EU WG Work-plan – 2016 – 2018 (January 2017)
Objective / Deliverable / Proposed end use / Actions and deadlines1 / Review and respond to EU developments related to the Physiotherapy profession in Europe. (S01 & S04) /
- WG to continue working as an observatory on any relevant EU Developments affecting the Physiotherapy profession in Europe, reporting to the MOs and providing accurate information and supporting documents to the EU institutions.
- Main current issues:
Proportionality Test Directive proposal
- European Professional Card
- Mutual evaluation exercise
- Action DG Sante – Cross border study
- Common training test
- Partial Access
2 / Inform and seek expert opinion from the MOs to EU developments and consultations. (S04) /
- To continue providing responses to the EU Commission consultations affecting the physiotherapy profession or public health
- MOs to be informed and involved on WG actions.
3 / Horizon scanning and assess the impact of demographic, economics, technology and mobility challenges on the future physiotherapy workforce. (S04)
With the PI WG:
- To look at changing disease patterns
- Rising unemployment issues across Europe
- Aim of the action: To develop a document on Trends and Drivers affecting Physiotherapy workforce within the ER-WCPT geographical area
- MOs, through a survey, will be asked to identify:
B – What are the most critical factors that according to them will reduce demand for Physiotherapist workforce in their country under a list of identified fields?
Actions: - Draft of the questionnaire to be prepared by the end of February 2017
- Questionnaire to be circulated among the MOs in March 2017
- Deadline of response by the end of March 2017.
WG members responsible to prepare a draft document based on the responses from the MOs presenting trends and factors affecting the Physiotherapist workforce – creating or reducing demand
The draft document to be circulated among all WGs members in April – June 2017 prior to the 3rd WG meeting
- Collaboration with the PI WG on changing diseases patterns and unemployment issues is covered within this action.
4 / To keep the information about EU issues on the webpage of the ER-WCPT updated and accurate (SO3). / Aim of the action: Facilitate finding the information available on the ER-WCPT website taking into consideration the type of user accessing to the web (MO, Physiotherapist or General Public) prepared
- Prior to any website change decision a website survey till 3rd WG
- Based on survey results further discussion at the 3rd WG meeting
5 / To contribute to the ER-WCPT Congress (SO1, SO2, SO3 & S04) /
- WG members to contribute
- Invitation for bids to host the 2020 European Region Congress on Physiotherapy is open. Deadline for MOs proposals: 2nd May 2017
6 / To align the Strategic Plan of ER-WCPT with the Strategic Plan of WCPT
Plan 2018 - 2022 / European Region Strategic Plan 2018 - 2022
- European Region Strategic Plan has been aligned with the WCPT Strategic Plan (2017 – 2021), including duration, references to WCPT vision and WCPT Strategic Outcomes.
- Added how the European Region will act to achieve each of the 4 European Region Strategic objectives.
7 / To agree the baseline data and targets on the KPI’s
- 2020 & 2022 evaluation
- Based on the additions on how to achieve the 4 European Region Strategic Objectives, the WG members listed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each strategic objective.
- New version of the Strategic Plan to be circulated among all European Region WGs for comments on both; how to achieve the strategic objectives and the KPIs.
8 / To evaluate to which extent we have achieved the strategic objectives. /
- ER-WCPT Strategic Plan aligned with the WCPT Strategic Plan also in duration. Since the WCPT plan runs till 2021, the European Region Plan as above-mentioned is modified (point 6 & 7) and will run from 2018 to 2022 after the approval by the 2018 GM.
- A first evaluation of achievement and performance according to the identified KPI to take place prior to the 2020 GM in order to present to the MOs performance results and agree activities till 2022.
- In the GM 2022 a second performance evaluation to be presented and accordingly, to be decided if needed changes or not in the Strategic Plan objectives and how.
- As appropriate to align with the new WCPT Strategic Plan 2021 - 2025.
9 / To engage with and contribute to organisations and networks at EU level such as: (S04)
- EU Commission: DG Sanco (EU Health Forum, EU Health Work force) DG Education. DG Market, DG Employment, DG Growth.
- EPHA European Public Health Alliance
- Others including health professionals and patients organisations.
- To follow up, attend and contribute to meetings of EU institutions and international partners
- Explore other possible organisations at EU level to be involved with.
11 / To propose to WCPT and engage with external stakeholders to produce a briefing paper on eHealth and patient care.
To raise awareness of and involvement with new technologies and evaluate their impact on practice. /
- WG to develop a draft WCPT Policy Statement on eHealth. A first draft to be prepared by the end of February 2017 and circulated among the WG members for comments in March 2017.
- WG to review, keep updated and improve the European Region document on ehealth as asked at the 2016 GM. In detail WG members agreed:
- To remove the “branded” examples in meeting annex 9
- To merge both documents, leading to an improvement of meeting annex 10 and
- To use the title of meeting annex 9.
A revision to be prepared by the end of March 2017 and circulated among the EU WG members for comments in April 2017.
- WG to initiate a collection of good examples of eHealth use for physiotherapy to be posted on the European Region website. An eHealth button / section to be created in order to continuously disseminate the information about practical experience from different MOs and therefore support collaboration and potential eHealth usage.
- To contact again the EU Commission for membership options within its EU eHealth Network – network membership has a mandates for 3 years and the current mandate runs from January 2016 to December 2018
12 / Short list of essential terms and definitions.
Aim is to facilitate the engagement of the delegates in the GM discussions. This list (terms and definitions) is important to ensure common understanding of the documents´ content and to support the discussions at the GM prior to the vote and approval of them.
This document it is not a dictionary or an activity overlapping with the WCPT glossary. /
- Second draft of the document to be prepared by the end of March 2017.
- 2nd Draft to be circulated among the other EU Matters WGs members for comments a reach a consensus before the end of June 2017.
- The agreed version of the document by the EU Matters WG to be circulated among the other European Region WGs for their possible comments and additions between the third and forth EU WG meetings.
- Supporting document to be circulated with all 2018 GM documents.
- Additional action: The Chairman of the European Region to contact the WCPT CEO Jonathon Kruger to discuss the update of the WCPT Glossary and its European Region annex.
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