SCHEME OF WORK : Drama - The Tempest Year 8

Unit 4: Greek Drama

/ Length: 5/6 weeks

About the Unit

Aims of this unit – to use sound effects and encourage students to create an imaginative setting outside of their normal experience. To develop use of physical theatre and to explore Shakespearian verse. Students will be required to compose music for a song.
Homework should be set if it will help the unit progress – eg learning of lines, practising of scenes, research of magic, costume/set design etc / Prior Learning – Pupils will have completed:
·  Children of War
·  Pantomime
·  Media / Future Learning – Pupils will go on to learn:
·  Physical Theatre
·  Status and Setting
·  Text in Performance
Objectives / 1.  Objective: Can I create a storm at sea using Shakespearian text? / 1.  Objective: Can I perform a Shakespearian Monologue?
2.  Can I evaluate others performances? / 1.  Objective: I can appreciate the character of Caliban through discussion and drama. / 1.  Objective: Can I explore sound and music to enhance the mood of a scene? / 1 Objective: Can I rehearse a scene using theatre techniques to bring it to life?
Lesson tasks / Content / Activities:

The Storm

Skills : Sound effects / Physical theatre / split scene /flashback– revise terms

Resources: Act 1 Sci / and Miranda’s speech
There is a great storm at sea which is witnessed by the inhabitants of the Magical Island.
·  Using Sound effects create a storm as whole group
·  Read script Handouts
·  In smaller groups using sound and physical theatre dramatise scene (you may edit dialogue) where storm starts and ends with ship crashing on rocks.
·  Add Miranda’s speech telling her father Prospero about the storm and use split scene flash back to illustrate what she is saying.
·  Spotlight These
Homework: Learn Miranda’s speech for performance next week.
More able students to be encouraged to use more text in performance and to learn it in the lesson. / Activities:
·  Warm up
·  Performance
·  Evaluations
G&T students take solo lines and direct group performance and provide more informed evaluations. /



Resources: Caliban’s speech Act11 sc2 “All the infections that the sun sucks up” – “into madness”

Skills: Physical Theatre and Sound effects

·  Read the speech and discuss in class – explain Prospero is Calibans master and has made him into a slave
·  Touch on slavery – what right does Prospero have to treat Caliban in this way? It is Caliban’s island that Prospero has effectively invaded. Does Caliban have to conform to western morality or lose his freedom? What about Crusades? Missionaries?
·  Caliban’s freedom song “Ban ban caliban” – 11:2
·  Perform in Groups of five – song should reflect Caliban, angry, heavy, monster-like, child-like, rough.
·  Discuss ways Caliban is tortured – pinches, lead astray by spirits in the dark, like apes pull faces at him, bite him, appear like hedgehogs so he hurts his feat when he treads on them, wounded with adders, hissed into madness.
·  In groups of five create your own vision of Caliban’s nightmare experiences on the island. Use sound effects to create a eerie and magical experience. Use the power of theatre to be as scary as you can. Use physical theatre to transform your shape.
·  Show these and evaluate
More able students take more responsibility for directing and speaking of lines in performance and will offer more perceptive comments. /


Music and Magic

Resources: “Isle is full of noises” speech 111:2

·  Give out sounds – two of each – students have to make their sound with eyes shut and try and find other person.
·  In groups of five – choose your sound / split up around the room/ close eyes now try and find your group.
·  In groups devise enchanting sound effects
·  Share
·  Class sit around circle and together try and achieve perfect enchanted island sounds
·  Then add two people who have been shipwrecked, it is night, the sounds make you feel drugged – they call you deeper into the forest.
·  Discuss how it felt with two volunteers – how could it have been improved.
Ariel is the chief of Prospero’s spirits who inhabit the island and terrify Caliban. Ariel is as different as possible from Caliban, if Caliban is earthy then Ariel is of the air, proud, majestic and courteous. Ariel has been promised his freedom from Prospero.
Ariel conjures people through his music
·  Read “Full fathom Five” Act1sc2
·  In groups of Three – six set ‘music’ to this script and perform as a group
G&T students are given roles of shipwrecked characters. G&T students given leadership roles in music making. /


Mutiny – 2 weeks

Resource: Ariel “I told you sir, they were red-hot with drinking…” to “I’ll have that gown” then “I will have none of it….to end of scene Act iv.i
Caliban meets two of the shipwrecked sailors they are drunken and not very bright! Together they plan to overthrow Prospero and govern the island themselves. Interestingly Caliban does not want to rule but to have a new master. Caliban’s group are unaware that Prospero know what they plan to do and Ariel is leading them to him to fall into a trap. Prospero knows everything that happens on this island.
·  In groups of 7/8 combine the following – enchanted music of Ariel, Power of Prospero, panic of Caliban, terror of spirits, comedy of two drunkards fighting with clothes. Use song, physical theatre, sound effects, split scene (with Ariel’s speech “I told you sir” show what happening one side of stage while Ariel and Prospero talk on the other)
Homework: Perform next week.
Week 6 – performance and assessement and target setting.
G&T students encouraged to use blue-sky thinking and create an original task. Emotional Intelligence skills will be needed as there will be students with barriers to making music who will need to be motivated.
Plenary / Plenary: What have I learned from using sound effects, physical theatre, split scene and flashback? / Plenary: What have I learned about performing monologues? / Plenary: Share what you have learned about Caliban today / Plenary: what have I learned about the power of music to create mood? / ·  Plenary: What have I learned from working on this scene?
·  Evaluate the performances
·  Complete A4L sheets.
PLTS / Creative Thinkers
Reflective learners
Independent Inquirers
Team Workers / Creative Thinkers
Reflective learners / Creative Thinkers
Team Workers
Reflective learners
Independent Inquirers / Creative Thinkers
Team Workers
Reflective learners / Creative Thinkers
Team Workers
Reflective learners
Independent Inquirers
Expectations… Outcomes / Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this unit:
·  All pupils can: perform Shakespeare text using a physical theatre approach.
·  Most pupil’s can with help: Learn some Shakespearian Script, offer ideas in directing scenes, evaluate others using their understanding of drama skills, recall unit specific terms.
·  Some pupils can progress further and will:
·  Learn lines and perform them with understanding and sensitivity, motivate others, evaluate with perceptive comments and show knowledge of Shakespearian theatre genre and terms. / VAK / learning styles catered for:
·  Visual – powerpoints, pictures, models, performances
·  Auditory – teacher and student instructions and performances
·  Kinesthetic – acting scenes and learning by doing about Shakespearian theatre genre. / Differentiation
·  G&T students perform more complicated parts and take a leading role within the performance.
·  SEN students are given more support and explanation and take smaller roles in group work.
·  G&T students are asked a variety of questions which predict & explain.
·  SEN students are asked a variety of questions which state & describe.
Numeracy link:
·  Dates, numbers in groups, rotation, spacial awareness, logical planning of sequences, rhythm, music.
Literacy link:
·  Shakespearian text used and key words spelt.

Citizenship Link:

·  To work collaboratively as a group, responding to, & respecting the needs of others.
·  Exploring ideas of historical slavery and supremacy of different cultures.
Work related working:
·  Theatre Professional standards
·  Performance /rehearsal conditions
·  Meeting deadlines
·  Target setting and evaluating performance.
·  Teacher verbal formative and summative assessment
·  Peer and self assessment verbal and written
·  Written target setting post assessment task.
Language College:
·  Students introduced to Ancient Greek text and customs.
LTS in Drama
Independent Enquirers
·  Identify questions to answer and problems to solve in relation to shaping the drama
·  Create new script to address the needs of the stimulus or topic.
·  Explore issues arising from the topic under consideration, class debate, small group discussion, in role activities.
·  Analyse and evaluate the performance of others assessing acting, shaping and communication skills supporting conclusions/argument with evidence.
·  Consider the historical,social and cultural influences on the drama being created, the characters and what is brought to the drama by those participating.
The department will achieve this by setting problem solving tasks related to drama activities during the lesson, working in groups to solve and overcome creative problems. Students will also be asked to assess and judge their own and others performances, considering positives and negatives and how to improve. They will be invited to answer questions regarding tasks and justify their answers using their knowledge of drama.
Creative Thinkers
·  Generate ideas and explore possibilities.
·  Ask drama related questions to extend their thinking.
·  Connect their own and others’ ideas and experiences in inventive ways, during shaping and performance.
·  Question their own and others assumptions about issues, stereotypes, cultures, morality etc when developing plot and characterisation.
·  Try out alternatives or new solutions and follow ideas through, either in performance or tactical thinking.
·  Adapt ideas as circumstances change, such as genre, stimulus, approach or activity.
The department will achieve this by offering the students opportunities to be creative and have time to change and adapt ideas. Students will work with common themes and have to independently and in a group express and present these ideas to a group. They will have question and answer on culture and assumptions and will be encouraged to challenge and suggest reasons for these. Students will be given guidelines to allow them to try out alternatives and suggest solutions. They will also be given a change in circumstances to develop their critical thinking skills.
Reflective Learners
·  Assess themselves and others, identifying opportunities and achievements in skills, performance or competition.
·  Set goals with success criteria for their development and work in specific activities.
·  Review progress acting on outcomes by joining extra-curricular clubs or local cubs.
·  Invite feedback and deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism of other students and the teacher.
·  Evaluate experiences and learning to inform future progress in specific activities.
·  Communicate their learning in relevant ways for different audiences; e.g feedback to teacher or helping another student.
The department will achieve these by having a target setting sheets for each student, where levels are recorded and targets for improvement discussed. Students are given level descriptors so that they can appreciate why they are at a certain level and what needs to be done to progress. Each lesson provides opportunities for peer, self and teacher assessement. Success criteria are established at the front of each new task
Team Workers
·  Collaborate with others to work towards a shared creative goal.
·  Reach agreements and manage discussion in drama tasks to achieve results both individually and for a group.
·  Adapt behaviour to suit different acting roles and take on the role of the director/team teacher to improve leadership skills.
·  Show fairness and consideration to others providing support and encouragement in line with the ‘drama family’ ethos.
·  Provide constructive support and feedback to others about their performance.