Aveton Gifford Parish Council

At 7pm the parish council meeting will be preceded by a short presentation

by Jane Fletcher-Peters,Flood Resilience Officer (Devon and Cornwall), followed by a question and answer session on flood planning.


Meeting to be held on Monday 3 December 2012 at 7.30 pm

at Aveton Gifford Village Hall

All parish councillors are summonsed to a meeting to transact the following business:-

To receive comments and questions from members of the public (please let the Clerk know before the meeting if you wish to speak at the meeting).

To receive other reports and updates e.g. Parish Paths, Shop Committee, Parish Project Group; etc


1. To accept apologies for absence

2. To receive declarations of interest from councillors

3. To receive and approve any minutes outstanding from previous meetings

4. County Councillor’s Report

5. Jubilee Street sewage spill update

6. Purchase of allotment field update on loan finance

7. Flood consultancy

8.  Parish Plan – action priorities

9.  Precept 2013-4 - report of working party

10.  Recreation areas: Play Park Phase 2

11.  Housing

·  Housing development on Millfield update

·  Self-build update

12. Bridge End clean up: clearing of boats by SHDC – held pending DoC decisions

13. Planning applications

13.1 To examine relevant applications- see next page

13.2 To receive results of decided applications – see next page

13.3 Enforcement issues

14. Finance:

·  Current balances and agreement to payments

15. Communications
15.1 Community website – Tender
15.2 Engaging with younger parishioners

16. Parish Facilities

16.1 Relocate dog bin by underpass

16.2 Refurbish bench by bus stop at foot of Rock Hill

17 District Councillor’s Report

18. Meetings attended by councillors and clerk

19. Correspondence

20. Topics for future meetings

Date and time of next Parish Council meeting – 7 January 2013 at 7.00pm

Signed / / Peter Javes
Aveton Gifford Parish Council
25 November 2012

Planning applications since the last meeting:-

2639/12/LB / Chantry Barn,
Aveton Gifford, TQ7 4EH / Listed building consent for installation of 3no. rooflights with insulated ceiling to roof

SHDC planning decisions since the last meeting:-

02-2272-12-F: Avondale, Bridgend, Aveton Gifford, TQ7 4NU

Retrospective application for insertion of rooflight on side elevation

Conditional approval

This agenda can also be seen on www.aveton-gifford.co.uk