are the extensive and intensive properties of a 68 cm x 56 cm x 3 cm piece of white styrofoam
that has a mass of 173 grams?
Stamp: 2.1 section assessment
Go over wup:
General announcements:
“I don’t have one made, but I could, possibly, toss a scientific method quiz at you at any moment.”
that the last day to submit course request forms to Ms Gordon is Tuesday 8/29/17.
I have no control over HVAC
Per 1 only: LEAPS pride week slide
States of Matter Discriminator ws & ppt
1 just showed title page. Grrr.
2 copied SWBAT
3 up to condensation on phase change flowchart
4 [canceled due to campus-wide evacuation due to gas leak]
5about to do condensation on flow chart(?partway through ws TODAY?!)
Tuesday 8/29/2017:
Passing Period: n/a
Circulate Flyers:
HW: 2.2 reading notes, practice problems
Explain self-check using back of book!
WUP: What should happen when you put gasoline and water in the same bottle and shake it?
Stamp: 2.1 section assessment #’s 1-8 (per 4 only), 2.2 notes (all other periods)
Go over wup:
General announcements:
Today is your last day to submit a schedule change request form!
States of matter ppt (pass out worksheet at appropriate point)
1 title page finished yellow/blue/green balls page (worksheet not yet started)
2 SWBAT already done done w/yellow/blue/green dot page
3 retrace changes in flowchart finished dygi q’s & went into ws a bit
4 start good progress into yellow/blue/green dots slide
5 ? ws # 13
Wednesday 8/30/2017:
Passing Period: seating chart changes, period 4!
Circulate Flyers: SRLA
HW: 2.2 sxn assmt
WUP: How does a filter separate components of a mixture? How does distillation do it?
Stamp: 2.2 notes, 2.2 pr pr #’s 9 & 10
Go over wup:
General announcements:
Tell me one big difference between this flask of blue liquid, flask of water, & this bottle of gasoline & water
(homo versus hetero versus pure substance)
States of Matter Discriminator ppt & ws
1 start w/DYGI q#1 q#6
2 start w/DYGI q#1 ws#2
3 ws#5 ½ ws # 29 (nitrogen)
4 restart yellow/blue/green dots ws # ½ 4
5 ws#14 ws #35 ½
Thursday 8/31/2017:
Passing Period: check humans in seats vs names on seating chart
Circulate Flyers: none
HW: 2.3 notes, prpr
WUP: What phase changes take place in a distillation apparatus?
Stamp: 2.2 section assessment (#’s 11-17)
Go over wup:
General announcements:
States of Matter Discriminator ppt & ws
1 q#7 ½ #19 ws (mercury)
2 ws#3½ #27 ws (nitrous oxide)
3 restart ws # 29 (nitrogen) #62.
4 restart ws #4 #23.
5 restart ws #35 just finished worksheet 30 sec before bell
Friday 9/2/2017:
Passing Period: nada
Circulate Flyers: none
HW: 2.3 section asssessment
WUP: Compare the properties of ethyl alcohol (CH3CH2OH) to the properties of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Stamp: 2.3 notes, prpr
Go over wup:
General announcements:
GN: No school Monday
BN: There will be a gigantic, 50-question multiple choice test next Friday, covering 1.3 & 2.all
Warm-ups, bookwork, worksheets, lectures, all stuff possible on test.
There will be honors-level questions mixed in w/normal level q’s
Not sure if we’ll have time to finish states of matter discriminator in class.
I intend to finish constructing the ppt and post it so you can check your answers online
In case we can’t finish going over it in class
Element/Compound/Mixture Discriminator ppt
1 start ½ thru tps on nacl
2 start ½ thru tps on nacl
3 start o2 picture (element!)
4 start 02 picture (not quiet done)
5 start pretty much finished bronze slide
Finished? Mop up states of matter discriminator.
Tuesday 9/5/2017:
Passing Period: nothing
Circulate Flyers: 2L steel wool bottle: DO NOT OPEN!
HW: 2.4 reading notes
WUP: What does the formula CuSO4 to you about copper (II) sulfate?
Stamp: 2.3 section assessment (#’s 20-27)
Go over wup:
General announcements:
Test Friday 1.3, 2.all 50 mcq, some honors-level
Discuss 2L bottle w/steel wool:
Volume decrease ?Mass remains the same Color change
Pass out PTnew
Element/Compound/Mixture Discriminator ppt
1 blue box reveal NaCl tps ½ legend slide (red dot is oxygen atom . . . )
2 blue blox reveal NaCl tps only half the boxes revealed!
3o2 picture (element!) NaCl identified as a compound
402 picture (not quiet done) CO2 is a compound
5bronze slide finished neatly, last slide
Periodic Table Introduction ppt (no time)
Wedenesday 9/6/17:
Passing Period: nada
Circulate Flyers: none
HW: 2.4 sxn assmt
WUP: : Write a sentence using the following words: chemical reaction, conserved, mass, products, reactants.
Stamp: 2.4 notes
Go over wup:
General announcements:
If you didn’t get a PT yesterday, get one now. After today, black crate
Kahoot tomorrow, so charge your phones. App download not necessarily necessary
Finish Element/compound/mixture ppt
1 ½ legend slide (red dot is oxygen atom . . . ) ½ air slide (quickly said “mixture” at bell)
2 only half the boxes revealed! finished nitrous oxide
3 NaCl identified as a compounddone . Saw acid/sugar, serpent.
4 CO2 is a compound done. Saw acid/sugar, serpent, alkali metals.
5 done yesterday, so acid/sugar, serpent, alkali metals
Sulfuric acid and sugar:
Pharaoh’s serpent
Hypothesis vs Theory ppt
P 5 only: start #3 pretty much done
Thursday 9/7/2017:
Passing Period: nada
Circulate Flyers: nuthin
HW: study 1.3 & 2.all for tomorrow’s test
WUP: 46 grams of alcohol burns with 23 grams of oxygen to form 35 grams of water and . . .
Have you set the timer for tf – 30 min?
Have you set the timer for tf – 30 min?
Go over wup:
General announcements:
Test tomorrow: 50 mc, covers 1.3, 2.all
Have you set the timer for tf – 30 min?
Set timer for tf – 30 min
Finish element/compound/mixture ppt
1 recap air slide
2 re-cap nitrous oxide
3 Done. Showed two videos, so show alkali metal video only
4 done. All videos shown, too. Proceed to hypothesis vs theory ppt
5 done. All vidoes shown, too. Proceed to hyp vs theory ppt
Show yesterday’s reaction videos, time permitting, if not show already
Hypothesis vs Theory ppt
1 start? NOPE
2 start? nope
3 re?start #9
4 start
5 q#4
When timer goes off:
Friday 9/8/2017:
Passing Period: nothing, really
Circulate Flyers: not today. We have a test
HW: Gather bookwork, lecture notes, & worksheets for 1.3 & 2.all
WUP: get answer doc & fill out certain of the blanks at the top
Roll: delay until trigger in subroutine below . . .
Stamp: Not today. Test today.
Go over wup:
General announcements:
You’ll only need scratch paper today if you finish mc early, but other tests, you’ll need it for sure
Free, half-used, scr paper available from this box if you finish early & need it
Ch 02 (& 1.3) test:
Never write on a question packet. Where do you write? (“scr!”); tell if vandalized
Turn all devices off and place them in backpacks, NOT pants pockets
Don’t use your phone/device for ANYTHING during the test,
not even to look at the time.
Get out two writing utensils and 1+ pieces paper as scr; ½ used scr bin
No going into backpacks for any reason at any time til bell. Luggage on ground!
Scr title = [on screen]; Answer doc title = [on screen]
Show hud slide w/form # vs test #; Fill out personal info on ans doc.
Do NOT write on question packet - write on scr instead. Tell me if vandalized!
Take roll.
Security sweep. Test #/form#/id# sweep
Screen questions on screen. Go over priority list. Need p/o?
Timer = tf – 2 min
Today, please give all students who show up on time a +/O/[] in column r2 based on attendance
Then, transfer cpp data to dupe sheet if too many kids out/added
Order more answer documents NOTE: Illuminate is phasing out old answer docs!
@ buzzer “guess”
Four neat stacks on table tip: ref sheet, q-pack, bubble sheet, scr
Get out fast. I can’t let next period in until you’re gone.
Not done? Freaked out? We’ll address that issue Monday.
Monday 9/11/2017:
Passing Period: pass back mc 02
Circulate Flyers: yellow thing
HW: 13.1 notes, prpr
WUP: gather but do not staple pack 02 mats
Explain red vs black #’s; explain re-take policy
Pack 02 list on screen: “Put in the order listed, staple, and but in wire basket”
Chapter 02 Packet List
* 1.3 notes, 1.3 section assessment
* 2.1 notes, 2.1 section assessment
* 2.2 notes, 2.2 practice problems, 2.2 section assessment
* 2.3 notes, 2.3 practice problems, 2.3 section assessment
* 2.4 notes, 2.4 section assessment
* Scientific Method power point notes
* States of Matter Discriminator worksheet
* States of Matter power point notes
* Element vs Compound vs Mixture power point notes
Deliver remaining mail
Inform the following of their test packet vandalism:
P2: Brandon Cruz #8 answers circled
Stamp: not today, except late work w/proof of absence clearance
Go over wup:
INDA: Pack 02 list on screen: “Put in the order listed, staple, and but in wire basket”
General announcements:
If you were absent Friday, you need to come after school (or, if necessary, during lunch)
For a make-up. Re-takes require proof of bookwork. Make-ups do not.
Explain reflection activity instruction sequence (from table migration to on-paper reflection cycle)
Show reflection example on screen. Okay, now title & NPD a blank piece of paper “MC 02 Reflection”
Go back to reflection activity instruction sequence slide
Execute instructions
Rubber band pack 02 period pile
Bell: group leaders collect materials & return to place of origin.
Passing Period:
Circulate Flyers:
Harrass lab docs
Deliver remaining mail
Go over wup:
General announcements:
Wednesday 9/13/2017:
Passing Period: pass back stamped 13.1 reading guides
Circulate Flyers: Probability device; 2 yellow flyers;BTSN flyers to per 2 only
HW: 13.1 notes, prpr being kicked along to tomorrow
WUP: Carbon dioxide freezes at -76oC. What is this in kelvins? Show your work.
Deliver remaining mail
Stamp: [delay 13.1 notes/prpr til tomorrow ]
Is there anybody that thinks they’re eligible for transfer credit?
Go over wup: (volunteer only)
Distribute CAST math ref sheet
General announcements:
I’m not doing a very good job of servicing “?” book questions in class, so you’d better
See me at lunch &/or at 3 pm
P1 isn’t putting books back on the shelf!
SCR 02 is being graded but won’t activate until next test is graded & recorded.
Btsn flyers to p2 only if not already distr.
Distr course timeline. Exprain.
While kids work on rg, bw, teacher stamps rg’s for next period
Creates ppt for 13.1 rg correction
Thursday 9/14/2017:
Passing Period: pass back any straggler mail
Circulate Flyers: none
HW: 13.1 section assmt
WUP: If I say the air in this room is at 101.3 kPa, what have I just told you? How else could I have said it?
Deliver remaining mail
Stamp: 13.1 notes, prpr
You MUST show work on math problems after today or no stamp!
Go over wup:
General announcements:
5-Week warm-up packet due tomorrow. All WUps including tomorrow’s required.
Ch 13 test next Wednesday will include questions from 1.3, 2.all, AND all over ch 13
Even if we don’t cover all of 13 together. If you want an “A”, do the whole chapter,
regardlessof how much I actually manage to assign before the test.
Go over 13.1 reading guide w/ppt
1 start ½ #7
2 start ½ #8
3 start pretty much done #8
4 start ½ #7
5 start done w/#6
Friday 9/14/2017:
Passing Period: pass back pack 02
Circulate Flyers: key club flyer (only one copy!)
HW: 13.2 reading notes, section assessment
WUP: Kinetic theory assumes that collisions between gas particles are perfectly elastic. What does that mean?
Deliver remaining mail
Stamp: 13.1 section assmt
Go over wup:
Okay. Now that we’ve gone over that warm-up, get all your warm-ups from the whole year together,
Staple them if necessary, and put them in the wire basket.
General announcements:
Make sure you’ve circled, highlighted, or checked the pressure and CK stuff on the ref sheet
That needs to become a reflex, so you can keep track of what math you’re responsible for.
Show packet-related slides in BTSN ppt
Yes, you can re-submit/late submit unit packets. Late stamps only w/excuse evidence
Reading guide
1 re-start #7 ½ # 11
2 re-start #8¾ #12 (almost done w2nd ½)
3 #9 done w/#11
4 restart #7 ½ #11
5 #7 ½ #11
Passing Period: pass out scr 02
Circulate Flyers: none
HW: honors/normal A only: 13.3 all, 13.4 all
WUP: A bottle has totally dry air in it. You half-fill the bottle with water and close it tightly. What happens over time in the bottle?
Deliver remaining mail
Go over wup:
General announcements:
Math mercy: if a prpr or sxn assmt has even one math problem in it, I give math mercy
= late stamps okay -- only if there’s math in it (Math is hard!)
SCR 02 points have been recorded on paper but will not be applied to grade in PS
Until scr 13 is graded. Then, they will be mostly bonus points.
P5 only: club grub Friday. OK to bring food to class that day.
Health clerk says free glasses! See her or give me your name & id#
Reading guide
1 re-start # 11 showed pix of Mt Ev & o2 bottles
2 re-start #12showed pix of Mt Ev & o2 bottles
3 #12 almost done w/#13
4 restart #11started explaining picture #12
5 restart #11not quite done w#12
Tuesday 9/19/2017:
Passing Period: nada
Circulate Flyers: nothing
HW: study for test (13.1, 13.2, 1.3, 2.all, 13.3, 13.4)
WUP: What two main things determine the state of matter something is?
Deliver remaining mail
Stamp: 13.3 notes, sxn assmt, 13.4 notes, sxn assmt
Go over wup:
General announcements:
I put in print request last night for test – might not print in time for Wed. Just saying.
Reading guide
1 re-show pix of Mt Ev & o2 bottles discussing math on #13
2 re-show pix of Mt Ev & o2 bottlesfinished bell curve #16 done