Witham-on-the-Hill Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 10thNovember, 2014

at St.Andrew’s Parish Hall, Witham-on-the-Hill, commencing at 7.00pm.

PRESENT : Cllr Charles Henriques (Chair)

Cllr Janet Kirkwood

Cllr Debbie McMillan

Cllr Christopher Shepherd

IN ATTENDANCE: District Councillor Ibis Channell, County Councillor Martin Trollope-Bellew, and three members of the public.

  1. Chairman’s Remarks.

CH welcomed those present to the meeting.

  1. Apologies.

Cllr Sue Pennant-Jones was unable to attend.

  1. Disclosure of Interests.


  1. Village Green

A discussion of two matters relating to the use of the Green, previously advertised in The Three Towers, took place:

Car Parking.

One resident had written to remind Councillors of the hazard to pedestrians caused by cars parking on the pavement outside the church and the damage that had been caused by this to the houses opposite when large vehicles were forced off the road. Two other messages in support of an extended parking area on the Green had been received. It was felt on discussion that the problem of parking on pavements would not necessarily be relieved by an extension of the parking area: often people parked outside the church/village hall when spaces in the existing parking area were still available. The problem was more one of reluctance on the part of car users and a lack of bay markings in the existing parking area. On a practical level the cost of the proposed works far exceeded the funds available to the PC and grant applications had in the past proved unsuccessful. A more realistic solution might be to have markings on the existing car parking area to encourage users to park their cars sensibly, along with a sign to advertise the existence of the parking area to visitors. It was agreed that the matter would be discussed again at the next meeting and that a notice would be placed in The Three Towers saying that the PC was not minded to renew the planning Consent Application without a stronger expression of local support for an extended parking area. Action CTS.

Boules Pitch.

CTS informed the meeting that earlier documentation makes it clear that when the Pitch was created in 2002 it was agreed specifically that the PC would not be responsible for its upkeep and maintenance.The question is who is now responsible. Two people had contacted the PC to say that it would be a shame to lose the facility. It was agreed that DMcM would speak to David Clifford and Ray Thompson (who had been involved when the Pitch was created) to seek further clarification.Action DMcM.

  1. Street Lighting between Village and Cross-Roads.

The issue of whether or not to have the street lights turned off between midnight and 5.00 am was discussed. Two residents had voiced support for the idea, without giving reasons. CTS mentioned the opposition, on security grounds, of the residents living by that stretch of the road and also that the matter had been considered and unanimously rejected by the PC in 2009. CTS raised concerns over liability in the case of an accident. Agreed the matter should be considered again at the next meeting but that no action should be taken without more local support. CTS would raise the issue again in The Three Towers. Action CTS.

  1. Minutes of the last meeting held on 8 September, 2014.

Matters arising from the Public Forum.

MTB said that he had had a meeting with Kevin Brumfield of LCC Highways about the road safety concerns raised by members of the public. Regarding the problem in the West Farm area Mr Brumfield was not willing to install more signs or road markings. Mr Brumfield had suggested neighbouring landowners could reduce the size of adjacent hedges and were free to install warning signs themselves off the Public Highway. The response was felt to be inadequate and MTB agreed to pursue the matter further. Regarding the dangerous cross-roads on the A6121 MTB reported that Mr Brumfield was unwilling to add to the road safety measures already in place. It was pointed out that these measures were ineffective as serious accidents still occurred regularly. MTB agreed to raise the matter again with LCC Highways and CH would speak on the matter to Manthorpe PC (whose meeting would take place on 27th November at Toft House Hotel). Action MTB/CH.

Cost of turning off street lights between the village and the A6121 – CTS reported that he had been in touch with Carolyn Baker who had reported that SKDC had no policy on the matter which would need to be discussed by ‘senior officials and Members’. District Councillor Channell undertook to see that the matter was resolved. Action IC.

Item 4. CTS said that there was no generally available code to access the defibrillator – it was provided by the emergency services when a call to them was made. CTS agreed to place a notice in The Three Towers about the availability of the equipment and giving the names of those trained to use it (Gloria Greenwood, Peta Cordial and Julia Thompson). Action CTS.

The Minutes were approved and signed.

  1. The Clerkship.

Agreed CH would speak to Cheryl Price in the hope that she might take on the role again. Failing that CTS would contact those who had shown interest previously. Action CH/CTS.

  1. Parish Cleaner.

An expression of interest had been received from Alison Whitehead. CH would explain the requirements of the job and give details of remuneration. If she still wished to proceed CTS was instructed to draw up a contract of employment. Action CH/CTS.

  1. Bank Account.

CTS reported that the continuing problem (arising in 2013whereby the PC was unable to access its bank accounts, due to the fact that only one of the current PC members was recognised by the bank as an account signatory) had not yet been resolved. The bank had apparently lost in its internal post the Resolution and form signed at the last meeting and would not accept copies as replacements. A new Resolution and form were signed by PC members and witnessed by IC.

  1. Other Financial Matters.

CTS reported that the PC held total funds of roughly £10,000. Approximately £6,000 was held on deposit as a reserve for the proposed car park extension. Of this sum around half represented surplus funds raised for the children’s play area on the Green and the balance had been added more recently, apparently accumulated from the annual precept.

It was agreed to pay £300 to Careby Parish Meeting as a contribution towards Planning Consultant’s costs incurred in relation to the Motocross site, once it was possible to access the bank accounts again. CTS would inform Dick Turpin. Action CTS.

  1. Planning.

CH reported that the appeal againstthe Enforcement Notice for theMotocross site was with the Planning Inspectorate who would reach a decision in the Spring of 2015. The Planning Inspectorate had yet to fix a date for a site visit.

  1. Village Concerns.

The drain opposite Black Dog Cottages continued to cause a problem and one of the lights on the Green didn’t work. Action CTS. Footpath No 1 at the back of 50 Acre Field was impassable. JK will raise the matter with Andrea Philpott. Action JK.

JK mentioned that there was a proposal to put additional seating in the churchyard and that the PC might be asked to contribute towards the cost of this.

  1. Correspondence.

CTS reported that the clerk to the Witham Church and School Estate had written appealing for additional trustees. CH agreed to put his name forward and JK said she would ask her husband.

14. Reports from Parish Councillors.


14. Report from County Councillor.

MT-B reported that a report on libraries was due in the Spring, that the local area would not be affected by the forthcoming firefighters’ strike and that people should be wary of changes in parking arrangements in Stamford when Residents’ Parking came into effect there.

15. Dates of Forthcoming Meetings.

12 January, 2015, 9 March, 2015, 11 May, 2015.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm.