GLMA Annual Conference 2008 - Improving Training in LGBTI Health: A Workshop for Students Professionals Interested in Making Institutional Change

Sample LGBT Health Curriculum Needs Assessment Survey

(Fill in Name of Medical School)Date of Survey: ______

About YOU:

1. What is your year in school? (circle one) MS I MS II MS III MS IV

2. Do you identify as LGBT? Yes No

3. Do you identify as an LGBT Ally? Yes No

4. On a scale of 1 to 5, how important do you think it is to spend time on LGBT health in the formal medical school curriculum?

(1) Unimportant (2) Somewhat unimportant (3) Neutral (4) Important (5) Very important


5. How well does the formal curriculum here address LGBT Health OVERALL?

(1) Poorly (2) Somewhat poorly (3) Adequately (4) Well (5) Very well

6. How well do our pre-clinical classes (Years I and II) address LGBT Health OVERALL?

(1) Poorly (2) Somewhat poorly (3) Adequately (4) Well (5) Very well

7. In particular, please rate these individual PRE-CLINICAL classes on how well they address LGBT health:

a. History Taking & Physical Exam
(0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
What does this class do well relating to LGBT health?
What could it do better?
b. Problem-Based Learning
(0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
What does this class do well relating to LGBT health?
What could it do better?
c. Infectious Disease(modify course topics to fit your curriculum)
(0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
What does this class do well relating to LGBT health?
What could it do better?
d. Cardiology (modify course topics to fit your curriculum)
0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
What does this class do well relating to LGBT health?
What could it do better?
e. Endocrine(modify course topics to fit your curriculum)
(0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
What does this class do well relating to LGBT health?
What could it do better?

8. How well do our clinical clerkships (Years III and IV) address LGBT Health OVERALL?

(1) Poorly (2) Somewhat poorly (3) Adequately (4) Well (5) Very well

9. In particular, please rate these individual CLERKSHIPS on how well they address LGBT health:

a. OB-GYN (modify clerkships to fit your institution)
(0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
What does this clerkship do well relating to LGBT health?
What could it do better?
b. Psychiatry (modify clerkships to fit your institution)
(0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
What does this clerkship do well relating to LGBT health?
What could it do better?
c. Internal Medicine (modify clerkships to fit your institution)
(0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
What does this clerkship do well relating to LGBT health?
What could it do better?
d. Surgery
(0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
What does this clerkship do well relating to LGBT health?
What could it do better?

10. Please rate these individual ELECTIVES on how well they address LGBT health:

a. Adolescent Psychiatry (modify electives to fit your institution)
(0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
What does this elective do well relating to LGBT health?
What could it do better?

11. Please rate how well each of the following subject areas* is covered in our formal curriculum:

a. Terminology surrounding LGBT health (introducing the words “gay,” “MSM,” etc)
(0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
Where is this topic covered in the curriculum?
Where else might it be covered?
b. Increased risk for breast cancer in lesbian women
(0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
Where is this topic covered in the curriculum?
Where else might it be covered?
c. Increased rate of HIV among young men who have sex with men
(0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
Where is this topic covered in the curriculum?
Where else might it be covered?
d. Office practices surrounding gender identity (sensitivity to gender variance in bathroom setup, health history forms, etc.)
(0) Not Present / (1) Poorly / (2) Somewhat
poorly / (3) Adequately / (4) Well / (5) Very well
Where is this topic covered in the curriculum?
Where else might it be covered?

*Modify the topics as needed to cover major LGBT health disparities and competency skills. Other potential topics to include: Social stigma surrounding bisexual identity; Increased rate of suicide among LGBT youth; Increased rates of HIV among black men who have sex with men; Increased substance use by LGBT patients; Increased risk for anal cancer in men who have sex with men