1. Minutes of last meeting/ Matters arising
1.1 Last meeting minutes were agreed by all.
1.2 The meeting was joined by a new member Shirley Jones – the group introduced themselves.
1.3 Paul Lambert has resigned from the group. The notice board upgrade is still outstanding.
1.3 Fasting blood test letters produced by the practice state that water can be consumed at any time. A request has been sent to insert appropriate wording on the centrally produced blood diagnostic forms.
1.4 Request has been sent to software suppliers to investigate if the on-line repeat prescription ordering software will handle speech recognition. Action PA
1.5 A survey of why people queue at reception was carried out over 1 week. There were 1135 people the reasons for queuing were as follows:-
33% prescriptions
42% appointments
8% checking in for appointments
A further survey was carried out to identify the reasons for patients queuing for prescriptions and the following was found:-
35% hand in prescriptions
38% to collect prescriptions
27% have a query about their prescription
A discussion then followed where the group discussed ideas for reducing the queue at reception and the following ideas were put forward:-
- A slip to be handed out with every prescription for a month giving information about alternatives methods of prescription handling to avoid queuing
- Put up a sign at reception about alternative methods to handing in prescriptions
- Put a box for prescriptions inside the waiting room in an obvious place
- Use the TV screens to advertise information re prescription handling
- Print the pharmacy wording at the top of the prescription in bold
- Terminal to book on-line appointments in the waiting room
2. Patient Survey results
2.1 The detailed results of the survey are attached to these minutes. Overall the results were good. The survey touched just short of 6000 patients representing 34% of the population. There were 355 responses. The 5 weakest areas were:-
- Automated telephone system
- On-line booking system
These 2 areas were significantly weaker than the following three.
- Length of time to see a receptionist
- Getting through to reception by telephone
- Ease of talking to GP at phone in times
In addition, it was identified that 77% of patients do not know of the existence of the PPG.
2.2The group then discussed the results and possible solutions as follows:-
PPG publicity
- it was agreed that there needs to be local advertising eg Seaford Scene, local radio – SS to write an article about the group to include actions taken by the group
- the meeting agreed that members of the PPG should be present in the waiting room for 2 hour periods each morning and some afternoons to engage with patients about the PPG, ways to avoid queuing etc. It was agreed that this event would take place for the 2 weeks commencing 15th April. Members gave their available dates for SS to draw up a rota.
If anyone would like to join in this event please contact Sue Smith via the group e-mail address or contact Jane Macefield (tel. 493100) who will pass your details to Sue.
- An article will be put into the Seaford Seniors Forum newsletter
- Badges to be available for group membersActionJM
- An e-mail/ text message to be sent to patients re group existence
2.3 Repeat Prescriptions process
There was a discussion about the repeat prescription process - PA advised that it is a tightly controlled process but on occasion due to unforeseen circumstances the deadlines are missed. PA also advised that an on-line repeat process has been available for the last few weeks.
It was agreed that the on-line prescription service should be promoted in the surgery.
2.3PA advised that it is likely that an electronic prescription service will be available in approx. 12 months.
2.4Other suggestions per action plan were accepted.
3. Practice update
3.1 PA updated the meeting with changes to the practice as follows:-
- Dr Paul Aron to become a partner wef 1/7/13
- Dr Heather Tidbury to go on maternity leave wef July
- Recent changes in the nursing team – Liam Stephens has left the practice and Helena Sapsford has taken on a different role within the practice. We have welcomed 3 new members of the nursing team – Lemy Zewde, Karen Comelio & Di Langley.
3.2 the TV suppliers are currently investigating alerting patients when appointments are running late. This should be available in the next few months.
3.3 SMP achieved the 2nd highest flu vaccine rate and the highest child immunisation rate across East Sussex .
3.4 A new updated practice brochure has been printed and will be passed out to patients week commencing 11/3. It includes a page about the PPG, a surgery floorplan and other update information to meet patient requests.
3.5 PA thanked the members of the PPG who had spent time in the surgery waiting room handing out the patient surveys.
3.6 MHB updated the meeting re the new 111 number for health advice. This is a joint venture where doctors and nurses will be available to talk to re medical issues and out of hours requests.
3.7 MHB is the Urgent Care lead for the local CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group). He is investigating ways of improving patient care and would like to involve the members of the PPG with queries and decisions.
3.8 There are concerns around the safety of EDGH in relation to maternity and paediatrics. These functions are to be transferred to Hastings on a temporary basis whilst the issues are investigated. MHB will be attending a meeting to understand the issues.
3.9 Health services for Seaford –a plan is to be provided by ESHT addressing the local services available for Seaford – the deadline is the end of February. If the plan is not acceptable, the CCG will look elsewhere for service providers. The SeafordDayHospital will not be sold immediately to give time to find other services and a management consultant has been employed for this purpose, in addition to reviewing physio services being brought back to the town
3.10 Seaford Seniors are trying to regenerate Homefield Place for other services – BS is to visit a similar site in Rye to get ideas.
3.11 MHB concluded by adding that 2 members of the CCG board, in addition to MHB and PA are Seaford residents and fully understanding of the towns medical services needs. One of the board members has asked to attend the PPG meeting to discuss such matters with members.
4. Membership
4.1 This topic to be deferred to the next meeting due to time constraints.
4.2 Wendy Webster has resigned and her membership place has been replaced by Shirley Jones.
5. News, views and comments from around the group
5.1 David Lawrance praised the practice and the services it provided and thanked them for the positive response to the PPG.
6. AOB
6.1 Next meeting will be Saturday 20thApril at 9.30am.
6.2 Paul Burchett to take up the notice board renewal action.ActionPB
Sue Smith (Chair)
David Lawrance
Roy Dobson
Veronica Holden
Maggie Chitty
Jane Macefield (SMP)
Phil Abbott (SMP)
Dr Mark Barnes (SMP)
Barry Smith
Paul Burchett
Shirley Jones
Pam Burleigh
Sue Gales
Beryl Whitington
Graham Weatherill
Kate Parkinson
Hugh Creamer