6th Grade World History

Instructor: Mr. Bryant

Room: 2-225


Phone: 352-383-6101

Course Description:

The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand our future and how to build a better society by learning about our past. Along with the emphasis placed on the subject matter, students will also develop the skills used by historians to study the past. Some examples include research, analysis of sources, critical thinking skills, writing and reading. Topics to be examined will include but are not limited to: Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras, River Civilizations and Mediterranean Civilizations, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Meso-American Civilizations, African Civilizations and Classical Asia.

Class supplies:

  • Used for all of your classes
  • Number 2 pencils
  • Notebook dividers
  • Glue sticks
  • White notebook loose-paper
  • Colored pencils with a sharpener
  • Black or blue ink pen
  • A zippered pencil holder to put in binder
  • Scissors
  • Eagle Binder/zipped trapper keeper
  • Earbuds

Materials for this Course:

  • Textbook: My World History
  • 2 spiral notebooks (For bell ringers and notes)

Classroom Policies:

  • Students must follow all Classroom rules including:
  • All students must be in class and ready to work by the time the tardy bell rings. If late student will need to get a tardy pass from the attendance clerk to enter class.
  • All students must respect everyone and everything inside of the classroom.
  • All students must be attentive during class and stay on task
  • Classroom disruption will not be accepted under no circumstance

*First offense will result in teacher assigned seating

*Second offense will result in time in another teacher’s classroom or

*Third offense mandatorymorning detention Wed. 8:40-9:10

*Fourth offense will result in administration referral

  1. Keep hands, feet and all personal objects to yourself
  2. All students will be required to give the best effort and think critically
  • Follow all policies and procedures for your classroom
  • Students must remain seated unless given permission to do otherwise
  • Students must use restrooms in between classes, not during classes. In case of emergencies you are allowed 4 emergencies per semester (2 each 9 weeks), and you will give back 1 minutes of the academic time wasted after class.
  • Students are not dismissed by the bell, they will be dismissed by the teacher. Before dismissal from class everyone must have their area cleaned and seated.
  • Plagiarism or copying someone else’s work is not tolerated and will result in a 0.


Students’ understanding of subject matter will be evaluated using the points system:

  • Classroom assignments: 5-20 points (depending on length and difficulty)
  • Quizzes: 25 points- 40 points
  • Group projects: 50 points
  • Chapter tests and DBQ’s: 100 points

Letter grades are based on the Lake County School system‘s grading scale as shown below:

A: 100-90 B: 89-80 C: 79-70 D: 69-60 F: 59 & below


Students will be assigned work and readings to be completed at home. At the time of each assignment, students will be given a due date. Students are expected to turn in all work on time. Late work will receive a letter grade deduction for each day it is late. If 7 school days have passed and the student still has not turned in the assignment they will earn an classroom detention (mornings Mon-Fri 9:00-9:15) to complete the assignment they are missing.

Absentee Policy:

Students are responsible for all missed work. If a student is absent they are responsible for finding out what assignments they missed. Students are expected to make up their work in the same amount of time that was given to other students. When students are absent the day of the test, they must see me for a make-up work.

My student, ______, is enrolled in 6th grade World History. As a result, I have reviewed their course syllabus together with them in order to understand course expectations. I feel comfortable with the rigor, content, evaluation, instructional strategies, and general expectations of the course. I understand that my student will have tests, homework assignments, quizzes, classroom work and group projects. I agree to support my student by checking their grades and attendance frequently [ and staying in regular contact with the instructor when needed. Each parent will be required to sign and date each syllabus as it will act a binding contract between each parent and the instructor.

Guardian (sign)______

Guardian (print)______