Tentative Program Outline for VBS 2009
Groundwork Ministries/ Contract of Ministry!
Church Name
We are very excited to be working with you this year to encourage, excite and expand the faith of children in your community! We have been praying about next summer already…the ministry, the volunteers, the children and their parents.
This year’s theme will be At the Movies. We will look at Stories Jesus Told as our themes each day (parables) . Logo and other preliminary publicity will be sent in January.
As we continue writing we ask for your prayers – that God would guide us and instill in us the truest and best way to inspire the children. That’s our first and foremost goal…that no matter what else, the kids have fun and go away being closer in their walk than when they came!
Attached is the preliminary program for VBS 2009. This will be completed before you receive your contract.
If it is possible, please include a deposit, in the amount of your choosing (recommendation of 25-50%), with your acceptance of this covenant. Please return this covenant and deposit by .
We, Groundwork Ministries, humbly covenant with God and
Name of ChurchLocation
to agree to the program outlined on the attached page, as well as to submit this whole ministry program to prayer.
Groundwork Ministries
Your NamePosition at Church
Program Fees (see page 2 for details):
Full Program (stand-alone):$1400
Openings/Closing only $1000
Worship (before or after)/Closing Program:Free-will offering (10% will go towards the week’s mission project)
Youth Event (one day during week)$300 (full program fee drops to $1250)
Parent/Adult Workshop (one during week) $200 (full program fee drops to $1250)
For those not in our local area (w/in 50 mi.) we also ask for housing/some food for the week (there are MANY options – don’t let it scare you!). This will vary with each church.
**Note on finances-if you think your church can’t afford this amount, PLEASE talk to us about it. We have lots of ideas on how to work with you on it. Money WILL NOT impede ministry from happening that is God-inspired!
Groundwork Ministries (formerly McAvoy Family Ministries)
Preliminary VBS Program Outline 2009
We are blessed to minister with churches through VACATIONBIBLESCHOOL! And as we are preparing for 2009 – God has led us to add some remarkable new aspects of this ministry!
What is Included in the Full Program:
- Theme for the week: GM creates a theme based on scripture, Bible stories and Christian values in a creative and fun way. This year’s theme: At The Movies – and the Stories Jesus Told (parables).
- Publicity Info: Based on the theme, we will provide color fliers, clip art, inserts and other information for your use, including Invite a Friend postcards that are designed for you to have available for people at your church to give out to their friends when inviting them to VBS.
- Volunteers Needed list – Approx. 4 months prior to VBS we will provide you with a detailed list and description of volunteers needed to carry out this amazing week. Just fill in the blanks!
- Lead Openings and Closings – This is definitely one of our strong points! We will lead 20-25 minutes of opening and closing time each day – filled with high energy music/actions, skits, Bible verses, puppets, contests and more.
- Lead the Bible Activity station – This is the station that most drives home the Biblical theme of the day. This will be done through activities, stories, games, etc. Like a mini-Sunday school lesson.
- Craft Ideas – We will provide craft ideas that match the themes of each day. The people doing crafts may use them, or choose their own (most craft supplies will be purchased by the church. Please remember this in your budget planning for VBS).
- Game Ideas – We will also provide ideas for the games station, some based upon the theme, others just for fun. Again, these can be used or the leaders may choose others.
- Books for Storytime – One of the stations we have is a snack/storytime combination. We will provide the books for this time, as well as discussion guides for the storytellers.
- Videos for Video Station (if applicable) – We will provide the videos, as well as the video discussion guides for the Video station. This station may not be needed, based upon # of kids.
- Preschool Lessons – The preschool/kindergarten age is a separate “entity” and does not run in the station form (they do participate in the openings and closings). We will provide lesson plans, game ideas, books, and other activities for this age group.
- Meeting with Leaders – Prior to VBS starting (the timing would also be based on distance from us) we will have a meeting with all the volunteers to go over the theme, schedule, any questions, etc.
- Work closely with Church Coordinator – The months prior to and during VBS we will work closely with your church’s coordinator to make sure this can be the best VBS possible!
- Optional Youth Event – During the week we would be willing to lead one youth event – including games, Bible study, worship time, etc. (see Add-On’s on page 1)
- Lead/Participate in worship the Sunday before or after – Based upon availability. Either to “kick off” the week (get everyone excited!) or use the kids to share with congregation. (see Add-On’s pg. 1)
- Closing Family Program – An evening event for the whole family – and an opportunity for kids to bring in their parents and family (especially those unchurched!). (see Add-On’s pg. 1)
- Parent/Adult Workshop – An evening event for the adults – either using the theme of the week taught in “adult form” or another topic that you think is needed for people in your congregation. (see Add-On’s on pg. 1)
There are so many options – if you are interested at all, please contact us and we will talk about them all!