Subject Leader Plans
Page 1 Subject self-review and summary: PE
Page 2 PE Action Plan 2015-2016 (Evaluation)
Page 3 PE Action Plan 2016-17
PE Action Plan 2015-2016
PE ACTION PLAN 2015-16Priority: To raise standards in PE by ensuring appropriate challenge and support for all children. / Year 2015-2016
Lead person accountable for the plan: Mrs E Edwards-Smith / How much will the plan cost:
Circus skillsenrichment day -£350 +VAT
Katie Shone to teach Y1, Y2, Y4, Y5 & Y6
TAs (with sport interest) at dinner times
Update PE/lunch time resources/certificates £740
Success criteria: / Focus on outcomes. Specific, measurable impact on pupils.
- Most children (80%+) to achieve age related expectation for PE, with 30% achieving above age related expectations.
- Majority (60%+) of pupils to be in line with national average (5.6)fitness levels at the end of the year using the bleep test scales.
- Majority (64%+) of pupils to be able to remain physically active for longer periods outside PE sessions using activities in zones (KS2) or play leader activities (KS1). Evidence based on video recordings/questionnaires/discussions.
- Reducing children below ARE by the end of the year (small minority – 20% or less)
Action / Lead person accountable for the action / Time Scale
Start and End dates / Training/CPD
needs / Resources/Costs/Time
Continue with bleep tests to assess fitness levels of children on entry and at the end of every term in Y1-Y6 – aim for 5.6 (national average) by the end of year. / KS and Y1/2 & Y3 teachers / Autumn 2015 – Summer 2016 / KS/AV/KG to test children 4 times a year.
Continue to have Wigan Sports Specialist to teach Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6. / GTa / Autumn 2015- Summer 2016 / Cost of Katie Shone to cover classes
Develop/purchase new PE assessments (without levels). / GTa, ES / Autumn 2015 - / LCC KS1 & KS2 assessments??
Monitor PE planning – focus on: pupils working below/above ARE.
Check that all children by the end of Y3 can swim 25 metres.
Identify non swimmers. / ES / Autumn 2015-Summer 2016
Update resources to ensure PE units are delivered. / ES, Y3, Y1/2 teacher, KS / On-going / Resources £400
Host a cross country event with schools in the HIPs cluster (inter-school sports) / CS, ES, GTa,
PE Working Group / Spring 2016 / HIPs funding??
Introduction of Y1 and Y2 fundamental movement skills assessment this year with a view to support children next year 2016-17 eg. target group or ‘bubbling’ activities in PE lessons (similar to maths). / KS, AV / Autumn 2015 & Summer 2016 / LCC resources??
WLCT support (KS)
Enrichment days for PE – 2015-16 focus - circus skills (KS2) / ES/GTa / Spring/Summer 2016 / Circus skills £350+VAT
Encourage regular participation in sport and physical activity after school clubs, in particular, in KS2 / PE Working group / Autumn 2015 –Summer 2016
Liaise with lunch time staff and school council to ensure playground zones are still encouraging ‘active play’ at lunchtimes. Develop KS1 lunch time activities so they have three zones, like KS2. / PE Working Group / From Autumn 2015 – on-going / £300 new resources to replace stock
Introduce Reception classes competitive sport in school, and continuation of competitive sport in other year groups – change tournament ‘game’ this year for all year groups. / PE working Group / From Autumn 2015 – Summer 2016 / Discussion in PE working group meetings
Certificates £40
Who / What / Where / When / External Validation
ES /
- Pupil discussions
- Planning
- Data analysis
Report to governors. / On-going.
April 2016
Impact:What will the outcomes be? / Update (mid-year) How close are you to the stated outcomes? / Final EvaluationHave the intended outcomes been achieved?
Majority of children (60%+) to achieve 5.6 (national fitness level) by the end of the year. Identify areas of weakness/strengths through pupil/teacher discussion. / A majority of children are on target to achieve 5.6 national fitness level. Monitor Y5 results. / A large majority (87%+) of children in five year groups achieved the 5.6 (national fitness level), however, only 56% of Y5’s achieved the 5.6 level by the end of the year.
PEplanning monitored each term. Establish strategies to support pupil progression, in particular, those below/above ARE. Identify non swimmers. / LCC PE SoW for KS1 & KS2 introduced in Autumn 2015. Plans are very detailed with pre-post assessments (incl. fundamental movement skills assessment for KS1). PE teaching staff edited LCC PE plans to suit their children’s needs.
New standards set this year in swimming – progress being made by all, but standards are higher than previously. This could have an effect on the end of year results. / Through the introduction of LCC PE SoW this changed the outcomes slightly as we were trialling a ‘new’ scheme. There was a dip in children in line with ARE across the school from last year by 6%. However, this may be due to staff using ‘new’ assessments. Staff like the LCC, socontinue to use SoW in 2016-17, but monitor progression.
New swimming standards set in 2015-16 had an effect on swimming results. Seventeen (57% of Y3’s) children did not achieve the KS2 standard. Swim school have adapted timetable this year to help raise progress (re: discussion with Rebecca Mazey). Continue to track swimmers who do not achieve KS2 standard. Consider next steps for these pupils.
Vulnerable groups (SEN/FSM/PP) progress tracked at the end of the year to compare their performance to their peers. / Children below ARE slightly higher than usual for this time of year. Could be due to ‘new’ assessments?
KS1 – games
KS2 – games (net/wall) / Five year groups had 50% or more of children on PP in line with ARE (which included one class which had 14% above ARE), only 1 class had a majority below ARE. Three year groups had 50% or more of children on FSM in line with ARE, and three with a majority working below ARE. However, for children with SEN only two year groups had a majority (50% or more) of children in line with ARE (see: PE subject tracking 2015-16). This shows a noticeable difference from last year’s results, especially for the children with SEN.
Circus skills used during dinner time activities to encourage concentration, hand/eye co-ordination and offer other new physical skills for pupils to learn. / Circus skills – link with whole school reward in Summer Term / Circus Tent (July 2016) as ‘gold’ reward. Introduce ‘circus equipment’ on KS2 playground next academic year.
Improvement in attendance in KS2 sports after school clubs - 80%+ attendance most weeks. / Dance and netball achieved 78-87% club attendance (16 on register). Tag rugby achieved 60% (but only 11 on register!!) / KS2 running club attendance at 95% as well as dance at 87%, closely followed by Netball and indoor/outdoor athletics at 78% - a huge improvement from last year. Aim to have
Address next steps in Autumn 2016 at first PE working group meeting, consider: clubs linked to competitive sports (KS1) and ensuring a regular 20 children attend KS2 after school sports clubs.
KS1 and KS2 playground - activities in zones working effectively to encourage and increase physical activity during break/dinner times (64%+). Pupil/LOs discussions. / KS2 Playground games zone –playground challenges removed.Giant games, skipping ropes and hula hoops only to encourage independent play.
KS1 – introduction of parachute games / KS1 ‘quiet’ zone set up Spring in 2016.
Giant ‘Target’ game (Big game) introduced to KS1 (Summer 2016) – children would like more ‘big games’ in 2016/17.
KS2 zones working effectively, even when on the school field (Summer 2016).
Majority of children (60%+)are physically active at lunchtimes.
Competitive school sport in school taking place in EYFS, as well as,KS1/2 – introduce ‘new’ games. / Y5/6 ‘Handball’ tournament Nov. 2015 – to repeat plan with Y3/4 (to incl. some amendments). / Y3/4 ‘Handball’ tournament - March 2016
KS1 ‘Dodgeball’ tournament (competitive game) – June 2016
EYFS ‘Athletics’ tournament - July 2016 (keep this sport for next year for EYFS –supported them with ‘sports day’ races)
PE Action Plan 2016-2017
PE ACTION PLAN 2016-17Priority: To raise standards in PE by ensuring appropriate challenge and support for all children. / Year 2016-2017
Lead person accountable for the plan: Mrs E Edwards-Smith / How much will the plan cost:
WLCT to teach PE to: Y1, Y1/2, Y2, Y4, Y5 & Y6£16,000
Update PE/lunch time resources/certificates £1,070
Success criteria: / Focus on outcomes. Specific, measurable impact on pupils.
- Majority (80%+) of pupils to achieve age related expectation for PE (in at least 5 year groups) with 20% (in at least 4 year groups) achieving above age related expectations.
- Majority (87%+) of pupils to be in line with national average (5.6) fitness levels at the end of the year using the bleep test scales.
- Majority (64%+) of pupils to be able to remain physically active for longer periods at lunchtime. Evidence based on video recordings/questionnaires/discussions.
- Reducing children below ARE by the end of the year (20%) in most classes.
Action / Lead person accountable for the action / Time Scale
Start and End dates / Training/CPD
needs / Resources/Costs/Time
Continue with bleep tests to assess fitness levels of children on entry and at the end of every term in Y1-Y6 – aim for 87%+ of children in every class to achieve 5.6 (national average) by the end of year. / WLCT staff, Y3 PE teacher / Autumn 2016 – Summer 2017 / RH/WLCT to test children 4 times a year.
Liaise with Cathy Robinson to start work on the ‘Games Mark Award’. / ES, PE working group & Cathy Robinson / Autumn 2016-Summer 2017
Continue to have a Sports Specialist to teach Y1, Y1/2, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6. / GTa / Autumn 2016- Summer 2017 / £16,000
Liaise with WLCT staff re: LCC PE planning every half term – focus on: pupils working below and introducing ‘new’ games to curriculum (link with Wigan West Comps) / ES, PE working group and WLCT staff / Autumn 2016-Summer 2017
Aim for a majority (60%+) of children by the end of Y3 to swim at KS2 standard. Consider next steps for non-swimmers by the end of Y3. / ES & liaise with Rebecca Mazey / Autumn 2016-Summer 2017
Update resources to ensure PE units are delivered. / ES, PE working group, WLCT / On-going / Resources £500
Host a cross country event with schools in the HIPs cluster (inter-school sports) / PE Working Group / Autumn 2016 / Medals £30, Refreshments £20 (to claim back from HIPs funding)
Start fundamental movement skills assessments with Y1s.
Continue to support current Y2 children who achieved an ‘immature’ score at the end of last year. / ES, WLCT staff / Autumn 2016- Summer 2017 / TAs/WLCT staff to support children to achieve a ‘developing’ score by the end of Y2.
Aim for large majority (80%+) attendance in sport and physical activity after school clubs (KS2). Look at linking KS1 after school clubs to simplified ‘competitive’ sports (to provide further support in the fundamental skills). / PE Working group / Autumn 2016 –Summer 2017 / Included in £16,000 Wigan Sports coaches
Continue to liaise with lunch time staff and school council to ensure KS1 & KS2 playground zones are still encouraging ‘active play’ at lunchtimes. Replace lost/broken resources. Introduce ‘big games’ for KS1 lunch time and ‘circus equipment’ for KS2 lunchtime. / PE Working Group / From Autumn 2016 – on-going / Resources £500
Continuation of competitive sport in EYFS, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2 – change tournament ‘game’ this year for all year groups (apart from EYFS – link to athletics is a MUST!) / PE working Group / From Autumn 2016 – Summer 2017 / Discussion in PE working group meetings
Certificates £60
Who / What / Where / When / External Validation
ES /
- Pupil discussions
- Planning
- Data analysis
Report to governors. / On-going.
April 2017
Impact:What will the outcomes be? / Update (mid-year) How close are you to the stated outcomes? / Final EvaluationHave the intended outcomes been achieved?
Large majority of children (87%+) to achieve 5.6 (national fitness level) by the end of the year. Identify areas of weakness/strengths through pupil/teacher discussion.
Establish strategies to support pupil progression, in particular, those below ARE through half termly meetings with WLCT staff (incl. planning) and assessments.Aim to reduce below ARE to 20% in most (if not all) classes.
Meet with Cathy Robinson, discuss action points to achieve 2016-17 and collate evidence which can be used for ‘games mark’ award
Cross country event taken place and work on next steps for 2017-18 HIPs event.
Improvement in attendance in KS2 sports after school clubs - 80%+ attendance and 20 children on the register.
KS1 after school sports clubs to link with a competitive sport.
KS1 and KS2 playground - activities in zones working effectively to encourage and increase physical activity during break/dinner times (64%+). Pupil/LOs discussions.
Competitive school sport in school taking place in all key stages – introduce ‘new’ games in KS1, LKS2 & UKS2.