Continental FC
Staff Uniform Standards

At Continental FC we strive to maintain a professional atmosphere at our training sessions and games. By adhering to the below policies our coaches set the example to our players and are responsible for holding our members accountable for the uniform policies in place. Moving into the 2015/16 season Continental FC will be partnering with Adidas to be the official provider of training and game day apparel for the club. It is imperative that all coaches wear the Adidas Continental FC kit at all club events. Coaches noted to be out of uniform will have portion of their monthly training fee withheld at the discretion of the Board.

Game Day

1. Coach should wear CFC polo top for all games along with shorts/pants, and socks.

2. Shirt should be tucked in at all times

3. Outwear (IE Rain Jacket and ½ Zip top) will be provided in case of inclement weather

4. Appropriate footwear on the sidelines – Adidas sneakers or cleats preferred – no flip flops or sandals to be worn.

5. No texting and cell phone conversations during the games.

6. Coaches should arrive in a timely manner for games and should always hold their appearance to the same high standards that we expect from our players

7. Game day ball shall be Adidas unless strictly prohibited by the rules of the competition

Practice Policy

1. All coaches must wear an official CFC t-shirt/jacket to all practice sessions along with shorts/pants, socks and appropriate footwear.

2. Coaches must ensure they have clean pinnies and a sufficient number of cones for all practice sessions

3. Coaches should bring a soccer pump and needle to all events to ensure balls are fully inflated.

4. No texting and telephone conversations

5. The use of non-branded apparel, or apparel items branded with other club, colleges or vendors is strictly prohibited.

Our aim at Continental FC is for all players and coaches to have pride in wearing the clubs badge. Holding ourselves and our players accountable will help us to instill a high level of professionalism from top to bottom which will inevitably impact our mentality and performance on the field.