Lyman Briggs College “Long Form” for
From: ______(name)
For: ______(yearsunder review)
Complete this form for all non-leave years since your last full evaluation (for more senior faculty, this may involve more than one year).
- Complete this form, taking care to avoid describing a single effort in more than one place. If at any point you are asked to provide only a number and you feel that the number does not adequately capture the amount of effort you extended, please feel free to add an explanatory statement. Please also attach any materials in the Appendix that you feel will aid BAC in its assessment of your efforts, referring to these materials in your narratives.
- Submit electronically to LBC HR Director Heather Bentley () and to all members of your 1/2PC.This is due to LBC HR by 5:00pm EST February 2, 2018.
- Submit:
- this form, completed, as a pdf file;
- an updated PDF copy of your CV on which you have highlighted, with your word processing software’s highlight tool, the activities from the CYUR(s);
- Supplemental materials from the CYUR(s) in an Appendix, including
- syllabi
- SALG Summary form
- SALG comments
- one “aligned assessment”
- publications
- any other supporting documents you wish to include: e.g., key assignments, rubrics, awards/certificates of recognition, etc.
- Complete the required 2017 Professional Accomplishments survey. This will be through a Qualtricssurvey. You will receive an email link.
- Complete the required 2017 Lyman Briggs Service reporting survey. This will be through a Qualtrics survey. You will receive an email link.
Percent appointment for CYUR(s) (if multiple years are being reviewed and different percentages exist, please copy the table below as needed):
Percentage for Spring Semester CYUR(s): / Percentage for Fall Semester CYUR(s):LBC: / LBC:
Other unit(s): / Other unit(s):
Other (e.g., grant buy-out): / Other (e.g.., grant buy-out):
Percent assignmentby activity(if multiple years are being reviewed and different percentages exist, please copy the table below as needed):
Other (explain):
All faculty complete.
This teaching section must include information about all years since your last “long form” or RPT review.
Summary of classes taught (also independent studies, study abroad, and in a joint department)
Semester and Year / Course # / # of sections and/or preps (specify) / # of credits / # of students enrolled at end / Primary instructor or shared? / # of GTAs/ULAs (indicate GTA or ULA)Explanation of teaching rubric (on the next page):
Please provide a single essay response to BAC for the items (on the next page) that were a part of your efforts during the CYUR(s). Just as in the RESEARCH category, where everyone is not expected to be doing everything (e.g. not everyone is expected to do interviews on radio/TV), in the TEACHING section, faculty are expected to demonstrate teaching excellence in some categories, NOT all.
The rubricon the next page are based upon teaching evaluation criteria listed in the addendum to the LBC Bylaws titled “LBC Faculty Evaluation Procedures for Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion, and Salary Raises.” BAC will use this rubric to score faculty teaching performance for the CYUR(s).
Your appendix is unlimited, but limit your essay response to no more than 1000 wordsin this section.
Reflections onyour Teaching
Limit your response to 500 words total.
Please briefly reflect on your teaching for theCYUR(s) and indicate your future plans.Please include information about upcoming new courses, course format changes, planned changes in assessments, curricular changes, future study abroad plans, etc.You may wish to address questionssuch as: Were there any noteworthy happenings in your teaching (either positive or negative)? How are you building on these experiences? What are your longer-range (2-5-year) teaching plans?
OnlyFaculty whose appointmentrequires research should complete this section.
This research section must include information about all years since your last “long form” or RPT review. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and Disciplinary Based Educational Research (DBER) should be included in this section even if you also have other disciplinary research.
1. Publication output in CYUR, including (authored or edited) books, chapters in edited books, journal articles, monographs, articles in meeting proceedings, magazine articles, book reviews, research/technical reports, radio/TV programs written, etc. Provide a PDF version of each publication in your Appendix of Supporting Materials for Research file. If you published a book during CYUR, you may submit a PDF version of your cover, title page, and table of contents).
A. Refereed (provide the full citation)
B. Non-refereed (provide the full citation)
2. Delivered papers or presentations (please specify if they were invited lectures, conference presentations, plenary talks, talks at MSU, talks at other institutions, etc.)
3. Scholarship-related awards, honors, or special recognition received (describe)
4. Professional development (professional meetings, workshops, short courses, colloquia, faculty seminar); please list activity and the outcome
5. Grant proposals (indicate internal or external funding organization;proposal title;PI, Co-PIs, senior personnel; duration;amount requested/funded; and status as funded/not-funded/pending)
6. Professional service (editor, reviewer, convener of conference or conference session)
7. Other (indicate other scholarly work that was not captured by prior prompts)
8. Self-reflections on your CYUR(s) scholarship for BAC: Respond to the following prompts/questions about your research during the CYUR(s). SoTLDBER should be included in this section even if you also have other disciplinary research. Your total response should be limited to 750 words.
A. Please firstbriefly (<250 words) summarize your recent research in language accessible to non-specialists.
B. How would you rate your research progress and impact in the CYUR? What sort of evidence do you have to support these ratings (i.e., how do you measure progress?
how do you measure impact?)? Comment on both published work and work in progress(<500 words).
Self-reflections on your short & long-term plans for scholarship: Please briefly reflect on your scholarship for the Dean to use in the evaluation process or in LBC publicity materials. Limit your response to 500 words total (for A & B combined).
A. What are your research plans for the coming year? Please include information about forthcoming articles, books, and grant proposals, as well as other scholarly endeavors.
B. What are your long-range (5-year) research plans?
Only Faculty whose appointment requires service, outreach, or engagement complete this section.
Information about this section will be collected via a Qualtrics survey. You will be emailed a link.
For testing purposes, a non-personalized draft version of the survey can be found here:
Lyman Briggs 2017 Service reporting