Military OneSource Master Slide Deck Guide
This Military OneSource Master Slide Deck Guide is an index that will identify each of the nine slide decks so you can determine which you may need for your presentation. Download slide decks 1 and 9 to assist you with the opening and closing of each presentation. Slide decks 2 – 8 focus on specific topics to meet a variety of presentation requirements.
Deck 1 — Introduction: Military OneSource Program (three slides) provides an introduction to the Military OneSource Program eligibility guidelines and privacy protections and exceptions. Use this slide deck to open every slide deck presentation.
Deck 2 — Military OneSource Overview (19 slides) presents a thorough explanation of all the Military OneSource program and website resources. It also explains how to find the resources and contact numbers on the website. Use this slide deck for a general Military OneSource overview or combine it with other decks for a more comprehensive presentation.
Deck 3 — Pre-Deployment Support (seven slides) walks the audience through all the Military OneSource resources that are available to support and prepare service members and their families for an upcoming deployment. Use this alone, or combine it with decks 2, 4 and 5 for a thorough presentation on Military OneSource and the resources available for the complete deployment cycle.
Deck 4 — During Deployment Support (six slides) explains the types of resources that are available through Military OneSource to support service members and their families during deployment. Use this alone, or combine it with decks 2, 3 and 5 for a thorough presentation on Military OneSource and the resources available for the complete deployment cycle.
Deck 5 — Post-deployment Support (six slides) highlights all the Military OneSource resources that are available for service members and their families during the post-deployment reintegration phase. Use this alone, or combine it with decks 2, 3 and 4 for a thorough presentation on Military OneSource and the resources available for the complete deployment cycle.
Deck 6 — Financial Services (eight slides) provides comprehensive information regarding the range of financial services Military OneSource offers. You can use this deck for a brief presentation or pull in slide deck 2 for a comprehensive presentation on the full scope of Military OneSource resources.
Deck 7 — Service Providers (nine slides) includes clear information on available resources specifically for service providers and instructions on where and how to access them. You can use this deck by itself, or combine this slide deck with deck 2 for a complete overview of Military OneSource services and resources.
Deck 8 — Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Program (14 slides) provides in-depth information regarding Spouse Education and Career Opportunities resources, tools, programs, websites and more. Use this deck by itself, or consider combining it with deck 2 for a comprehensive presentation on the full scope of Military OneSource resources.
Deck 9 — Closing (two slides) includes a slide to prompt questions at the end of the presentation and the final slide showing the Military OneSource logo, tagline and contact information. Use this slide deck to complete each presentation.