Patient ID: @NAME@
Age: @AGE@. (DOB: @DOB@)
Gender: @SEX@
Chief Complaint: @CC@
@M@ @NAME@ is a @AGE@ who is seen at his/her personal home (not a nursing facility) because *** patient is homebound (requires considerable effort and/or assistance to leave the home, so seldom does) *** and patient/family member/member of the home health team requests a house call *** and physician needs to negotiate care or clinical decision making with patient and caregivers *** and physician needs to assess home environment, and patient and caregiver function.
The home visit is requested by: ***
Last admission: ***
Evidence of cognitive impairment? {yes no:314532}
Demonstrated advanced activities of daily living (check all that apply):
- Employment/volunteering {YES NO WND:2056}
- Reading {YES NO WND:2056}
- Music {YES NO WND:2056}
- Hobbies {YES NO WND:2056}
- Socialization {YES NO WND:2056}
- Other ***
Instrumental ADL's: (Independent/Assisted/Dependent)
Use telephone ***
Shopping ***
Food preparation ***
Housekeeping/Laundry ***
Using transportation ***
Managing medications ***
Managing money ***
Physical ADL's: (Independent/Assisted/Dependent)
Bathing ***
Dressing ***
Grooming ***
Eating ***
Transferring ***
Continence ***
Toileting ***
Sensory impairments:
- Vision {YES NO WND:2056}
- Hearing {YES NO WND:2056}
Any falls in the last 6 months? {YES NO WND:2056}
Nutritional status
Eating habits: ***
Variety and quality of foods: ***
Nutritional status: ***
Alcohol presence/use: ***
Fluid intake: ***
Swallowing difficulty: ***
Oral health: ***
Home environment:
Neighborhood safety: ***
Other occupants of home: ***
Pets present: {YES NO WND:2056}
Cleanliness: ***
Hall spaces: ***
Assistive mobility device needed: {YES NO WND:2056}
Mobility device easily accessible: {YES NO WND:2056}
Telephone available: {YES NO WND:2056}
Fire and smoke detectors: {YES NO WND:2056}
Loose rugs present: {YES NO WND:2056}
Loose electrical cord hazards: {YES NO WND:2056}
Stairs present: {YES NO WND:2056}
Railings on stairs: {Responses; yes/no/not indicated:16556}
Raised toilet seat: {YES NO WND:2056}
Nonslip surface in tub/shower? {YES NO WND:2056}
Handholds in tub/shower? {YES NO WND:2056}
Handholds around toilet? {YES NO WND:2056}
Firearms present in home: {YES NO WND:2056}
If yes, are they secured?: {Responses; yes/no/not indicated:16556}
Is lighting present and sufficient?: {YES NO WND:2056}
Current services utilized: ***
Meds: Reviewed
Pill bottles appropriate: {YES NO WND:2056}
System used for medications: ***
Advanced Directives: -@FLOW(400010:last)@
Type of Directive: @FLOW(4126:last)@. In chart under media? {yes no:314532}
POA Name: @FLOW(5081:last)@
Healthcare Agent Name: @FLOW(400050:last)@
Primary Caregiver:
Review of Systems:
PHQ2: ***
GDS: ***
Home health needs: ***
Referrals made: ***
Total time of visit: *** 15 25 40 60 minutes
More than 50% of this face-to-face visit time was spent providing counseling and coordinating the patient's care.