
Grade By Name

Chapter 26–Postwar Confidence & Anxiety

Section 1 – An Economic Boom

Matching Directions:Place the letter of the correct term from the word bank with the description that best matches. For the terms that are NOT used, write a brief definition on a separate sheet of paper.

a. demobilization

b. GI Bill of Rights

c. baby boom

d. productivity

e. Taft-Hartley Act

f. Fair Deal

_____1. a worker’s output per each hour of work

_____2. the act of disbanding an army

_____3. a law that limited labor unions’ rights

_____4. a law that grants benefits to war veterans

_____5. Truman’s plan to strengthen reforms andstart new social welfare programs

_____6. a period of time when many people marriedand started families

Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____7. Which of the following contributed to a surge in postwar home construction?

a. foreign aid

b. price controls

c. price controls

d. loans to war veterans

_____8. After the war, the United States economy

a. entered a severe depression.

b. stagnated as wartime production fell.

c. shifted to producing consumer goods.

d. fluctuated as it withdrew from world markets.

_____9. On which issue did President Truman make progress?

a. civil rights

b. labor rights

c. national health insurance

d. desegregation of the military

_____10. President Eisenhower

a. decreased federal spending.

b. wanted a stronger federal government.

c. maintained existing New Deal programs.

d. opposed introduction of any new federal programs.

Section 2 – A Society of the Move

Matching Directions:Write the correct term from the word bank to complete each statement. For the terms that are NOT used, write a brief definition on a separate sheet of paper.

Interstate Highway Act

service sector

franchise businesses

multinational corporations



information industries

California Master Plan

11. In 1955, two large labor unions united to form the ______.

12. The rise of ______allowed companies to distribute theirproducts and services through retail outlets owned by independent operators.

13. ______produce and sell goods and services all over the world.

14. In the postwar period, many people migrated south and west to the ______.

15. The ______established three tiers of higher education.

16. The ______includes businesses such as healthcare, law,banking and retail.

Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____17. Between 1940 and 1960, more than 40 million Americans

a. migrated to the suburbs.

b. helped rebuild older cities.

c. moved into housing developments.

d. returned to rural regions.

_____18. Which of the following made the scale of suburban growth possible?

a. travel and tourism

b. high-interest loans

c. interstate highways

d. multinational corporations

_____19. Which industry grew most rapidly during the 1950s?

a. service

b. mining

c. farming

d. manufacturing

_____20. Congress increased federal funding for education largely because of

a. rising immigration.

b. massive population shifts.

c. the Soviet Union’s space program.

d. the growth of information industries.

Section 3 – Mass Culture & Family Life

Matching Directions:Place the letter of the correct term from the word bank with the description that best matches. For the terms that are NOT used, write a brief definition on a separate sheet of paper.

a. consumerism

b. median familyincome

c. nuclear family

d. Benjamin Spock

e. rock-and-roll

f. Elvis Presley

_____21. author of a book on nurturing young children

_____22. the amount of money the average family earnsin a year

_____23. buying as much as one can, much of it on credit

_____24. singer who set off a new craze in rock music

_____25. what disc jockey Alan Freed called “race” music

_____26. a household consisting of a mother, a father, andtheir children

Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____27. During the 1950s, American consumers

a. had less money to spend.

b. bought fewer goods on credit.

c. purchased new labor-saving appliances.

d. did not respond well to commercial advertisements.

_____28. The television

a. had little impact on family life.

b. offered few programs for women.

c. changed the way politicians ran for office.

d. was too expensive for most Americans to buy.

_____29. Dr. Jonas Salk

a. developed a vaccine against polio.

b. encouraged women to work outside the home.

c. emphasized the importance of nurturing children.

d. attracted millions to religious revivals around the nation.

_____30. Rock-and-roll music

a. became a symbol of youth culture.

b. was favored by adults.

c. grew out of a subversive communist movement.

d. developed as a southern alternative to rhythm and blues music.

Section 4 – Dissent & Discontent

Matching Directions:Place the letter of the correct term from the word bank with the description that best matches. For the terms that are NOT used, write a brief definition on a separate sheet of paper.

a. beatniks

b. inner city

c. urban renewal

d. termination policy

_____31. a group of writers and artists who refusedto accept traditional ways of thinking,dressing, and behaving

_____32. laws that tried to end tribal governmentand relocate Native Americans to cities

_____33. clearing out older housing and buildingnew developments

_____34. the central part of an urban area

Multiple Choice Directions:Write the letter of the best answer or ending in each blank.

_____35. After World War II, many African Americans and other nonwhiteminorities

a. moved to cities.

b. left the country.

c. became beatniks.
d. began farming.

_____36. Many social critics in the 1950s criticized an American emphasis on

a. diversity.

b. conformity.

c. individualism.

d. intellectualism.

_____37.In The Other America, Michael Harrington exposed problems dealing with

a. race.

b. religion.

c. poverty.

d. communism.

_____38. After World War II, many American cities began to decline because of the

a. increase in taxes.

b. influx of new industries.

c. decrease in public housing.

d. flight of the middle class.

_____39. Which of the following contributed to rural poverty?

a. immigration

b. corporate farming

c. urban renewal projects

d. interstate highway construction

_____40. In the 1950s, the federal government encouraged Native Americans to

a. stay on their reservations.

b. elect new governments.

c. assimilate into American society.

d. spread their native traditions.