Interaction team
Using the Inbox, to locate / assess work
Aim:We use the Inbox to search for types of work by using the most appropriate criteria to view the inbox contents and to maximise system efficiency.
The Inbox offers criteria to search on to locate your work. From the Inbox you can access different types of work:
- Emails (including faxes and voicemail messages).
- Service Tickets (STs).
The inbox will display:
· A limited number of items (100 Emails OR 100 STs OR 200 combined).
· Your oldest items at the bottom of the list.
The business worked with ISS to clarify the best way to search for particular types of work. These are detailed below.
a) An example email search – locating faxes
b) An example service ticket search – by classification
Preview and Prioritise process
a) Locate High Priority Service Tickets
b) Locating urgent Web Service Tickets
c) Locate Voicemail messages (a back office duty separate to P&P)
d) Locating urgent emails in the Inbox
e) Locating remaining work in chronological order (oldest first)
a) Tips for avoiding two people editing STs at the same time
Status options / Includes: (‘Both’ indicates both service tickets and emails)Not Completed / Open (Both), In Process (Both) and Ready for Approval, Approved
Open / Open (Both)
Processing / In Process (Both), 3rd Party STs and Ready for Approval, Approved, Rejected
Completed / Completed (Both)
Open (Web Tickets) / Open (web tickets only)
In Process (Tickets) / In Process (tickets only)
3rd Party Action (Tickets) / 3rd Party (tickets only)
Ready For Approval (Tickets) / Ready For Approval (Tickets) (relating to refunds)
Approved (Tickets) / Approved (Tickets) (relating to refunds)
Rejected (Tickets) / Rejected (Tickets) (relating to refunds)
A. An Example of an Email Search – Locating Faxes
When we are sent a Fax, it is automatically attached to an email and sent to us - these can be located in the Inbox.
Using the inbox screen as follows:
b. An example of A Service Ticket Search - by classification
At certain times of year we may wish to prioritise a certain area of work (such as the A’ level results day or around Registration). At these times staff would follow instruction from team leaders as to which area to focus on.
The following searches are used by the I Team to prioritise the workload as part of the ‘Preview and Prioritise’ duty.
Preview and Prioritise process
a) Locate High Priority Service Tickets
b) Locating urgent Web Service Tickets
c) Locating urgent emails in the Inbox
d) Locate Voicemail messages (a back office duty separate to P&P)
*Check the back office rota to see the date and time the last person got up to on previous working day*
a. Locating High Priority Service Tickets
This search will show any STs that have a high priority for your group. Web tickets automatically have medium priority, so a ticket with high priority will have been set as such by a colleague.
Using the Inbox Screen:
b. Locating urgent Web Service Tickets
This task is to check new web tickets to pull out any urgent enquiries.
Using the Inbox Screen:
i. To preview a ticket to assess the urgency, click on the blue hyperlink NU Ticket – this previews ST
ii. Review the information within the ticket to decide the urgency of the enquiry.
iii. If urgent you would process straight away (see procedure for ‘Processing Service Tickets from Inbox’)
Urgent Web Service Tickets will be identified by certain criteria:
a) Urgent wellbeing enquiries.
b) Enquiries relating to nearing deadlines for any service e.g Medicine and Dentistry
c) Enquiries that we cannot deal with at all and need to be forwarded to the correct School/Service to be handled (these should not sit in our inbox if the relevant School/Service can be dealing with them).
When previewing Service Tickets in the inbox you should process as you go. If you reserve multiple Service Tickets you will then need to re-read before processing which is inefficient. However, if there are lots that have not been checked, reserving them for later may be the correct action – check with a TL if unsure.
Once you have previewed the new Service Tickets up to a point, you will then need to update the back office rota with the date and time that you have previewed up to.
c. Locating urgent emails in the Inbox
This search is to locate new email enquiries to pull out and process any urgent enquiries.
Using the Inbox Screen:
Emails (unlike STs) will not have any classifications and so we cannot see what the content is unless we preview them. This will be done for all new emails that have been received since the last emails were previewed. Urgent emails will be identified by certain criteria:
· Urgent wellbeing enquiries.
· Enquiries relating to nearing deadlines for any service.
· Enquiries that we cannot deal with at all and need forwarding to the correct School/Service to be answered (as these should not sit in our inbox if the relevant School/Service can be dealing with them).
When previewing emails in the inbox you should process as you go. If you reserve multiple emails you will then need to re-read before processing which is inefficient. However, if there are lots that have not been checked, reserving them for later may be the correct action – check with a TL if unsure.
Once you have previewed the new emails up to a point you then need to update the back office rota with the date and time that you have previewed up to.
Please see the Interaction Team Business Processes on the Interaction Centre Support pages of CRM for instructions on how to process a Voicemail. Voicemail messages get automatically attached to an email from the BCM system. These will only come to the i-team inbox.
FT’s will also receive voicemail messages – these DO NOT come from BCM (FT’s receive voicemail from their normal handsets – i-Team do not transfer customers to these handsets). If i-team receive a voicemail for an FT member they will listen to the message, create an ST and transfer to the FT in question, the description for this ST is to be BCM so that FT member can identify easily.
Using the Inbox Screen
Tip: you can see the rough date and time of the message by the date and time of the ticket.
e. Locating remaining work in chronological order (oldest first)
Once the priority work has been identified and cleared, we would then work on Emails and Service Tickets in chronological order. You may need to perform a search with a wider date range to identify the oldest work requiring action but then enter the date of the day you are working on as this will speed up moving between screens.
Using the Inbox Screen
Note: ISS do advise working on a small date range, with the appropriate status and where possible, to have selected either service ticket or email. This will speed up your use CRM as you move between inbox and items of work.
a) Tips for avoiding two people editing STs at the same time
- Click ‘save’ as soon as you click edit (or once you have changed the description)
- Click ‘search’ then ‘End’ in the inbox to refresh a search- this ensures employee responsible and description updates are shown