Wednesday 31 January 2018

Dear Job Applicant,

Re: Leeds CIL Independent Living AdviserPost

Thank you for requesting the application pack for the above post.

This application pack contains the following documents:

Job Description & Person Specification

Application Form

Leeds CIL – Who we are & what we do

Leeds CIL – Vision, Mission & Code of Practice

Leeds CIL – Commitment to Safeguarding

Please read these documents carefully and complete all sections of the application form (CVs will not be accepted).

Details of the role:


Full time (37hrs per week)

Initial 6 month contract, continuation beyond 6 months subject to funding review and completion of 6 month probationary period.

Salary: £20,661-£22,658 pro-rata

Please note that the closing date / time for returned applications is 12pm on Wednesday 14 February 2018. Completed applications must be printed and signed before submitting. Any job offer will be subject to the receipt of acceptable references and an enhanced Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) check.

All short-listed applicants will be notified and provided with their interview date and interview packs. We plan to hold interviews for this post at Leeds CIL during the week beginning 26 February 2018.

We look forward to receiving your application.

Yours sincerely,

Susan Morrell

CEO – Leeds CIL



To provide a service that enables people to set up, control and manage the assistance that they need with personal care and daily living tasks. To work directly with users and potential users of Direct Payments and/or alternative funding, and relevant workers and agencies.
To work with other team members within Leeds CIL to establish, develop and maintain systems that will provide support and information to people who use, and could potentially use, Direct Payments.
To support individuals to set up and maintain their own systems for employing Personal Assistants.
To ensure that all checks required by the Local Authority / NHS regarding adult and child protection are carried out and that procedures regarding adult and child protection are followed.
To assist Personal Assistant employers to develop and maintain good employer/employee relationships and to comply with all legal and financial requirements attached to being an employer.
To arrange for appropriate training for Personal Assistants including child protection and moving and handling training, as required.
To support customers to access/establish appropriate payroll support.
To support customers to develop their own strategies for dealing with the provision of emergency cover.
To carry out all required administration tasks including liaising directly with other agencies and organisations within and outside the Local Authority / NHS and negotiate with other workers at all levels, as required.
To comply with all confidentiality and data protection requirements regarding the collection and storage of information.
To assist with publicising the service including giving talks and presentations to potential customers and groups of workers within and outside the Local Authority/NHS.
To participate in the monitoring and evaluation of the service.
To work with the Independent Living Team Leader to develop policies, procedures and guidelines necessary to run a support service.
To signpost customers to other Leeds CIL services and/or other services that can assist people to achieve independent living, as required.
To identify training needs and participate in training and developmental activities to ensure up to date knowledge and skills.
To promote principles of empowerment, choice and the social model of disability.
To actively promote Leeds CIL’s Equal Opportunities Policy and to work in an anti-oppressive manner.
To carry out all duties having regard to an employee’s responsibility under Leeds CIL’s Health and Safety Policies.
Other duties and responsibilities appropriate to the grade and status of the post.
The post holder will be expected to work under their own initiative but also as a member of a team, maintaining a close working relationship with other colleagues, service users, carers and other agencies/professionals.
The Independent Living Adviser post is based at Leeds CIL’s offices and other locations within Leeds, which may include community based hubs.
Leeds CIL is based in a ground floor building that is accessible for disabled people within its own grounds with designated parking bays for Blue Badge permit holders.
The Centre is a non-smoking environment; however the post holder may be required to visit establishments or service users’ homes where other people may smoke.
Normal working hours are 8:30am – 4.30pm Monday - Thursday and 8.30am - 4:00pm on a Friday. Variable working arrangements, including evening and/or weekends, may be necessary on occasion to complete on-going casework, emergency situations, evening visits or meetings.
Terms and conditions of employment are in accordance with collective agreements negotiated from time to time by the National Joint Council (NJC) for Local Authorities for Administrative, Professional, Technical and Clerical Services and the Rules of Leeds CIL, supplemented by local agreements.
Whilst no guarantee can be given to subsequent promotion, there are currently a number of higher graded posts within the company which potentially provide the opportunity for career progression within the company. Any subsequent vacancies will be filled in compliance with agreed Leeds CIL procedures.
The Leeds CIL has a positive commitment to the training and development of employees in all areas of its activities.
Similarly employees are also expected to adopt a positive attitude to any training provided and also to their own personal development.
No specific qualifications are required.
SPECIAL CONDITIONS This post is subject to a higher level check with the Criminal Records Bureau. In discharging its social services function under the Local Authority Social Services Act 1970, the Department is covered by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions Order 1975) and any applicant is obliged to disclose ALL convictions and cautions, no matter how long ago they occurred and regardless of whether the offences were committed as an adult or a juvenile.
Please note that a criminal record will not necessarily be a bar to obtaining employment; this will depend on the circumstances and background to any offence.
Job Description Prepared / Reviewed by: / Job Description Approved by:
S Morrell / A McDermott
Date: November 2017 / Date: November2017


Detailed below are the types of skills, experience and knowledge, which are required of applicants applying for the post. The “Essential Requirements” indicate the minimum requirements and applicants lacking these attributes will not be considered for the post. The points detailed under “Desirable Requirements” are additional attributes to enable the applicant to perform the position more effectively or with little or no training. They are not essential, but may be used to distinguish between acceptable candidates.
Ability to explain concepts and information to customers and other workers in a supportive and enabling manner.
Ability to maintain accurate records, prepare reports and follow administrative procedures.
Ability to research, collate and distribute relevant information.
Ability to assess need and support individuals towards achieving their requirements.
Ability to effectively manage own time and workload.
Ability to undertake diverse workloads with competing deadlines.
Ability to work with a range of different groups of people from a wide variety of backgrounds.
Ability to liaise with and develop constructive working relationships with a range of workers in statutory, voluntary and public organisations.
Ability to work as a member of a team and contribute effectively to team meetings.
Ability to pass information effectively, accurately and concisely between customers, carers, colleagues, line management and other organisations.
Ability to work efficiently and accurately with figures.
Ability to use a word processor, database and spread sheets.
Knowledge and understanding of the role of a Centre for Integrated Living.
Knowledge and understanding of the role of a direct payments scheme and of the need for associated support services.
General knowledge of current policies, legislation and trends in relation to disabled people.
Knowledge and understanding of the duties and responsibilities attached to being an employer and managing employees.
A basic understanding of payroll schemes
Understanding of the role and responsibilities of one or more statutory agencies.
Of providing assistance or support to people on a formal level from within a statutory or voluntary service or organisation.
Ability to understand and observe Leeds CIL’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
Ability to promote the principles of empowerment, choice and independent living from within a Centre for Integrated Living.
To carry out all duties having regard to an employee’s responsibility under Leeds CIL’s Health & Safety Policies.
Ability to drive.
Knowledge of relevant resources and agencies.
Knowledge of Community Care and associated procedures.
Direct, personal experience of disabling barriers.
Direct experience of a personal assistance model.
Experience of using a social model of disability approach to service provision.
Experience of working with a range of agencies.




Leeds CIL provides services that help local disabled and older people and families with disabled children take control of and manage any support they need with personal care, daily living tasks and getting out and about in mainstream communities. Leeds CIL was formerly a Leeds City Council (LCC) Adult Social Care service, co-run by an advisory Management Committee of local disabled people. In April 2011, with support from LCC, Leeds CIL became an independent Disabled People’s User-led Organisation, operating as a not-for-profit Company Limited by Guarantee with charitable status, governed by a Board of Directors / Trustees who are all disabled people who live in Leeds.

Leeds CIL’s Charitable Objects are:

“To promote social inclusion for the public benefit among disabled and older people who are or may be socially excluded due to disability or age by:

meeting and facilitating the support needs of disabled and older people;

promoting and increasing the opportunities for independent living available to disabled and older people;

assisting disabled and older people to make choices and access the services and support they may require to live independently in the community with appropriate support;

supporting and empowering disabled and older people so that they may carry out social roles (for example, without limitation, parent, employee, student, friend and partner); and

otherwise preventing the social exclusion of disabled and older people”.

Leeds CIL Services

All our services deliver personalised support to meet customers’ individual support needs, not by taking over or deciding ‘what’s best’ for our customers, but by respecting the skills, knowledge and experience that disabled people already have and providing only as much support as the person wants and feels they need to achieve their independent living goals. Our staff team of 28 people from diverse backgrounds provide the support whilst ensuring that the customer stays in control of the process and that all safeguarding requirements are met. The services are available for customers referred by Leeds Adult Social Care, Leeds Children’s and Young Peoples Services (Direct Payments and Personal Budgets recipients), Continuing Healthcare (Personal Health Budgets recipients) and also self-funders (people who pay for their own care). We can also enable customers to manage other funding streams that they can use to purchase the support they need, such as Access to Work.

Section 1: Brokerage (Support Planning and Managed Bank Account Service)

Independent Living Guides provide support for Personal Budgets (PB) and Personal Health Budgets (PHBs) applicants who have completed a Self-Directed Assessment Questionnaire and been allocated an indicative budget, as follows:

  • Support to identify personal goals and outcomes
  • Support to write a Personal Support Plan detailing how the customer’s assessed needs will be met, focusing on mainstream facilities and services where possible
  • Obtaining approval for the plan and allocation of the actual Personal Budget
  • Support to purchase and/or set up the support detailed in the Personal Support Plan ensuring that the most cost-effective support is obtained and that optimum value is gained from all services that are purchased
  • Support customers to maximize the level of control they have when managing their PB / PHB.
  • Managed Bank Account Service, for customers who cannot or do not want to open a separate bank account for their PBs, PHBs and/or other funding to be used to pay for the support services they need.

Section 2: Support to recruit and manage Personal Assistants

Independent Living Advisers provide support to customers who choose to use their funding or their own money to employ one or more Personal Assistants (PAs) to provide the assistance they need. This support enables the customer to carry out all tasks in line with employment legislation, as follows:

  • Support to write a job application form, job description and person specification
  • Access to the Leeds CIL PA Register, a database which has details of people looking for work as PAs
  • Support to write and place a job advertisement if no suitable applicant is available on the Leeds CIL PA Register
  • Support to short-list job applications
  • Support to write interview questions and conduct interviews, including the use of a Leeds CIL meeting room, if required
  • Support in taking up references
  • Support to carry out safeguarding and legal checks including DBS checks for PAs
  • Support in purchasing Employers & Public Liability Insurance
  • Support with induction of new PAs and booking required training courses for PAs
  • Follow-up support if required, such as recruiting a replacement PA if one leaves, or dealing with any difficulties in the employer / PA relationship
  • Support the customer to ensure there is a robust contingency plan (e.g. back up PA’s, agency agreement or informal support) built into their support plan to cover short term absences

Section 3: Payroll Service

Payroll Support Workers provide support that enables the PA employers to carry out all tasks in line with employment legislation, financial regulations and tax requirements, as follows:

  • Support to open a separate bank account for the funding
  • Support to set up and use financial records including time-sheets
  • Support with undertaking calculations
  • Support to register with Her Majesties Revenue & Customs if the customer wishes to administer the payroll for their workers
  • Access to a payroll bureau directly provided by Leeds CIL
  • Ongoing support if required, including dealing with financial discrepancies

Training & Development Service (TDS)

This is a new service launched in September 2014. Skills for Care have provided funding for training for PA employers so that PA employers have access to training to help them carry out their responsibilities and role as an employer. Skills for Care also provided funding so that PA’s to have access to training on how to do the many and varied tasks they carry out when supporting their employer.

The training and development activities arranged by TDS will include traditional training courses, one-to-one training and e-learning that can be done anywhere where people have access to a computer.

The types of training will be wide-ranging, including how to be a good employer, employment law, health and safety, moving and handling, preparing food, and working with disabled children.

Consultancy and Partnership Work

In our enterprise role we are always looking for ways to develop innovative new services and support in response to feedback we receive directly from our customers.

We also actively look for partners that we can work with to promote social inclusion for disabled people. This includes playing a consultancy role, sharing our expertise, for example our Service Development Manager is a key member of a commissioning team who have developed and are now implementing Personal Health Budgets in Leeds.

Leeds Centre for Integrated Living

Vision, Mission & Code of Practice


To ensure that all disabled and older people in Leeds can choose where they live and how they live


To be the gateway to Independent Living for disabled and older people in Leeds, guiding people to the support and services that they can use to achieve their goals

  • The Social Model of Disability underpins all our work
  • Our Management Board of disabled and older people direct all our work
  • We maintain zero tolerance to all types of prejudice, oppression, abuse and negative discrimination
  • We respect our Customers’ confidentiality
  • We provide excellent Customer Service
  • Our staff team are our most valuable asset
  • We provide excellent value for money
  • We value our contacts with other organisations
  • We operate a culture of transparency
  • We comply with all Health and Safety regulations and requirements

Code of practice