BBTA Bobath Workshop

Developing selective stability within the head, neck and trunk as a Basis for Movement and Function

Date: Saturday 25th June 2011

Venue: Harrogate District Hospital, HG2 7SX

Time: 8.30 – 5.00

Cost: £55 members £80 non-members lunch not included

This BBTA workshop will explore key aspects of movement control relating to the head, neck and trunk along with their relevance for functional movement. It will seek to develop clinical reasoning skills based on movement analysis and Neuro-scientific evidence as a basis for clinical decision making. This will be used as a basis for skill development in the facilitation of more efficient movement within this area of motor control for improved functional performance. The course will include a keynote lecture, practical and patient workshop sessions.

This course will be targeted at post basic but pre-advanced level. It will therefore be of use to those who have completed a Basic Bobath Course but could also be of benefit to those who have attended introductory modules in the Bobath Concept.

Speaker. Paul Johnson, Bobath Tutor BBTA

For further information contact Kirstie McLaren on 01724 290065 or email

To book a place complete slip below and return with cheque, include SAE or email details for confirmation and course arrangements. Please make cheques payable to Yorkshire ACPIN.


I would like to attend the Study Day to be held on .

Name: ACPIN member (£ )

ACPIN Number:

Non-member (£ )

Address / tel no / email

Any Special requirements.

Return to: Kirstie McLaren, Goole Neuro Rehab Centre, Goole and District Hospital, Goole DN14 6RX



Future Events:

7th July 2011 HIV evening lecture Lecturer: Hayley Mercer

Venue: Chapel Allerton Hospital, Leeds

16th Sept 2011 Understanding the role of the foot and its function

Lecturer : Linzi meadows

Venue: Huddersfield

12th Oct 2011 Bladder and bowel evening lecture

Lecturer Gill Brook

Venue: Bradford
