Interview Schedule

Please circle the appropriate response

S. No.Identification

  1. Date of Enumeration
  1. Name of Respondent
  1. Father/Husband’s Name:
  1. Age
  1. Sex:
  1. Male
  2. Female
  1. Result of Interview
  1. Completed
  2. Eligible respondent is not available
  3. Refused
  4. Other
  1. Name of the Organization
  1. Type of the Organization
  1. Profitable
  2. Non profitable
  1. Geographical Scope of the Organization
  1. Local
  2. Provincial
  3. National
  4. International
  1. Date of inception?
  1. Within last five years
  2. Five to fifteen years
  3. More than fifteen years
  1. Designation
  1. Your Qualification
  1. Professional Degrees
  1. Skills
  1. Job tenure in the Organization
  1. Number of employees working under you?
  1. Are you recruited on this rank?
  1. Directly
  2. Gradually promoted


  1. During 2003 how many new employees between the ages of 18-29 were recruited by your Organization?
  1. At what positions they are working?
  1. Executive level
  2. Managerial level
  3. Mid Managerial level
  4. Supervisor level
  5. Technicians
  6. Rank and Files Workers
  1. How do you obtain candidates for job?
  1. Through advertisement
  2. Through personal networking
  3. Through personal references
  4. All Above
  1. Are there any significant opportunities available for youth in your organization?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. If Yes, What are the reasons for the creation of these opportunities?
  1. Due to retirement
  2. To fill leave vacancies
  3. Expansion of business
  4. Due to turn over
  5. Any other please specify
  1. What Types of Employment your organization offer to young people?
  1. Permanent - ongoing employment.
  2. Temporary
  3. Contract Employees
  4. Casual employment
  1. Have you been able to found young employees you are looking for?
  2. YES
  3. No
  1. If no, what are the reasons for not finding suitable candidates for recruitment?
  2. Lack of basic qualification
  3. Lack of experience
  4. Lack of skills
  5. Unfavorable attitude
  6. Any other
  1. What is the merit principle that your organization look at while recruiting youth?
  1. Knowledge
  2. Skill
  3. Qualifications
  4. Experience and
  5. Potential for future development.
  1. How much your Organization tend to focus upon 'softer' skills (team building, communication, problem solving) and behavioral attributes in the recruitment process?
  1. To some extent
  2. To great extent
  3. Not at all
  1. Do you think that schools and colleges provide inadequate preparation for young people in relation to what is expected of them in the world of work?
  2. To some extent
  3. To great extent
  4. Not at all
  1. If no, what do you suggest to improve the role of educational institutions in preparing youth for labor market needs?



  1. Do you agree that young people who had undergone a period of work experience while at school or college were better equipped than others for the world of work?
  2. To some extent
  3. To great extent
  4. Not at all
  1. Do you agree that educational institutions are focusing too strongly on academic skills and qualifications, at the expense of employability?
  1. To some extent
  2. To great extent
  3. Not at all
  1. What are the skills that your Organization value most about young recruits?
  1. Computer skills
  2. English speaking and writing
  3. Communication skills
  4. Any other
  1. Does your Organization recognize the specific needs of young recruits particularly those entering their first job?
  1. YES
  2. NO
  1. If yes, what steps have been taken by your Organization to meet the specific needs of young recruits?
  2. Mentoring
  3. Apprenticeship
  4. Trainings ( pre service/immediately at joining the service)
  5. Any other
  1. What is an average tenure of a young employee in your organization?
  1. Less than one year
  2. Two year
  3. Three and above
  1. Do your think that youth workers are difficult to recruit?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. If yes why do you think?
  1. Youth workers lack skills
  2. Lack of experience
  3. Non professional attitude
  4. Lack of qualification
  5. All the above
  1. Are you facing challenges in finding skilled employees?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. If yes what specific skills are in demand now in your company or organization?



  1. When does your organization require youth recruitment?
  1. First quarter
  2. 2nd quarter
  3. Third Quarter
  4. Fourth quarter
  5. Throughout the year
  1. Does your organization ensure equality of opportunity for all applicants?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. In your opinion who is an ideal employee?
  1. Hard working
  2. Honest
  3. Dedicated
  4. Loyalty
  5. Highly skilled
  6. Highly Qualified
  7. Any other specify


  1. How many young employees left your company during the past 12 months?
  1. Why young employees leave?
  1. They are unhappy in their current position
  2. They don’t feel satisfied, appreciated.
  3. The job does not meet their expectations.
  4. Promises never materialize.
  5. Somewhere else offers
  6. All of the above.
  1. Does your Organization evaluate the young employee job satisfaction?
  1. YES
  2. NO
  1. If yes, how does your organization evaluate job satisfaction?
  1. Interaction with clients
  2. Interaction with staff
  3. Level of enthusiasm
  4. Any other
  1. Does your Organization evaluate young employee’s performance?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. If Yes, How does your Organization evaluate young employee performance?
  1. Through adding new Organizational capital
  2. Through providing social goods
  3. Through interaction with clients
  4. Any other
  1. Do you think that retention of young employees is a problem?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. If yes, why do you think?
  1. They are ambitious
  2. They are not focused
  3. They are non serious
  4. Any other


  1. What type of reward your organization offer to young employees?
  1. Monetary
  2. Promotion
  3. Pat to the back
  4. Exposures
  5. Verbal praise
  6. Trainings
  7. Any other
  1. Does your company offer opportunities to young employees to refresh and enhance their job related skills?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. If yes, what are the areas in which you give training to young employees?
  1. Communication
  2. TeamBuilding
  3. Conflict Resolution
  4. Leadership
  5. Any other
  1. Have your Organization taken any steps to fill the needs of young employees so they are inspired to stay?
  1. YES
  2. NO
  1. If yes, what steps have your organization taken to fill the needs of young employees so they are inspired to stay?
  1. Make them feel welcome
  2. Make them feel important
  3. Make them feel appreciated
  4. Make them feel respectable
  5. Any other
  1. Does your Organization allowyoung employeesto take initiatives and experiment new ideas?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. If yes, can you share with us any important initiative taken by young employee in your Organization?
  1. Does your Organization allow young employees to have a say in the decision making of the Organization?
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. If no, what are the reasons of not involving youth in decision making?
  1. They are inexperienced
  2. They are unprofessional
  3. They are not skilled
  4. Any other
  1. What is your promotion criterion for young employees?
  1. Seniority
  2. Performance
  3. Both
  4. Any other
  1. How do you define the youth of Pakistan?
  1. Passionate
  2. Creative
  3. Innovative
  4. Inactive
  5. Non serious


  1. What do you expect from youth?




  1. What steps should be taken to ease the transition of youth from school to work?



  1. What role your organization can play in promoting youth employment?




  1. What do you suggest how the menace of youth unemployment and under employment can be addressed?




  1. What is the reason of unemployment among educated youth?


