MSMHS PTO Minutes April 1, 2014


Ø Introductions around the room. Review minutes from previous meeting. Motion to pass, seconded, passed.

PTO Finances

Ø Details on finances found on Agenda

o $100 anonymous donation to discretionary fund

Spelling Bee

Ø 21 teams signed up so far, 6 of them student teams

Ø A volunteer stepped forward to go to Walmart for paper goods using a donated gift cars

Ø Suggestion made to use raffle tickets of a different color from basket raffle items for all people entering the building. This will help track the number of attendees.

o A school sweatshirt will be raffle prize for general entrance tickets

Ø Spelling Bee volunteers are to park in the garage under the school.

Ø Grossmans is donating the lobster for the lobster rolls.

Ø We have 75 volunteer tee shirts. We will sell them at the spelling bee for $15 each.

Ø Fish bowls for centerpieces have been purchased

Ø Eric Litvinoff will provide the fish for the bowls.

Ø Eric Litvinoff will make the lists of spelling words

Ø Basket set up will commence at 2:30 the day of the bee

Ø There are 36 baskets and 28 silent auction items donated

Ø There will be a meeting directly after the spelling bee to discuss success, ideas for improvement

Principal Report

Ø Date for freshmen orientation is April 9

Ø Program of studies is out and course selections are due by April 4

Ø Parents interested in being on the school improvement committee are to email Dr. Spera

Ø MSMHS will be obtaining 5 small school busses for use

Ø A pavilion is being built at Spicer Farms to facilitate learning at that location

Ø Graduation location and time have been secured at UConn Avery point

Ø National Honor Society new members have been selected. There will be a celebration after spring break

Ø PTO scholarship: Motion to establish two $500 scholarships and create a committee to make up the criteria. Move seconded, approved.

Ø Anchor Award May 22 6:30 pm

Future PTO dates

May 6, 2014