The meeting opened with the Dedication recited by the Chairman.

Pip welcomed David Dripps to the meeting.

There were 20 present and 19 apologies.

The minutes of the last meeting had been circulated electronically and hard copies were made available to those present not on e-mail. Acceptance was proposed by Doug, seconded by Steve and carried.

Matters arising, 1. There were no matters arising.

Chairman’s report. 1. Pip thanked Anne & Graeme, their daughter Debby and Anne’s friend Mandy who helped at the Sherfield on Loddon Fete on Sat 10th. It was very successful and the Tombola raised £348:80 to be shared equally between 443 Squadron ATC and the branch Social Fund. It was a lot of hard for a few people especially as Anne & Mandy had taken part in a charity walk that morning. 2. The Armed Forces Flag-Raising Ceremony took place on 19th. This was followed by the Beach Arms lunch with 15 attending. 3. The Social Evening took place on the 21st. 25 attended with 6 coming from RAF Odiham. The total cost of the buffet was £245:00. 4. Pip thanked Bryan, Steve and Tom for attending the funeral of Ted Johns on the 22nd. The Branch Standard was paraded and the coffin was draped with the Association flag. The family were very grateful. 5. Maureen, Ilene and Pip attended the mayor’s Civic Service at St Michael’s Church on Sunday 25th. 6. Bryan, Lynn and Pip had a meeting with the Mayor to discuss next year’s Ceremony to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the RAF. We were given complete assurance that it can go ahead and the Borough are willing to support it financially. The date set for the Ceremony is Thurs 5th April 2018.

Secretary’s report. 1. Nothing to report.

Treasurer’s report. 1. In Lynn’s absence Pip gave the report, a copy of which is attached.

Maureen and Vikki queried why the income from the Sherfield Fete Tombola was going to the Social Fund and not Wing’s Appeal and were the public misled in what they were donating to. Pip explained that there was nothing on the stall which indicated Wings Appeal. It can therefore go to whichever fund we choose.

Welfare Officer’s report. 1. The case of the couple who have returned from Germany is ongoing. 2. The Nursing Home top-up fees case is also ongoing. 3. The mobility case has been resolved by the family.

Regional Rep’s report. Nothing to report.

Gliding Scholarship. No-one present to give a report.

RAFALO’s report. No RAFALO present.

ATC Report. The report was given by FS Cadet George Graham. 1. The CO Flt Lt Rob Phillips has left the Squadron. It is hoped to appoint a new CO shortly. 2. On Sun 2nd July 443 took part in the Wing Activities Day. Results are awaited. 3. A visit to RAF Odiham is arranged for Thurs 6th and flying should take place later in the month.

Mick said he would like to congratulate George on the excellent way he paraded the Branch Standard at the Armed Forces Day Ceremony. George received a round of applause from those present.

Social Secretary’s Report. Future events were discussed. The Social Diary is attached.

TAG Tour of Farnborough 18th July. Bryan gave final details on travel arrangements, the tour itself and the lunch following the tour.

Branch BBQ 29th Jul. The list was circulated for the last time. Vikki will contact those who will help with the preparation. It was proposed by Steve, seconded by Bryan and carried that £100 is made available from the Social Fund to Vikki to purchase the meat.

Runnymede/Poppy Factory 10th Aug. Bryan gave the latest details. The minibus has been organised by Steve and will leave Alencon Link at 10.0am. All money has now been collected and the lunches at the Poppy Factory have been paid for. Arrangements have been made with our Treasurer for the balance of the mini-bus hire cost and the donation to the Poppy Appeal.

Summer Ball 18th Aug. The cost is £25. The list was once more circulated and copies of the menu were passed round.

Wings Appeal. No change from last month’s statement.

Any other business. 1. Frank Connolly asked if he could spread the word to the RBL concerning our Social Functions. Pip said they would be very welcome. 2. Steve made the members aware of the Defence Discount Service which offers generous discounts to Veterans. The cost to join is £4:99. 3. Vikki reminded members that the next Beach Arms lunch will be on the 17th.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.15 hrs. The next meeting will be on Monday 7th August 2017.

Post meeting note. The raffle was not held this month..