To the office:
Salad of the month: Chicken Ranch Salad
Today’s lunch: Corn Dog or Chicken Patty
Tomorrow’s lunch:Chicken Quesadilla or Turkey, Ham, and Cheese SW
Happy Birthday:
CHANGE: The sixth grade track meet is at Glenwood MS (not Rochester) on Wednesday, April 30th. The bus will leave at 3:25.
High School Cheerleading information is in the office.
Scholastic Bowl Practice for the A team only will be after school today.
There is a home track meet today at 4:15.
Track members are getting a Subway order slip today for Subway meal on Thursday (the away track meet). Order and money ($4) must be turned in by noon to Ms. Myers. If you lose your slip, be sure to bring your money on Wed fill out a form that morning.
Congratulations to Nichole Koslosky, she competed in State over the weekend and made it to Nationals in both Double Mini and Tumbling. Reagan Petitt and Katie Smaage also made it to Nationals in Trampoline, Double Mini and Tumbling.
No chess practice after school today.
Attention 8th grade parents:
8th Grade Graduation Video Information
We are making a video montage of our 8th grade students to be shown before the promotion ceremony on Friday, May 30th. We want your student to be featured in this video. We need 2-3 baby/toddler photos and lots of group pictures of your child and classmates that you have taken over the years. This will be a special event for our 8th graders at graduation and we want to spotlight how far they’ve come. You can email your digital photos to (please put your child’s name in the subject line), you can send pictures in on a c.d. (marked with your child’s name), or you can send pictures to school in an envelope or baggie clearly marked with your student’s name. We will scan the photos and return them to you. If you would like to pre-order a copy of this DVD for a keepsake, please complete order form below and return order form and payment to the school in a clearly marked envelope. DVD’s will be $10.00 each and will have a personalized cover. Cash or checks made payable to Jo Ireland. DVD Pre-Orders must be made by May 16th. PICTURES ARE DUE NO LATER THAN MAY 2ND. If you have any questions, please contact Jo Ireland at 971-9505 or email .
The RMS Cheerleading tryout sign-up sheet & information packets are in the office. Tryouts will be May 21 – 23rd. Tryouts are open to students currently in 5th – 7th grade. You must have a current physical on file with Nurse Heather and an insurance waiver turned in before you can try out.
Musical tickets for the public will go on sale Tuesday, April 29th.
Attn softball players…Anyone that would like to order a t-shirt, the money and order form needs to be turned in to Coach Davis by Wednesday, April 30th.
Summer Volleyball Camp forms are available in the office. The camp will be held at the Riverton High School June 9-12. This is for girls entering 1st – 8th grades. The registration deadline is May 24th.
Riverton Hawks JFL and Cheerleading forms are available in the office. Visit for more information.
There is an 11:45 dismissal on Friday
Keep bringing in your soda tabs!! All money raised will go towards the 8th grade science fundraiser, H2O for Life.
8th Grade Science Fundraiser
During science in 8th grade at RMS, students have been learning about fresh water resources. They’ve learned about where it comes from, how water gets treated so it’s safe to drink, and how we (society) can conserve water and limit pollution. Did you know that in many areas throughout our world, children and families do not have access to safe and clean water? As a result, the 8th grade class voted and decided to participate in a fundraiser called H2O for Life, which helps provide clean water and resources to schools around the world who are in need!
Eighth graders are currently hoping to meet their fundraising goal of $1,000. This money will go to a small community “school” (it’s actually just a room in a community member’s home used for school) called El Trapiche in Nicaragua. The money raised will provide kindergarteners at El Trapiche with restrooms and hand washing stations, as well as teaching them about proper hand washing and sanitation.
Please help us reach our goal! You can donate directly by visiting our webpage located at and clicking on the red “Donate” button. Donations may be also dropped off at RMS in a clearly marked envelope. Thank you for supporting us and helping us make a change in our world!
Kent’s IGA is supporting Riverton Schools by giving back!
Save your Kent’s IGA in Riverton receipts and send them to any Riverton school May 1st through May 30th. Kent’s IGA in Riverton will be donating 2% of the total purchases back to our schools. Get your friends and family to save receipts and make sure to send them with your child to school or you may drop off receipts at any school office. Thank you for supporting Riverton Schools!
Free Money for our schools!
"Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe"
Track @ Riverton, 4:15
Chess Practice
Scholastic Practice A team only / 29
PTO, 6:00
Scholastic Practice A team only / 30
6th grade track @ GLENWOOD MS 4:30, bus 3:25
Scholastic Regionals @ Riverton / MAY
Track @ W’ville, 4:15
Chess Practice
Sports Boosters, 6:30 RHS / 2
11:45 dismissal
8th grade tour of RHS
IESA Music Organizational Contest, RHS / 3
Chess Practice / 6
Sangamon Area Track Invite @ Rochester, 4:00 / 7
No 3:50 afterschool activity buses / 8
Chess Practice / 9
RMS Musical, 7:00 RHS Auditorium
5th Grade Snowflurry / 10
RMS Musical, 7:00 RHS Auditorium
JFL Sign Up
9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Chess Practice
Board Meeting / 13
5/6 Band & Choir Concert, RHS 7:00
Home Track Meet / 14 / 15
Chess Practice
7/8 Band & Choir Concert, RHS 7:00 / 16 / 17
Track Sectionals
JFL Sign Up
9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Chess Practice
Fine Arts Boosters Mtg, RHS 6:00 / 20 / 21
7th grade field trip to Decatur’s Rocks Springs Conservation
Cheer Tryouts
3:30-5:30 / 22
Chess Practice
Cheer Tryouts
3:30-5:30 / 23
Cheer Tryouts
3:30-5:30 / 24
NO SCHOOL / 27 / 28 / 29
8th Grade Reward Trip to Six Flags / 30
2:25 dismissal
5-7th Reward Trips
8th grade Promotion, 7:00 / 31