History 751Dr. Ana María Presta

Studies in Latin American History

Winter Quarter, 2008

Office: 239 Dulles Hall

Office Telephone: 292 4638

Class Hours: Wednesday 3:30 to 5:18, 28 UH

Office Hours: Thursday 3:30 to 5:00 and by appointment


Course Descritpion

Different interpretations can be recognized within the historiographic production on Colonial Andean Studies. These interpretations rely on the theoretical and modeled applications of different paradigms applicable to analyze Western, African, and non-mercantile social formations that show a high level of agricultural development and cultural and political complexity as well.

This seminar approaches, analyzes, and deconstructs a selection of that historiographic production by highlighting the relationship between the texts and contexts of history building in order to learn about the main literature produced in the field and focused on a diverse number of topics and problems.

Course Requirements

I. Grades are based on class participation (35%), one book review (20%) no longer than 5 pages, and a historiographical essay (45%) of ten to fifteen pages. The book review must be submitted by February 13 and may be written on any book or set of articles read for the class. The topic for the historiographical essay will be chosen in consultation with the instructor, and it is due on March 5.

II.Class assignments will be discussed every week as an introduction to the pertinent literature. The assignments will be available on the web. Members of the class are expected to read, present, situate historiographically and criticize a book or a series of articles chosen from the list provided on the syllabus. Since there is plenty of bibliography on each topic, students are expected not to choose the same book for discussion. Exceptions could be made when materials are not available at OSU Library.

III. Class attendance is mandatory. Additional readings will be assigned to the student who for any reason misses more than one class. An extra book review will complete the assignment.

Suggested Background Readings

Kenneth J. Andrien, Andean Worlds: Indigenous History, Culture and Consciousness Under Spanish Rule, 1532-1825

Peter Bakewell.A History of Latin America

Mark A. Burkholder and Lyman L. Johnson.Colonial Latin America

John C. Chasteen.Born in Blood and Fire: A Concise History of Latin America

Pedro Dávalos y Lissón,La primera centuria: causas geográficas, políticas y económicas que han detenido el progreso moral y material del Perú en el primer siglo de su vida independiente, Vol. II:

-----Vol. III:

Guillermo Francovich. El pensamiento boliviano en el siglo XX

The Guaman Poma website

Marvin Harris, The Rise of Anthropological History, a history of theories and culture

Enrique Finot. Nueva Historia de Bolivia

Herbert S. Klein. Bolivia: the Evolution of a Multi-Ethnic Society

Historia General de América LatinaUNESCO, chapters and index per volume at

Orin Starn, Carlos Ivan de Gregori and Robin Kirk. The Peru Reader, History, Culture, Politics

William Stein. “Rethinking Peruvian Studies: De-Essentializing the Andean”, in Cyberayllu, An Electronic Review, 1998.

The Cambridge History of Latin America

The Cambridge Economic History of Latin America

Gary Urton, TheKhipu Database Project

Schedule of Class Topics and Reading Assignments

January 9Course presentation, initial discussion of main topics and expectations

January 16Evolutionism and Positivism

The search of a scientific research method. Facts, careful research, and narrative. The accumulation of sources and its voluminous results. Biographies and civilized heroes, the fortress of global polities: the Inca Empire.

Class Assignment

Emile Durkheim, What is a Social Fact? In Anthropological Theory ed by R. Jon McGee and R Warms, 84-91

Herbert Spencer, The Social Organism, in Anthropological Theory ed by R Jon McGee and R. Warms, 11-40

Reading Assignment

William Prescott[1847],History of The Conquest of Peru; with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Inca.Several Editions and in:

January 23 Indigenism

The antagonistic traditions and cultures: Spanish vs Indigenous Andean Culture. The Andean “Community” as the center of the Indigenous life.

Class Assignment

Efraín Kristal, The Andes Viewed From the City, Introduction: Indigenismo and Politics

Luis Valcarcel, “Tempest in the Andes” in The Peru Reader

Reading Assignments

Alcides Arguedas, Raza de Bronce. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1988 y otras ediciones ó

Jose Maria Arguedas, Deep Rivers, Spanish original: Los Ríos Profundos



-----Todas las Sangres

-----Short Stories, Selections

------The pongo’s dream in The Peru Reader

Carlos Arroyo Reyes, “Entre el incaísmo modernista y Rumi Maqui: El joven Mariátegui y el descubrimiento delindio” En:

Manuel Gonzalez Prada, “Our Bedouins”

------“Priests, Indians, Soldiers, and Heroes” in The Peru Reader

Manuel Gonzalez Prada. Biografía por José Carlos Mariátegui y Nuestros Indios en:

Jorge Icaza, Huasipungo Spanish version


------Huasipungo, English version, Translated from the original Spanish by Mervyn Savill

------Huasipungo. The villagers, a novel.Authorized translation [from the expanded 1953 version] and introd. by Bernard M. Dulsey. Foreword by J. Cary Davis

Clorinda Matto de Turner, Aves sin Nido

Josefa Salmón, El espejo indígena

Luis Alberto Sanchez, La Polémica del indigenismo

January 30Ethnohistory

A field within or a discipline itself? Sustantivism, Functionalism and Structuralism

Class Assignment

Bruce G. Trigger. “Ethnohistory: Problems and Prospects” in Ethnohistory V. 29 ners. 1-4 (1982)

Kark Polanyi, “The Economy as InstitutedProcess” in Trade and market in the Early Empires; Economies in History and Theory, edited by Karl Polanyi, Conrad M. Arensberg, and Harry W. Pearson, 243-270

Supplementary Assignments

  1. Bernard Knapp ed. Archaeology, Annales, and Ethnohistory

Marshall Shalins, Stone Age Economics, Chapter 5

Elmar R. Service, Origins of the State and Civilization, Chapters 3-4

Marcel Mauss, excerpts from The Gift In Anthropological Theory ed by R. Jon McGee and R Warms, 104-116

Giorgio Alberti and Enrique Meyer. Reciprocidad e intercambio en los Andes, Ch. 1

John V. Murra, “Current Research and Prospects in Andean Ethnohistory” Latin American Research Review, Vol. 5, No. 1. (Spring 1970), pp. 3-36.

Reading Assignments

Terence D’Altroy, The Incas

------Los Incas

George Collier et.al. The Inca and AztecStates

Catherine J. Julien, Reading Inca History

John V. Murra, Frank Salomon, Thierry Saignes, and Tristan Platt chapters in Anthropological History of Andean Polities

John V. Murra, Economic Organization of the IncaState

------La organizacion economica del estado inca

------“Andean Societies before 1532 (Bibliographical Essay)” in The Cambridge

History of Latin America Vol. 1. Spanish version in Historia de America Latina I

------“On Inca Political Structure” in Systems of Political Control and Bureaucracies or in Comparative Political Systems

-----“Rite and Crop in the IncaState”in Culture and History

------“The Limits and Limitations of the “Vertical Archipelago” in Andean Ecology and Civilization

------“Cloth, Textile, and the Inca Empire” in The Peru Reader complete version in American Anthropologist 4 (1963): 710-728

Susan A. Niles, The Shape of Inca History

Martti Parssinen, Tawanstinsuyu(English version)

------Tawantinsuyu: el estado Inca y su organización política (also in e-book format IFEA)

Franklin Pease G. Y. and W., TaylorViolence, resistance, and survival in the Americas : Native Americans and the legacy of conquest

Susan Ramirez, To Feed and be Fed

María Rostworowski, Conflicts on the coca fields

------The coastal Indians of Peru

-----Costa Peruana Prehispanica

------Curacas y Sucesiones

------Ensayos sobre historia andina

------History of the Inca Realm

------Historia del Tawantinsuyu

------Pachacamac y el Señor de los Milagros

John H. Rowe. “Inca Culture at the Time of the Spanish Conquest.” Handbook of South American Indians, Vol. 2 or

Frank Salomon, Native Lords of Quito in the Age of the Incas

February 6Structuralism

From how to categorize the world to patterns of human thought that produce those categories. Kinship, myth, and religion. Towards an understanding the structure of human cognition

Class Assignment

I The Structuralist Method, II. Structure and Structuralism and Structural Anthropology and History in Sturucturalism, A Reader

Roland Barthes, Historical Discourse in Sturucturalism, A Readeror “Introduction to the structural analysis of narratives” in Culture, Ideology and Social Process. A Reader

Claude Levi-Strauss, Structural Analysis in Linguistics and in Anthropology in Anthropological Theory: An Introductory History ed. By R. Jon McGee and R. Warms, 330-347

Reading Assignments

Xavier Albó, comp. Raíces de America: el Mundo Aymara

Brian Bauer, The Sacred Landscape of the Inca. The Cusco Ceque System

Thérèse Bouysse-Cassagne, “The aymara space: urco and uma” in Anthropological History of Andean Polities

------La Identidad Aymara. Aproximación Histórica

------et. al. Tres reflexiones sobre el pensamiento andino

Pierre Duviols, La lutte contre les religions autochtones dans le Pérou colonial

------Cultura Andina y Represión

Franklin Pease G. Y., Del Tawantinsuyu a la Historia del Perú

------El dios creador andino

Henrique Urbano, Wiracoya y Ayar

------La extirpación de Idolatría en el Perú

------y Pierre Duviols, Fabulas y Mitos de los Incas

Nathan Wachtel,The Vision of the Vanquished: the Spanish Conquestof Peru Through Indian Eyes, 1530-1570

------La vision de los vencidos. Los indios del Peru frente a la conquista española

------“Men of water…” in Anthropological History of Andean Polities

------Sociedad e Ideología

R. Tom Zuidema, Inca Civilization in Cuzco

------La Civilizacion Iinca del Cuzco

------The Ceque System of Cuzco

------Inca Cosmos in Andean Context

February 13

Neo-evolutionism, Socialism, and Marxism

From social stratification to class structure. The ideological character of knowledge. Class consciousness and social change.

Class Assignment

Maurice Godelier, “Infrastructures, Societies and History”, Current Anthropology 19:4 (Dec 1978): 763-771

------To Be a Marxist in Anthropology

Jose Carlos Mariategui, “Reflections” in The Peru Reader

Reading Assignments

Karl Marx, Pre-capitalist Economic Formations

Carlos Sempat Assadourian, “Exchange in the EthnicsTerritories between 1530 and 1567: The Visitas of Huanuco and Chucuito in Ethnicity, markets, and migration in the Andes : at the crossroads of history and anthropology

------“String Registries: Native Accounting and Memory According to the Colonial Sources in Quilter and Urton, Narrative threads: accounting and recounting in Andean Khipu

------“Agriculture and Land Tenure” in The Cambridge Economic History of Latin America, Victor Bulmer-Thomas, John H. Coastworth y Roberto Cortés Conde. Vol. 1, Chapter 8

------Modos de Producción, capitalismo y subdesarrollo en AmericaLatina

------El Sistema de la Economía Colonial. Mercado interno, regiones y espacio económico

------“La producción de la mercancía dinero en la formación del mercado interno colonial. El caso del espacio peruano, siglo XVI”, in Ensayos sobre el desarrollo económico de México y América Latina (1599-1975), Enrique Florescano comp.

------Transiciones hacia el Sistema Colonial Andino

Louis Baudin, A Socialist Empire: The Incas of Peru

------El Imperio Socialista de los Incas

Heinz Dieterich, Sobre el modo de producción entre los Incas: un análisis histórico-materialista

Waldemar Espinoza Soriano, Modos de Producción en el Imperio de los Incas

-----Los Incas: economía, sociedad y estado en la era del Tawantinsuyu

Jürgen Golte, “The Economy of the IncaState and the Notion of the AMP” inThe Asiatic mode of production: science and politics

Brooke Larson, Colonialism and agrarian transformation in Bolivia: Cochabamba, 1550-1900 (1988)

Jose Carlos Mariategui, Art, Revolution, and Decadence in The Oxford book of Latin American essays

------Seven interpretive essays on Peruvian reality

------Siete ensayos de interpretacion de la realidad peruana

------The Anti-Imperialist Point of View in Marxism in Latin America from 1909 to the present

------The Indigenous Question in Latin America in Marxism in Latin America from 1909 to the present

------The Latin American Socialist Revolution in Marxism in Latin America from 1909 to the present

------The Heroic and Creative Meaning of Socialism in Marxism in Latin America from 1909 to the present

------Prologue to Tempest in the Andesin Marxism in Latin America from 1909 to the present



Alfred Metraux, The Incas inPeople and issues in Latin American History

Alfred Metraux, The Incas

------Los incas

Karen Spalding, Huarochiri. An Andean Society Under Spanish Rule

Steve J. Stern, Peru’s Indians Peoples and the Challenge of the Spanish Conquest

Enrique Tandeter, Coercion and market: silver mining in colonial Potosí, 1692-1826

------Coacción y Mercado

February 20Dependency Theory

The external dependency of “lo Andino”. Socio-economic indigenous challenges and ruptures after the Spanish domination.

Class Assignment

Tulio Halperín Dongui, “Dependency Theory and Latin American Historiography”. Latin American Research Review 17 (1982): 115-130.

Stern, Steve J. “Feudalism, Capitalism, and the World-System in the Perspective of Latin American and the Caribbean”. American Historical Review Vol. 93 Ner. 4 (October 1988): 829-872. “Comments on Stern’s Critical Text” by Immanuel Wallerstein, Id., 873-885 y Reply: “Ever More Solitary” by Steve J. Stern, 886-897.

Reading Assignments

Jeremy Adelman comp., Colonial legacies: the problem of persistence in Latin American history

Ferdinand Braudel, Afterthoughts on Material Civilization and Capitalism

Fernando H. Cardoso, Current theses on Latin American development and dependency: a critique

Fernando H. Cardoso y Enzo Faleto, Dependency and development in Latin America

Julio Cotler, “La mecánica de la dominación interna y del cambio social en el Perú.” En Jose Matos Mar y otros. Perú Problema, 153-197. Lima: Editorial Moncoloa, 1968 and several editions

Andre Gunder Frank, Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America

------Capitalismo y Subdesarrollo en AmericaLatina

**Gilbert M. Joseph, Revolution from Without(2nd. Edition Duke University Press)

-----Revolución desde afuera

John Lynch, Spain Under the Habsburgs Vol.II (specially Ch. VII-VIII)

Stanley J. Stein and Barbara H. Stein, The Colonial Heritage of Latin America

------La herencia colonial de América Latina

------Silver, Trade, and War: Spain in America in the making of Early Modern Europe

------Plata, comercio y guerra: España y América en la formación de la Europa moderna

------Apogee of Empire

Immanuel Wallerstein, The Modern World System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the Modern World Economy in the Sixteenth Century

------The Modern World System II: Mercantilism and the Consolidation of the European World Economy, 1650-1750

------The Modern World System III: The Second Era of Great Expanison of the Capitalist World Economy, 1730-1840s

February 27Gender Studies

A politically compromised social history. The Marxist influence and the post-Marxist debate. The interaction between class, race, ethnicity, and gender.

Class Assignment

Irene Silverblatt, Moon, Sun, Witches in The Peru Reader

Eleanor Leacock, Interpreting the Origins of Gender Inequalities: Conceptual and Historical Problems In Anthropological Theory: An Introductory History ed. By R. Jon McGee and R. Warms, 429-444

Marisol de la Cadena, “Women are More Indian” in Ethnicity, markets, and migration in the Andes : at the crossroads of history and anthropology (Spanish version in Revista Andina)

Supplementary Assignment

Karen Viera Powers, Conquering Discourses of “Sexual Conquest” of Woman, Language and Meztizaje CLAR 11:1 (2002): 7-32

Kathryn Burns, Colonial Habits

Colonial Latin American ReviewVol. 9 No. 2 (December 2000)

Kimberley Gauderman, Women’s Lives in Colonial Quito

Karen Graubart, With Our Labor and Sweat

Olivia Harris, To make the earth bear fruit : essays on fertility, work and gender in highland Bolivia

------and Kate Young, Antropología y feminismo

Penelope Harvey and Peter Gow, Sex and violence : issues in representation and experience

Maria Emma Manarelli, Inquisición y mujeres : las hechiceras en el Perú durante el siglo XVII

Jane Mangan, Trading RolesIrene Silverblatt, Moon, Sun, and Witches: Gender Ideologies and Class in Inca and Colonial Peru

Susan M. Socolow The Women of Colonial Latin America

Marcia Stephenson, Gender and Modernity in Andean Bolivia

Ann Twinam, Public Lives, Private Secrets

Nancy Van Deusen Between the Sacred and the Wordly

------The souls of purgatory : the spiritual diary of a seventeenth-century Afro-Peruvian mystic, Ursula de Jesús / Ursula de Jesús

Karen Viera Powers, Women in the Crucible of Conquest

March 5Post-marxismo, Post-structuralism and Post-etnohistory. Paradigms in crisis: From the Socialist Utopia to the Andean Utopia. Hegemony andcounter hegemony. From Reciprocity to Moral Economy, From the Vanquished to Subalterns.

Class Assignment

Antonio Gramsci in Culture, Ideology and Social Process

Steve Stern, “Introduction”, Resistance, Rebellion and Consciousness in the Andean Peasant World

Orin Starn, “Rethinking the Politics of Anthropology. The Case of the Andes.” Current Anthropology 35:1 (Feb 1994): 13-38

Supplementary Assignment

Marisol de la Cadena, “De utopias y contrahegemonías: el proceso de la cultura popular.” Revista Andina 8:1 (Cusco 1990)

Reading Assignments

Thomas A. Abercrombie, Pathways of Memory and Power: Ethnography and History among an Andean People

------Caminos de la memoria en un cosmos colonizado: Poética de la bebida y la conciencia en K'ulta

Manuel Burga, Nacimiento de una utopia. Muerte y resurreccion de los incas

Marisol de la. Cadena, Indigenous Mestizos, The Politics of Race and Culture in Cuzco, Peru, 1919-1991

Alberto Flores Galindo, Buscando un Inca

------The rebellion of Tupac Amaru in The Peru Reader, 147-156

Jurgen Golte, Repartos y rebeliones

Richard Foz and Orin Starn, Between Resistance and Revolution

Ana María Lorandi, Spanish king of the Incas : the epic life of Pedro Bohorques

------De quimeras, rebeliones y utopías

David Nugent, Modernity at the Edge of Empire: State, Individual, and Nation in the Northern Peruvian Andes, 1885-1935

Brooke Larson,Cochabamba 1550-1900 2nd. Edition of Colonialism and Agrarian Transformation, Duke UP, 1998

------Capturing Indian Bodies

------Trials of Nation Making

------“Explotación y economía moral en los Andes del Sur Andino: hacia una reconsideración crítica” in Reproducción y transformación de las sociedades andinas, siglos XVI-XX

Sergio Serulnikov, Subverting colonial authority: challenges to Spanish rule in eighteenth-century southern Andes

------Conflictos sociales e insurrección en el mundo andino

Ward Stavig, The world of Túpac Amaru : conflict, community, and identity in Colonial Peru

Steve Stern, Resistance, rebellion, and consciousness in the Andean peasant world, 18th to 20th centuries

------Rebelión, resistencia y conciencia campesina en los Andes, siglos XVIII-XX.

------Shining and other Paths

Sinclair Thomson, We alone will rule: native Andean politics in the age of insurgency

Mark Thurner, From TwoRepublics to One Divided