Early Childhood Teachers’ Association Inc.

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Author Licence Agreement – ALA/03


Learning and Teaching in the Early Childhood Years

By this deed, made this day of (month), (year) the author grants to the EarlyChildhood Teachers' Association Inc, a licence to use the Work (which is referred to in the Schedule to this Deed, below).

1.Terms of Publication

(a)No significant alterations shall be made to the content or title of the Work without the Author's prior consent;

(b)The publisher will edit the Work appropriately for use in the stated publication and other publications as agreed with the Author.

2.Warranty that Author has Copyright

(a)The Author warrants to the Publisher that the Work is an original work and that she/he is the sole proprietor of the Work, and that the granting of this license to ECTA does not infringe another's copyright, and that it has not been published in any form (in the territories covered in the Schedule) and that it contains nothing which to the Author's knowledge is libellous.

3.Nonexclusive License

The Author grants to the Publisher a license for the term of copyright (see * below) in the Work to publish work in any publication of ECTA, and includes electronic publication of the ECTA Educating Young Children Journal.

4.Other Publications

The Author hereby retains the right to submit the Work for presentation in other publications (other than those of ECTA) provided that a period of 6 months lapses from the date of this Deed.

5.Illustrative Material & Attribution of all images

Attribution will be noted in the journal forward to the Author for all photos and artwork contained each article. If attribution is to be given to another the Author must request this via the Photo/Artwork Permission sheet.

The Author retains copyright of any artistic Work produced by him/her, drawings, line art,photographs etc. which are provided to the Publisher. However, artistic material that is commissioned by ECTA will become ECTA copyright following the signing of this agreement by the Author. All artistic, graphic and photographic materials are subject to use as per the Photograph Release Agreement/s (PRA/02) and Art Work Release Agreement/s (AWRA/01) signed by the artist/contributor/parent/guardian.

6.Right of Assignment

In entering into this Licence Agreement the author agrees and acknowledges that ECTA may use the submitted Work in all formats and media, including web-based and digital.

7.Copy Date

The Author will submit work by the due date as outlined on the Schedule.

8.Style Guide & Content

Your article should follow the guidelines for publication set out in the Style Guide. Advertorial will not be accepted.

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Signature of Author/s:

Please note when submitted via email typed name is recognised as signature

The Schedule

The Author/s:

Title of the Work/s:


Tel: Fax:

Email: Confirm Email:

*Term of Copyright in Australia is 75 years after publication date

Date of Submission of this form: Issue Number/s: Volume: No:

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Last updated 13-7-16 KW