Alasdair R. Young 13
Associate Professor and Jean Monnet Chair
The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs
Georgia Institute of Technology
DPhil, Contemporary European Studies, University of Sussex (2000)
MIA, International Affairs, Columbia University (1991)
BA, Political Science, University of Pennsylvania (1988)
8/12- / Jean Monnet Chair, The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs,Georgia Institute of Technology
8/11- / Associate Professor, The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs,
Georgia Institute of Technology
8/09-6/11 / Professor of International Political Economy, University of Glasgow
6/05 – 7/09 / Senior Lecturer, Department of Politics, University of Glasgow
9/01-5/05 / Lecturer, Department of Politics, University of Glasgow
9/00 - 6/01 / Jean Monnet Fellow, European University Institute
1/94 - 3/96 / Research Officer, Sussex European Institute, University of Sussex
9/92 - 12/93 / Program Officer, Institute on Western Europe, Columbia University
6/91 - 8/92 / Research Assistant, Transnational Research Associates
III Honors and Awards
Hesburgh Award Teaching Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012.
Senior Honorary Research Fellow, University of Glasgow, 2011-12.
Political Studies Association’s Lord Bryce Prize for Best PhD Dissertation in Comparative and International Politics, 2000.
United Kingdom Committee of Vice-Chancellors Overseas Research Student Award, 1996-99.
European Community Studies Association (USA) Dissertation Fellowship, 1996-97.
Departmental Research Assistant Fellowship, Columbia University, 1990-91.
Phi Beta Kappa, 1988.
Magna Cum Laude, University of Pennsylvania, 1988.
(with J. Peterson), Parochial Global Europe: 21st Century Trade Politics, Oxford University Press, 2014. (75%)
Extending European Cooperation: The European Union and the ‘New’ International Trade Agenda, Manchester University Press, 2002.
(with H. Wallace), Regulatory Politics in the Enlarging European Union: Weighing Civic and Producer Interests, Manchester University Press, 2000. (75%)
‘Less Than You Might Think: The Impact of WTO Rules on EU Policies’ in O. Costa and K.-E. Jørgensen (eds), The Influence of International Institutions on the EU: When Multilateralism Hits Brussels, PalgraveMacMillan, 2012, 23-41.
‘Effective Multilateralism on Trial: EU Compliance with WTO Law,’ in D. Bourantonis and S. Blavoukos (eds), The EU’s Presence in International Organisations, Routledge, 2010, 114-31.
‘Transatlantic Intransigence in the Doha Round: Domestic Politics and the Difficulty of Compromise’ in A. Narlikar (ed.), Breaking Deadlocks in Multilateral Settings: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 2010, 123-41.
‘Negotiating with Diminished Expectations: The European Union and the Doha Development Agenda,’ in D. Lee and R. Wilkinson (eds), The WTO after Hong Kong: Progress in, and Prospects for, the Doha Development Agenda, Routledge, 2007, 119-36.
(with P. Holmes), ‘Protection or Protectionism? EU Food Safety Rules and the WTO,’ in C. Ansell and D. Vogel (eds), What's the Beef? The Contested Governance of European Food Safety, MIT Press, 2006, 281-305. (75%)
‘Punching Its Weight? The European Union’s Use of WTO Dispute Resolution’ in O. Elgström and M. Smith (eds), The European Union’s Roles in International Politics: Concepts and Analysis, Routledge, 2006, 189-207.
‘What Game? By Which Rules? Adaptation and Flexibility in the EU’s Foreign Economic Policy,’ in M. Knodt and S. Princen (eds), Understanding the EU’s External Relations, Routledge, 2003, 54-71.
‘European Consumer Groups: Multiple Levels of Governance and Multiple Logics of Collective Action’ in J. Greenwood and M. Aspinwall (eds), Collective Action in the European Union: Interests and the New Politics of Associability, Routledge, 1998.
‘Consumers in the Single Market: Consumption without Representation?’ in H. Wallace and A. R. Young (eds), Participation and Policy-Making in the European Union, Clarendon Press, 1997.
(with H. Wallace), ‘The Kaleidoscope of European Policy-Making: Shifting Patterns of Participation and Influence’ in H. Wallace and A. R. Young (eds), Participation and Policy-Making in the European Union, Clarendon Press, 1997.
Commissioned book chapters
‘Trade Policy’ in A. Menon, E. Jones, S. Weatherill (eds), The Oxford Handbook on the European Union, Oxford University Press, 2012, 422-40.
‘External Economic Relations’ in A. Menon and C. Hay (eds), European Politics, Oxford University Press. 2007, 386-406.
‘The Politics of Regulation and the Internal Market’ in K. E. Jørgensen, M. A. Pollack and B. Rosamond (eds), Handbook of European Union Politics, Sage, 2007, 373-94.
(with J. Greenwood), ‘EU Interest Representation or US-Style Lobbying?’ ‘EU Interest Representation or US-Style Lobbying?’ in N. Jabko and C. Parsons (eds), The State of the European Union, Volume 7: With US or Against US? European Trends in American Perspective, Oxford University Press, 2005, 275-95.
‘The Single European Market: A New Approach to Policy,’ in H. Wallace, W. Wallace and M. A. Pollack (eds), Policy-Making in the European Union, 5th edition, Oxford University Press, 2005, 93-112.
‘The EU and World Trade: Doha and Beyond,’ in D. Dinan and M. G. Cowles (eds), Developments in the European Union, second edition, Palgrave, 2004, 200-20.
In press
‘The European Policy Process in Comparative Perspective,’ in H. Wallace, M. A. Pollack and A. R. Young (eds), Policy-Making in the European Union, 7th edition, Oxford University Press.
‘The Single Market: From Stagnation to Renewal?’ in H. Wallace, M. A. Pollack and A. R. Young (eds), Policy-Making in the European Union, 7th edition, Oxford University Press.
(with M. A. Pollack and H. Wallace) ‘Institutions, Process, and Analytical Approaches,’ in H. Wallace, M. A. Pollack and A. R. Young (eds), Policy-Making in the European Union, 7th edition, Oxford University Press.
(with M. A. Pollack and H. Wallace) ‘Challenged Policy-Making,’ in H. Wallace, M. A. Pollack and A. R. Young (eds), Policy-Making in the European Union, 7th edition, Oxford University Press.
(with J. Peterson), ‘Trade’ in A.K. Aarstad, E. Drieskens, K. E. Jörgensen, K. Laatikainen and B. Tonra (eds), Sage Handbook of European Foreign Policy, Sage.
Other book chapters
‘The European Policy Process in Comparative Perspective,’ in H. Wallace, M. A. Pollack and A. R. Young (eds), Policy-Making in the European Union, 6th edition, Oxford University Press, 2010, 45-68.
‘The Single Market: Deregulation, reregulation and integration,’ in H. Wallace, M. A. Pollack and A. R. Young (eds), Policy-Making in the European Union, 6th edition, Oxford University Press, 2010, 107-31.
(with J. Peterson), ‘Trade and Transatlantic Relations’ in S. Meunier and K. McNamarra (eds), Making History: European Integration and Institutional Change at Fifty: The State of the European Union Volume 8, Oxford University Press, 2007, 283-98.
(with P. Holmes), ‘Liberalizing and Reregulating Telecommunications in Europe: A Common Framework and Persistent Differences,’ in P. Guerrieri and H.-E. Scharrer (eds), Trade, Investment and Competition Policies in the Global Economy: The Case of the International Telecommunications Regime, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2002, 119-57.
(with P. Holmes), ‘European Lessons for Multilateral Economic Integration: A Cautionary Tale,’ in Z. Drabek (ed.), Globalization Under Threat: The Stability of Trade Policy and International Agreements, Edward Elgar, 2001, 203-26.
(with P. Holmes and J. Rollo), ‘The EU’s Multilateral Trade Agenda after Seattle,’ in I. Falautano and P. Guerrieri (eds), Beyond Seattle: A New Strategic Approach in the WTO 2000, IAI Quaderni No. 11, Istituto Affari Internazionali, October 2000.
(with H. Wallace), ‘The Single Market: A New Approach to Policy’ in H. Wallace and W. Wallace (eds), Policy-Making in the European Union, 4th edition, Oxford University Press, 2000.
(with P. Holmes), ‘Concorrenza, Investimenti ed il Nuovo Round di Negoziati’ in I. Falautano and P. Guerrieri (eds), Il Millennium Round, Il WTO e L’Italia, IAI Quaderni No. 8, Istituto Affari Internazionali, October 1999.
(with P. Holmes and A. Smith), ‘Regulatory Convergence Between the European Union and Central and Eastern Europe’ in J. van Scherpenberg and E. Thiel (eds), Towards Rival Regionalism? US and EU Regional Regulatory Regime Building, Nomos, 1998.
(with H. Wallace), ‘The Single Market: A New Approach to Policy’ in H. Wallace and W. Wallace (eds.), Policy-Making in the European Union, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, 1996.
‘Ideas, Interests and Institutions: The Politics of Liberalisation in the EC's Road Haulage Industry’ in D. Mayes (ed.), The Evolution of Rules for a Single European Market, Part I: Industry and Finance, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1995.
(with J. Duckett and P. Graham) (eds.), ‘Perspectives on the Changing Global Distribution of Power,’ POLITICS, 30/s1, 2010. (75%)
(with H. Wallace and M. A. Pollack) (eds), Policy-Making in the European Union, 6th edition, Oxford University Press, 2010. (33%)
Published in Romanian as Elaborarea politicilor în Uniunea Europeană, European Institute of Romania, 2011.
(with U. Sedelmeier) (ed.), The JCMS Annual Review of the European Union in 2007, Journal of Common Market Studies, 46/s1, 2008. (50%)
(with U. Sedelmeier) (ed.), The JCMS Annual Review of the European Union in 2006, Journal of Common Market Studies, 45/s1, 2007. Also published by Blackwell. (50%)
(with J. Peterson) (ed.), The European Union and the New Trade Politics Special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy, 13/6, 2006. Also published by Routledge 2007. (75%)
(with U. Sedelmeier) (ed.), The JCMS Annual Review of the European Union in 2005, Journal of Common Market Studies, 44/s1, 2006. Also published by Blackwell. (50%)
(with H. Wallace) (ed.), Participation and Policy-Making in the European Union, Clarendon Press, 1997. (50%)
In press
(with H. Wallace and M. A. Pollack) (eds), Policy-Making in the European Union, 7th edition, Oxford University Press, 2014. (33%)
Under contract
Regulatory Power Europe? Assessing the EU’s Efforts to Shape Global Rules, special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy, 2015.
‘Europe as a Global Regulator? The Limits of EU Influence in International Food Safety Standards,’ Journal of European Public Policy, 21:6, 2014: 904-22.
(with J. Peterson), ‘“We Care About You, But….:” The Politics of EU Trade Policy and Development,’ Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 26/3, 2013: 497-518. (75%)
‘The Rise and Fall(?) of the EU’s Performance in the Multilateral Trading System,’ Journal of European Integration, 33/6, 2011: 715-29.
'Of Executive Preferences and Societal Constraints: The Domestic Politics of the Transatlantic GMO Dispute', Review of International Political Economy, 18/4, 2011, 506-29.
‘Confounding Conventional Wisdom: Political not Principled Differences in the Transatlantic Regulatory Relationship,’ British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 11/4, 2009, 666-89.
(with P. Winanti), ‘Complying with Unwelcome Rules? Developing Countries and the TRIPs Agreement,’ Indian Journal of International Economic Law, 2/1, 2009, 52-79. (50%)
‘Trade Politics Ain’t What It Used to Be: The European Union in the Doha Round,’ Journal of Common Market Studies, 45/4, 2007, 789-811.
(with J. Peterson), ‘The EU and the New Trade Politics,’ Journal of European Public Policy, 13/6, 2006, 795-814. (75%)
‘Picking the Wrong Fight: Why Attacks on the World Trade Organization Pose the Real Threat to Environmental and Public Health Protection,’ Global Environmental Politics, 5/4, 2005, 47-72.
‘The Incidental Fortress: The Single European Market and World Trade,’ Journal of Common Market Studies, 42/2, 2004, 393-414.
‘Political Transfer and “Trading Up”: Transatlantic Trade in Genetically Modified Food and US Politics,’ World Politics, 55/4, 2003, 457-84.
‘The Adaptation of European Foreign Economic Policy: From Rome to Seattle,’ Journal of Common Market Studies, 38/1, 2000, 93-116.
Reprinted in W. Rees and M. Smith (eds), International Relations of the European Union, Sage, 2008.
(with P. Holmes and J. Rollo), ‘Emerging Trends in WTO Dispute Settlement: Back to the GATT?’ World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 3133, August 2003.
‘Liberalizing Trade, Not Exporting Rules: The Limits to Regulatory Coordination in the EU’s “New Generation” Preferential Trade,’ Journal of European Public Policy (31 Aug. 2014).
‘Europe’s Influence on Foreign Rules: Conditions, Context and Comparison,’ Journal of European Public Policy (29 Sept. 2014).
Commissioned journal articles
‘The Value of Pointalism? Integrating Trade and Development and the EU as a Global Actor,’ Contemporary Politics, 20/1, 2014, 118-26.
‘Agriculture Could Prove Undoing of EU-US Trade Deal,’ Oxford Analytica, 27 February 2013.
Not refereed journal articles
‘Perspectives on the Changing Global Distribution of Power: Concepts and Context,’ POLITICS, 30/s1, 2010, 2-14.
(with U. Sedelmeier), ‘Editorial: The EU in 2007: Development without Drama, Progress without Passion,’ The JCMS Annual Review of the European Union in 2006, Journal of Common Market Studies, 46/s1, 2008, 1-5.
(with U. Sedelmeier), ‘Editorial: 2006 A Quiet Year?,’ The JCMS Annual Review of the European Union in 2006, Journal of Common Market Studies, 45/s1, 2007, 1-5.
(with U. Sedelmeier), ‘Editorial: Crisis, What Crisis? Continuity and Normality in the EU in 2005,’ The JCMS Annual Review of the European Union in 2005, Journal of Common Market Studies, 44/s1, 2006, 1-5.
‘Towards a more vigorous European consumer policy?’ European Business Journal, 7/4, 1995, 34-40.
Pedagogic pubication
(with J. Duckett and P. Graham) (eds), Publishing in Politics: A Guide for New Researchers, PSA and Blackwell, 2007. Sole author, ‘Introduction’ and ‘Publishing Research Articles’. Second edition, 2010.
Invited public presentations
Roundtable on the ‘People’s Revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe’ to the ’25 Years Later: The Fall of the Iron Curtain’ Conference, Agnes Scott College, 3-4 October 2014.
‘Challenges in U.S. Trade Policy,’ North Atlanta Rotary Club, 5 June 2014.
‘21st Century U.S. Trade Policy,’ Foreign Policy Association, Great Decisions Discussion Program, Village At Deaton Creek discussion group, 4 June 2014
‘The Promise and Potential Pitfalls of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership,’ International Club of Atlanta, 13 May 2014
‘21st Century U.S. Trade Policy,’ Foreign Policy Association, Great Decisions Discussion Program, Dunwoody discussion group, 6 March 2014
‘21st Century U.S. Trade Policy,’ Foreign Policy Association, Great Decisions Discussion Program, Buckhead discussion group, 3 March 2014
‘The Promise and Potential Pitfalls of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership,’Atlanta Council on International Relations, 20 February 2014.
‘The Promise and Potential Pitfalls of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership,’World Affairs Council of Atlanta, 7 November 2013.