Physics 300 Lab Write-up checklist
*** this is a summary of the rubric that will be used to grade your labs***
*Attach this sheet to the cover of your lab report*
**Use the following lay out to help you organize your lab write-up**
- Format0 1 2 3
- Overall presentation of material0 1 2 3 4 5
- Purpose Statement0 1 2 3
- Independent & Dependent variables0 1 2 3
- Experimental setup0 1 2 3 4 5
- Raw data0 1 2 3 4 5
- Graphs0 1 2 3 4 5
- Mathematical specific Equation0 1 2 3 4 5
- Mathematical general equation0 1 2 3 4 5
- General equation rationale0 1 2 3 4 5
- Relationship between variables in new general equation0 1 2 3 4 5
- Meaning of slope0 1 2 3 4 5
- Meaning of y-intercept0 1 2 3 4 5
- Error Analysis0 1 2 3 4 5
4-5 / Lab report is complete, logical, and easy to follow
The lab report conveys correct information about the topic being analyzed / Controlled variables are clearly stated
Includes both visual image written procedures that make the lab repeatable / Organized data table w/ units
Data can be used to draw conclusions
Appropriate independent variable range
(largest: smallest ≥ 5:1 ratio) / At least 8 data points
All graphs are completely labeled & include best fit line
Linearized (if necessary) / Is the same equation derived from your graph(s)
Includes all units
No symbols are used (only words)
2-3 / typed
Names, sections, & title appropriate headings / Lab report is hard to follow and is only semi logical
Lab report only contains some correct information about the topic / Statement fully expresses purpose of experiment / All independent and independent variables are correctly identified / Some of the criteria are met or not all are to satisfactory levels / Only 2 of the criteria are met / Only 2 of the criteria are met / Only 2 of the criteria are met
0-1 / Not typed
No title or appropriate headings / Lab report is incomplete, incoherent and does not convey correct information / Purpose statement missing or vague / Independent and dependent variables vague or missing / No control variable discussed
Image and procedures are missing or very hard to follow / No data table present
Data does not support the conclusions or is very poor
Inappropriate independent variable range used / Missing or only 1 of the criteria is met / Missing or only 1 of the criteria is met
Criteria / Format / Overall presentation of information / Purpose Statement / Independent & Dependent variables / Experimental Setup / Raw Data / Graphs / Mathematical specific equation
Assigned Grade
4-5 / Includes only symbols that reflect the dimensions chosen
Has no numbers (unless that number is a constant)
Explain what each symbol represents / Explain how you arrived at your general equation
Explain why you kept or dropped your y-intercept in your general equation / Clearly explains the relationships between each variable in the general equation
Demonstrate mathematically how a change in each variable will affect another variable (2 examples) / Explain what the slope tells us in this lab
Use logical support to defend your statement / Explain what the y-intercept tells us in this lab
Use logical support to defend your statement / Describe any sources of error you encountered during the lab (no human error)
Explain, specifically, how each error would affect your results (i.e. the data points on your graph)
2-3 / Only 2 of the criteria are met / Discussion of general equation shows some logical steps but hard to follow
Rational about your y-intercept shows some thought but is hard to follow / There is some discussion of the relationship between variables
Only 1 correct mathematical example is presented / Explanation of the slope is vague
Little logical support is given or it is hard to follow / Explanation of the y-intercept is vague
Little logical support is given or it is hard to follow / Some sources of errors are acceptable
The effects of the errors are not correct or vague
0-1 / Missing or only 1 of the criteria is met / Discussion about how you arrived at your general equation is vague or missing
Rational about your y-intercept is vague or missing / The relationship between the variables are not discussed
No mathematical example are present or correct / Explanation of the slope is missing or incorrect
No logical support is given / No explanation of what the y-intercept tells us
No logical support for statements / Sources of error are missing or unacceptable
The effects of the errors are not discussed
Criteria / Mathematical general equation / General equation rationale / Relationship between variables in new general equation / Meaning of slope / Meaning of y intercept / Error Analysis