JMA Armstrong High School/ Salisbury Middle School
PSSC Minutes
February 15th ,2017
Members Present:
William Robinson
Jason Gallant
Juliet Jones-Vienneau
Angela Thornton
Tracy Campbell
Angela Cameron
Meredith Kidney
Mindy Melanson
Ronda McCready
Theresa Gogan
Stephanie Hansen
Roberta Brewer
Jane Goguen
Renée Poitras
- Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by Jason Gallant.
- Quorum was established
- Old Business
- The minutes were reviewed and accepted with no omissions or errors. Motion to approve by Tracy Campbell, seconded by Meredith Kidney.
- Business arising from the minutes – School Improvement Plan to be presented this meeting
- New Business:
- 10 Year Education Plan
- Booklet : Mr. Dan Steeves reviewed the 9 Objectives of the 10 year education plan “Everyone at their best.” He explained how the committee came up with these objectives then explained that Objectives 2, 3 and 4 will be the focus the first 2 years of implementation.
Parents asked for clarification on baseline scores and why some baseline results were 2016 vs 2017. Explained it was based on availability of test results.
- Discussion: Mr. Steeves asked for opinion on which objectives should be focused on next. Consensus that objectives 1, 7 and 9 should be the next focus. It was discussed that objective 1 should have been the basis for all others. Parents wondered how you measure resiliency.
- School Improvement Planning
- PSSC recommendation from December 7, 2016
- Enrichment and student owned learning – New Pedagogues Deep Learning: Project based, used resources from other schools worldwide for sense of deep learning with the idea that students will own their learning through doing.
Results will be uploaded to the NPDL database. Rene Poitras can provide more information at next meeting.
This ties in with the enrichment recommendation from the School Improvement Plan discussed at the December 7, 2016 meeting. Anglophone East currently only district in Maritimes to participate.
5. Principal’s Report: Mr. Robinson provided a handout of his report.
6. DEC Representative’s Update – Roberta Brewer was not present however Mr. Robinson tabled the issue of the new school being proposed for Salisbury. He pointed out that no decision has been made on type (K-5 vs k-12) at this time.
7. Next meetings: April 19th and May 24th at 6:30 pm
8. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 by Jason Gallant. Motion to adjourn by Mindy Melanson, seconded by Ronda McCready.