Official Guide and Playing Rules for 2018

Division 3 Special Playing Rules and Field Regulations. Rules of the League/ASA that do not conflict with the following will remain the same.

Rule 1Base Running and Hits

1.1Substitute Runners

No Substitute Runners allowed from home plate.

1.2If a non-runner batter gets a hit, his substitute goes to First (1) Base.

1.3If a non-runner batter hits to the infield it is an automatic out if the ball stays within the infield, the umpire will call

It a dead ball and the base runners will return to the base they were on.

1.4A hit ball reaching the grass by fly, an error or grounder will be a hit unless the fly ball is caught by a fielder, a non- runner batter’s substitute runner goes to 1St. base.

1.5A Batter Runner Can Be Thrown Out At 1st. Base Or Go For Extra Bases At His Discretion.

1.6Teams will be allowed as many runners from 1St. base as needed for runner players. Division 1-2 rule applies, if a batter is able to run, he should, even if that runner is slow.

1.7All Infield Flys are an automatic out for both runners and non-runners whether the ball is caught or not. Base runners may advance at their own discretion.

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1.8Batter Declaration a batter must tell the Home Plate Umpire if he is a runner or not.

Rule 2Playing field Layout

2.1A 170 Foot Line(or cones may be used) from home plate, the OutfieldersMUST stay behind this line or cones until the ball is hit. Infielders must stay (within a Foot on either side) of the 1St. to 2nd. and 2nd. to3rd. base line until the ball is hit. See Field Layout Diagram on Pg. 25.

2.2Field Five(5) When playing on field five (5), the outfielders must stay close to the fence until the ball is hit.

2.3Pitcher’s Safety Screen

Pitcher’s Safety Screen will be placed about halfway between the pitching rubber and Home Plate for Division 3.

2.4PitchersThere will be a ten (10) foot by three (3) foot box behind the pitching rubber so pitchers can take steps to the rubber before pitching the ball. One foot must be on the rubber when the ball is released.


A team must have nine (9) players from its roster to start a game. If a player is injured and cannot continue to play and (no substitutes are available), the opposing team will supply Pg. 21


acatcher. Any additional player loses will cause a forfeit. Teams may field up to eleven (11) defensive players. Managers have the option to field up to 13(maximum)defensive Players but both teams must have the same amount 12 for 12 or 13 for 13. There cannot be any short fielders.

2.6A Player Loss

If a team with 12 or 13 players loses a player to an injury and no substitute is available, the opposing team does not have to lose a player to compensate.

2.7Two Players

Two (2) designated Players per team (manager’s and umpire’s must be informed)cannot be walked intentionally during the first five (5) innings. If one of the designated players is walked without a strike call, the player will automatically go to 2nd. Base.

Rule 3Home Runs

3.1A Maximum of three (3) Home Runs per Team per Game or (over the fence).

3.2Umpire’s must insure that the defensive players are in proper position before the ball is pitched.

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Rule 4Playoffs

4.1Two (2) rounds, 1st round is with Team 1 VS. 6, 2 VS.5 and Team 3 VS. 4. From that, you will have Three (3) Teams for round Two (2), of that, the Team with the best overall season record will have a BYE and the 2 other Teams will play for a One (1) game VS. theBYE Team for a winner take all for Division 3 Season Championship.

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