Multiple-Choice Questions - Chapter 29
1.The GI Bill did all of the following EXCEPT:
A.provide educational benefits for veterans
B.provide housing loans for veterans prevent a postwar depression veterans large bonuses to remain in the military
E.provide medical treatment for veterans
2.A major economic problem President Truman faced immediately after the war was:
A.the weakness of organized labor
B.declining birthrates that lowered consumer demand
C.high rates of inflation
D.the return of high unemployment shortages
3.When confronted with strikes in the coal and railroad industries in 1946, President Truman’s response was to:
A.declare martial law
B.temporarily seize those industries
C.say government had no role in labor-management disputes
D.break the strikes with unemployed veterans
E.freeze transportation and energy prices
4.All of the following were established by the National Security Act of 1947 EXCEPT:
A.the Central Intelligence Agency
B.subcabinet Department of the Air Force
C.the National Security Council
D.the Department of Homeland Security
E.subcabinet Department of the Navy
5.By the spring of 1945, the United States and Britain were becoming deeply concerned over Soviet actions in:
A.East Asia
B.the Middle East
C.Latin America
D.Western Europe
E.Eastern Europe
6.The secretary of state who devised the plan of massive economic recovery aid to Europe was:
A.Dean Acheson
B.George Marshall
C.James F. Byrnes
D.George Kennan
E.Averill Harriman
7.Truman’s response to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin in 1948 was to:
A.divide the rest of Germany into occupation zones
B.mass American troops on the Soviet border
C.get the United Nations to officially protest
D.launch a massive airlift of supplies into West Berlin with Stalin to diplomatically resolve the crisis
8.In regard to Israel’s founding in 1948, the United States:
A.supported its Arab neighbors
B.opposed the British departure from Palestine
C.became the first country to recognize the Jewish state
D.took no official stance
E.sent troops there to maintain peace in the Middle East
9.In 1948, President Truman desegregated:
A.public schools
B.defense industries
C.Washington, D.C.
D.public transportation
E.the military
10.In the 1948 campaign, the Dixiecrats did all of the following EXCEPT:
A.carry several southern states Strom Thurmond for president states’ rights and segregation
D.wave Confederate flags
E.influence Truman to slow down on civil rights
11.By and large, Truman’s Fair Deal proposals:
A.would revolutionize American life
B.were enacted
C.would wipe out the New Deal
D.disappointed most Democrats
E.were thwarted by a conservative coalition in Congress
12.When North Korean Communists invaded South Korea:
A.South Korean forces initially repulsed the invaders
B.the United Nations authorized military intervention against the aggressors
C.Truman persuaded Congress to declare war on North Korea
D.Stalin told the North Koreans to stop their aggression
E.the Soviets used their Security Council veto to prevent United Nations action
13.Truman fired MacArthur:
A.for incompetence
B.because of party politics
C.for insubordination
D.for reasons that are still unknown
E.because he never liked him personally
14.In his Wheeling speech, Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed to have a list of Communists in:
A.the White House
B.the State Department
C.the FBI
E.the movie industry