ARMA Northern Virginia Chapter

"Applying Best Practices in a Transforming World"

Date | Time1/20/2016 5:00 PM2//2016 5:00 PM3/17/2016 5:00 PM4/20/2016 5:15 PM| Board Meeting

In Attendance:

Elizabeth ButlerAdkins,Elisabeth Butler, Liane Cooper,George Darnell, Deborah Dumont, Carolyn Offutt, Carolyn Offutt,Tim Shinkle,Mary Beth Weaver, James Willson-Quayle.

The Board met at Clyde's of Tyson's Corner, . Mary Beth opened the meeting at 5:15pm. prior toafter the monthly meetingannual seminar for an extremely informal talk.

. We have resumed our third Wednesday of each month schedule.

FEITH will be providing our speaker for February, per Mary Beth.

We are planning to hold our annual seminar at Clyde’s on March 16. It’s an all-day event. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and parking will be free at the restaurant. February 17, the Board will meet at 4:30pm to finalize planning for the seminar.There will be a short meeting of the Board, following the event.

DGI Conference is planned for March 17 - E-discovery, Records & Information Management Conference & Expo. (See Digital Government Institute at ARMA International is a media partner. This conference is the day that follows our own seminar! Free to government employees. Our seminar is NOT free.

We have an agreement to promote their conference. Who of our Board will be attending? There's another DGI Conference in August, no conflict for us.

Clyde's - Do we owe them a deposit? Carolyn will confirm our seminar ($40 per person for all day!) Breakfast, lunch and snack?

Agenda & Discussion

President's Report – Mary Beth Weaver

Region Programs

The ARMA Regional Leadership conference will be held in Providence RI on July 8 and 9, 2016. The conference is $150 and the hotel is $139 per night.

Monthly Programs

We need a speaker for April. Still working this issue.& Seminar Our May speaker will be Sukumar Iyer, “The Internet of Things, Rise of the Machines – and Impact of RM”.

Seminar RecapElections

Candidates for the Board are:

Seminar – Elizabeth reports that Tim has been making progress. Our theme around Big Data is around keeping or destroying data. Discussion – Types of data: In the cloud, dark data, data bergs, data land-fills? We need speakers from both sides of the argument. - Things to be done:

Seminar – Discussion recapped a successful seminar. There was some early feedback about the facility, food, etc. Also – feedback on the program is positive, so far.

There are certificates that need to be reprinted, due to spelling. Other because attendees were walk-ins.

Elizabeth will be creating a check list for seminar development to pass on to the next committee leadership.Mary Beth Weaver, President

Sabrina Lazano, Vice President

Tom Myers, Membership Director

Carolyn Offutt, Treasurer

Liane Cooper, Secretary

Tim Shinkle, Education Director

Elisabeth Butler, Director-at-Large

The election will be conducted on Wiggio – George Darnell will set this up.

June Meeting

  • Speaker – Mark Santangelo, Chief Librarian & Archivist (Mt Vernon) – The National Library for the Study of George Washington.
  • New Officers Swearing-in
  • Awards and Presentations are evolving.
  • Thinking ahead to the Summer – We’ll be thinking on topics for the coming year, and taking suggestions. We are also thinking of venues for the meetings. Clyde’s?
  • Prizes, drawings for the June meeting?

Minutes for previous meetings are approved.

Elections are coming up

George will lead the nominating

Who will be able to serve again next year? Mary Beth, Liane, Elisabeth, Carolyn

More discussion on this later.

Walked through the Seminar layout with Clydes’ reps – room, crescent seating? tables, chairs, food, vendors, tables, lunch, projector, screen, microphones, podium. Orientation of the room.

Help at registration – check-in, running (Liane & Elisabeth – free attendance to Seminar).

Coordination with the Vendors – setup, power, light, tables, AV equipment

What order will Vendor pitches during the seminar?

Certificates and forms – after printing, digital signature? MaryBeth to provide.

Drafted Agenda – set the order of presenters, topics, panels and breaks

Possible topics – Data security, big data, debate between the sides of the issue.

Panels – topics, participants, order (do we know their positions on the topics?) Alex would like to speak in the morning and be on panel in AM, due to travel schedule. Chris Beasley is a strong speaker. Put him up front? When should the “food fight” between the sides of the issue occur – afternoon?

Don can be our Keynote, or NARA if Lisa H is available. Summary/WrapUp at the end of the program –by Mary Beth

Brochures, pamphlets, advertising, web announcements, social media announcements

Arrange for IGP and ICRM credits

Attendee Packet – paper, pen, notices, announcements, certificate

Order the speakers, panel discussions – Topics should build thematically, Keynote speaker should set the stage. How many female speakers, order?

Gift Cards

Proposal of order should be run past the speakers


Drop the Bronze level? Posting jobs has always been a free service.

After a period of time, say 6 months – Can the sponsorship fee be reduced/pro-rated?

We are running out of time on recruiting prior to seminar

Who have we approached?

DGI Sponsorship – We must advertise – That program will be the day after our event.

Topic: Articulating 'the problem' around BIG DATA disposition v. 'keeping it all'… Still working on -- Is disposition dead? Description looks great on how we are focusing the discussion.

Speakers: So far (8 possible)? Tim is on the CASE! Speakers and panel members… We are going to have to scramble!

o*Chris Beaseley, Digital Edge Group

o* Sabrina Lazana, Freddie Mac

o* Sonny Hashmi, Box

o* Don Leuders, IBM

oSeeking speaker from Google (Alex Ponce de Leon, Google)

oSeeking speaker from Amazon…

oNARA – Lisa Haralampus

oMicrosoft - Carolyn will contact Tim with her contact for a speaker there.

Agenda: We need to firm up the agenda, to talk with potential sponsors, and for advertising and promotion.

VVP's Report – James Willson-Quayle

James has been reviewing the Charter.Nothing to report at this time., not present at this meeting.

Treasurer's Report –Carolyn Offutt

The Board found that the budget is achievable. We must work hard to gain more sponsorships. There was a motion to approve the budget in January. That motion passed.

We will be closing one of the accounts at SUNTRUST. Must we have a $1500 minimum?

Our ARMA NOVA address is – PO BOX 3763, Merrifield, VA 22116. Renewal time!!

Fees are paid. Books are current.

ARMA NOVA Annual Report – Due Oct 15. We must get ARMA NOVA reinstated with VA state Corp Commission.

The state commission requires a street address rather than PO Box.

We owe AIIM our part of the November meeting, $ for meals. Tonight's meeting is AIIM's turn to attend our meeting.

Web Master's Report – Elisabeth Butler

May be practicing on WordPress this summer, building an experimental site through the summer.

WebMaster reports we have only 8 gift cards left. We will need more for the seminar speakers. Purchase the minimum bulk purchase required via American Express?. Mary Beth Weaver to follow up.

Tickets, projector, connectors and screen. Can Clyde's keep/store these?

Software Demo –Elisabeth has been investigating software. Does the Board wish to have a Demo of 'Star Chapter' content management system? Two versions – Lite (100 members, $500 to setup & $49 monthly), and one with greater capability Standard (1-300 members, $700 & $85 monthly). Fully integrated capabilities, very nice. Hosts content mgt and site, social media, RSS updates, click and pledge capabilities, Google analytics. Can ask questions of the speakers. Photo uploads. Each session, meeting can be maintained. Makes the webmaster's job easier. Other persons can become administrators. May be more expensive than the chapter can support at this time? Negotiate lower setup?

Elisabeth took a WordPress class! $100/year if we go this way. We need content mgt or hosted solution for next year? Not in this year's budget.

We should purchase our domain name –ARMANOVA.org (we have this through the region?) – with a web host/content mgt system like Go-Daddy, use Word Press here for greater features? Hosts content mgt and site, social media, RSS updates, click and pledge capabilities, analytics.

Wiggio – Comparison - we can have 300 members+. Storage of chapter files. Keep Wiggio. Right now our site is not searchable. There's no dedicate email. Social media capabilities not here. Lives on Elisabeth's laptop.

There are 3 other northern chapters of ARMA using 'Star Chapter'.

What burdens do these programs remove from us? Benefits? What other questions does the Board have for the vendors?

DISCUSSION TABLED for now. This will be an issue that should be brought forward to next year's planning sessions in August!

Marketing's Report – Deborah Dumont

Not present.Spearheading the sponsorship drive.Not present this meeting.

Secretary's Report – Liane Cooper

Nothing to report. Minutes from February and March approved by the Board.Nothing to report.

Monthly Programs Schedule –

oFebruary – Feith speakercannot make it. Need to find an alternative speaker.

oMarch – Seminar. Speakers to be confirmed.

We are planning to hold the annual seminar at Clyde’s on March 16. It’s an all-day event. No meeting in March.

April – Bennett Borden (topic: data analytics). Unable to speak. Working on replacement.

May – Siobhan Hagan, of Audiovisual Collections, "Film at 11"Maura Dunn, Trailblazer Consulting, “Using ARMA’s Information Governance Assessment Tool – an Informed Critique”

  • JJune -- Mark Santangelo, Chief Librarian and Archivist, National Library for the Study of George Washington, “American History in Modern Times – Going from a Basement to an Archival Presidential Library “- Mt Vernon Librarian.

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