Area Agency on Aging District 7, Inc.


Older Americans Act Title III

Bid Packet


Table of Contents

Proposal Evaluation Criteria (Scoring)

Standard Deviation Table

Service Category Definition and Codes

Census Description

Census Demographics by County

Client Characteristics Definitions

Governing Board Definitions




Applicant Agency:

County of Service:


Section I – Minimum Criteria

All six (6) criteria in this section must be met in order for the application to receive further consideration. Points will not be given for responses in this section.

The applicant has submitted a complete project proposal with all required exhibits AND authorized signatures.

Applicant has not been debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from receiving federal funding.

Responses are typed clearly.

One original (three-hole punched) and one copy (three-hole punched) has been submitted by the applicant.

The applicant has used the Area Agency on Aging District 7, Inc. application forms, or exact facsimiles.

The applicant meets the submission deadline.

Section II – Addressing Social and Economic Need (20 points maximum)

Number of Projected Clients who are:

MINORITY (see demographic descriptions in Appendix A)

10 pointsHigh (percentage of minority elderly to be served is at

or above the percentage of minority elders in the county)

5 pointsLow (percentage of minority elderly to be served is below

the percentage of minority elderly in the county)

0 pointsNo minority elderly will be served

LOW INCOME (based on current HEAP income guidelines)

10 pointsHigh (percentage of low-income elderly to be served is at or

above the percentage of low-income elderly in the county

5 pointsLow (percentage of low-income elderly to be served is at or

below the percentage of low-income in the county

0 pointsNo low-income elderly will be served

Section III – Rate for Services (10 points maximum)

10 pointsLESS than the AAA7 FY2016 average rate for service

5 pointsPlus one standard deviation, 0-10% higher than one

standard deviation, or 11-25% higher than one standard

deviation of the AAA7 FY2016 average rate for service

0 pointsMore than 26% higher than one standard deviation of

the AAA7 FY2016 average rate for service

Section IV – Provider Ability to Cover Geographic Area (20 points max)

20 pointsService extends to 100% of townships in the county

15 pointsService extends to 50-99% of townships in the county

10 pointsService extends to 25-49% of townships in the county

5 pointsService extends to less than 5% of townships in the county

Section V – Program Design (20 points maximum)

10 pointsThe service descriptions adhere to service rules and clearly

explain how each service will be delivered by a sufficient

number of qualified staff.

10 pointsApplicant has internal system of Quality Assurance to monitor

compliance with the service rules.

Section VI – Matching Requirements (25 points maximum)

15 pointsOf the matching funds, 25% is in cash.

10 pointsMatching funds are over the required 15% match.

5 pointsMatching funds are at the 15% minimum.

Section VII – Current Provider Performance (25 points maximum)


15 points91% or higher of FY2015 planned units delivered.

10 points50%-90% of FY2015 planned units delivered.

0 points49% or less of FY2015 planned units delivered.


10 pointsMost recent AAA7 OAA unit audit results were within allowable


5 pointsMost recent AAA7 OAA unit audit results required two

additional months to be reviewed.

0 pointsMost recent AAA7 OAA unit audit results required review

of full year of service records.

Section VIII – Performance Issues (maximum LOSS of 30 points)

(Applicant can LOSE 0-30 points in this section)

-5 pointsAgency earned less than 95% of program funds during

most recent contract period.

-10 pointsAgency maintained contract relationship with program/

fiscal finding requiring plan of correction and/or return

of funds to AAA7.

-15 pointsApplicant has had contracts with AAA7 terminated, or has

filed for bankruptcy in last five years.

Section IX – New Applicants (15 points maximum)

15 pointsApplicant is already certified by AAA7 as a current PASSPORT

provider, in good standing, of service for which they are

applying, OR

Applicant is a Medicare, Medicaid or JCAHO accredited home

health agency in good standing, OR

Applicant provides the service under a funding source other

than AAA7, Medicare, or Medicaid.



RANKING IS BASED ON PERCENTAGE (Points Received divided by Points Available)



(Based on FY2015-2016 Contracted Unit Rates)

Area Agency on Aging District 7, Inc.

OAA Bid Proposals FY2017-2018

Transportation / Homemaker / Personal Care / Adult Day Service / Legal Counseling / Congregate Meals / Home-Delivered Meals
Average / 1.63 / 12.11 / 16.90 / 45.02 / 48.73 / 4.93 / 5.03
Standard Deviation / 0.59 / 5.16 / 0.13 / 0.0 / 4.51 / 1.38 / 0.62
Avg+Std Dev / 2.22 / 17.27 / 17.02 / 45.02 / 53.24 / 6.31 / 5.65
Avg+Std Dev+10% / 2.44 / 18.99 / 18.73 / 49.52 / 58.57 / 6.94 / 6.22
Avg+Std Dev+25% / 2.77 / 21.59 / 21.28 / 56.28 / 66.55 / 7.89 / 7.07
Avg+Std Dev+50% / 3.33 / 25.90 / 25.54 / 67.53 / 79.86 / 9.46 / 8.48



#1-Personal Care, Unit = 1 hour, Ohio Administration Code Rule 173-3-06.5

A service to assist a consumer to maintain and/or improve functional independence with ADLs and IADLs through the provision of support and assistance with personal hygiene, dressing, bathing, toileting, eating, and transferring in out and of bed. Personal Care must be provided in the consumer’s home. Homemaker activities may be included. Providers must adhere to ODA Rules in effect.

#2-Homemaker, Unit = 1 hour, Ohio Administration Code Rule 173-3-06.4

Homemaking services enable a consumer to achieve and/or maintain a clean, safe, healthy environment. The activities may include dusting furniture, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping floors, removing trash, washing the inside of windows that are reachable from the floor, kitchen care (washing dishes, appliances, and counters), bedroom and bathroom care (changing bed linens and emptying and cleaning bedside commode), laundry care (folding, ironing, and putting the laundry away), performing an errand outside of the presence of the consumer (i.e., picking up prescriptions), and grocery shopping assistance. Homemaker services DO NOT include the provision of chore or personal care services. Providers must adhere to ODA Rules in effect.

#4-Home-Delivered Meals, Unit = one NSIP-eligible meal, Ohio Administrative Code

Rule 173.4

This service provides one or more safe and nutritious meal in the home setting to an eligible consumer, in order to sustain or improve the consumer’s health. Meals must contain one-third of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA); must be served to persons age 60 or over and their spouses (regardless of age); and must be served by a nutrition service provider which is under jurisdiction, control, management, and audit authority of the State Unit on Aging (SUA) or the Area Agency on Aging (AAA). Providers must adhere to ODA Rules in effect.

#5-Adult Day Service, Unit = 1 person/day, Ohio Administrative Code Rule 173-3-06.1

Adult Day Service (ADS) is a community-based program provided through an individualized care plan to encourage optimal capacity for self-care, or maximizes functional abilities by meeting the needs of a consumer who has functional or cognitive impairments. Adult Day Service consists of a structured, comprehensive, continually supervised component provided in a protective setting. Individuals who participate in adult day service attend on a planned basis during specific hours. Services offered in conjunction with adult day service typically include social and recreational activities, training, counseling, meals, and services such as rehabilitation, medication assistance, and home health aide services (for adult day health). A minimum of four (4) hours is equivalent to one day; less than four (4) hours will be counted as one-half of a unit. Providers must adhere to ODA Rules in effect.


#7-Congregate Meal, Unit = one NSIP-eligible meal, Ohio Administrative Code Rule 173.4

This service provides a nutritious, safe and appealing meal in a congregate (group) setting which promotes socialization and participant choice. Each meal must contain one-third of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA); must be served to persons age 60 or over and their spouses (regardless of age); and must be served by a nutrition service provider which is under the jurisdiction, control, management, and audit authority of the State Unit of Aging (SUA) or the Area Agency on Aging (AAA). Providers must adhere to ODA Rules in effect.


#10-Transportation, Unit = one (1) one-way trip, Ohio Administrative Code Rule 173-3-06.6

This service transports a consumer from one place to another through the use of a provider’s vehicle and driver. Examples of places to which the service may transport a consumer are a medical office, congregate nutrition program site, grocery store, senior center, or government office. This does not include any other activity. The miles counted include all miles traveled to and from the provider’s home base and are counted regardless of number of passengers on the vehicle. Providers must adhere to ODA Rules in effect.

#11-Legal Assistance, Unit = 1 hour

This service is the provision of legal advice, counseling, and representation by an attorney or other person acting under the supervision of an attorney. Providers must adhere to ODA Rules in effect.


(Explanation for Exhibits D-1 and E-1)

Caucasian/White – includes persons who indicate their race as ‘white’ or report themselves as Canadian, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab or Polish.

African-American/Black – includes persons who indicate their race as ‘black’ or ‘negro’, or report themselves as African-American, Afro-American, Black Puerto Rican, Jamaican, Nigerian, West Indian, or Haitian.

American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut – includes persons who classifying themselves as such in one of the specific race categories listed below:

American Indian – includes persons who indicate their race as ‘American Indian’, enter the name of an Indian tribe, or identify themselves as Canadian Indian, French-American Indian, or Spanish-American Indian.

Eskimo – includes persons who indicate their race as ‘Eskimo’, or identifying themselves as Arctic Slope, Inupiant, or Yurik.

Aleut – includes persons who indicate their race as ‘Aleut’, or identifying themselves as Alutiq, Egegik, or Pribilovian.

Asian or Pacific Islander – includes persons who identify themselves as belonging to one of the Asian or Pacific Islander groups. Also includes those who identify themselves as Thai, Nepali, or Tongan. A more detailed listing of the groups comprising the Asian or Pacific Islander population is presented below:

Asian – includes ‘Chinese’, ‘Filipino’, ‘Japanese’, ‘Asian Indian’, ‘Korean’, ‘Vietnamese’, and ‘Other Asian’.

Chinese – includes persons who indicate their race as ‘Chinese’, or who identify themselves as Cantonese, Tibetan, or Chinese American. In standard census reports, persons who report as ‘Taiwanese’ or ‘Formosan’ are included with Chinese.

Filipino – includes persons who indicate their race as ‘Filipino’ or identify themselves as Philipino, Philipine, or Filipino American.

Japanese – includes persons who indicate their race as ‘Japanese’ and persons who identify themselves as Nipponese or Japanese American.

Asian Indian – includes persons who indicate their race as ‘Asian Indian’ and persons who identify themselves as Bengalese, Bharat, Dravidian, East Indian, or Goanese.

Korean – includes persons who indicate their race as ‘Korean’ and persons who identify themselves as Korean American.

Vietnamese – includes persons who indicate their race as ‘Vietnamese’ and persons who identify themselves as Vietnamese American.

Cambodian – includes persons who identify themselves as Cambodian.

Hmong – includes persons who identify themselves as Hmong, Laohmong, or Mong.

Laotian – includes persons who identify themselves as Laotian.

Thai – includes persons who identify themselves as Thai or Siamese.

Other Asian – includes persons who identify themselves as Bangladeshi, Burmese, Indonesian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Amerasian, or Eurasian.

Pacific Islander–includes persons who identify their race as ‘Pacific Islander’ by classifying themselves into one of the following race categories or identifying themselves as one of the Pacific Islander cultural groups of Polynesian, Micronesian, or Melanesian.

Hawaiian – includes persons who indicate their race as ‘Hawaiian’ or who identify themselves as American Samoan or Western Samoan.

Samoan – includes persons who indicate their race as ‘Guamanian’, or persons who identify themselves as Chamarro or Guam.

Other Pacific Islander – includes persons who identify themselves as Tahitian, Northern Mariana Islander, Palauan, Fijan, or a cultural group such as Polynesian, Micronesian, or Melanesian.

Other Race – includes all other persons not included in the ‘Caucasian/White’, ‘African-American/Black’, ‘American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut’, and the ‘Asian or Pacific Islander’ race categories described above.


Adams / 6160 / 875 / 115 / 60 / 1830 / 2555 / 3015 / 1555 / 0
Brown / 9094 / 815 / 124 / 20 / 2795 / 3190 / 4655 / 1985 / 0
Gallia / 6816 / 854 / 246 / 34 / 2140 / 2635 / 3565 / 1675 / 10
Highland / 9614 / 909 / 124 / 59 / 2969 / 3350 / 5020 / 2540 / 20
Jackson / 6862 / 868 / 107 / 23 / 2099 / 2450 / 3595 / 1895 / 0
Lawrence / 14454 / 1790 / 629 / 110 / 4244 / 5805 / 7650 / 3825 / 4
Pike / 6144 / 860 / 139 / 0 / 1890 / 2410 / 3145 / 1635 / 0
Ross / 15244 / 1283 / 844 / 93 / 4540 / 5420 / 7960 / 3895 / 100
Scioto / 17150 / 2174 / 425 / 49 / 5670 / 6630 / 9035 / 4605 / 20
Vinton / 2914 / 253 / 84 / 8 / 763 / 1245 / 1390 / 720 / 0
TOTALS / 94452 / 10681 / 2837 / 456 / 28940 / 35690 / 49030 / 24330 / 154


Age 60+: Table S21006

Low Income: Table S21039

Minority: Table S21006

Low-Income Minority: Table S21039

Age 75+: Table S21006

Handicapped: Table S210DIS02

Female: Table S21004

Live Alone: Table S21004

Limited English Proficiency: Table S21014B


(Explanation for Exhibit E-1)

Low Income: defined as those persons age 60 and over whose annual income is at or below 100% of the poverty level as established by the Office of Management and Budget in Washington, DC.

Minority: individuals defined on the Census Description in all categories except Caucasian/White.

Low-Income Minority: defined as any client who meets both of the above (Low-Income AND Minority) characteristics.

Rural: A rural area refers to any area which is not part of a Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA), and therefore, includes rural farm, rural non-farm, and towns and cities up to 50,000 in population. NOTE: All areas of all ten counties of Area Agency on Aging District 7, Inc.’s region are considered rural. (Documentation of the urbanized area and extended city criteria is available from the Chief, Geography Division, US Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC 20233.)

Handicapped: defined as a person who has at least one of the following observable disabilities which would restrict participation in a service without special aids or facilities made available by the service provider:




4)Legally Blind

5)Alcoholism/Drug Dependence


7)Any other physical or mental disability that would present the participant from fulfilling a major life task (i.e., eating, dressing, bathing, etc.)


(Explanation for Exhibit D-1)

NOTE: These Board demographics are NOT mutually exclusive. A member can be counted in more than one category.

60+: The Board Member is age 60 or over

Participant: The Board Member participates in the activities and/or services provided by the agency

Community Leader: The Board Member is active in the business and/or professional and/or political and/or service community

Minority: The Board Member is a member of a census group, as defined by the Census Description in all categories except Caucasian/White.

AAA7 2017-2018 OAA Bid Packet, Appendix A1