1. Date - Enter the date the form is being completed.
2. Grantee - Enter the name of the grantee organization as it appears on the contract.
3. Address - Enter the address of the organization as it appears on the contract.
4-6. Name - Enter the name of the person who completed the form and his/her contact information.
7. Expenditures from: Enter the dates of the period covered by the report.
8. Category of Expenditure -These lines should reflect the total amount of all the expenses made in the period covered by the report in each of the budget categories (Salaries and Fringe, Instate Travel, Contracted Services, Phone, postage, Print/copy, supplies and other).
Completed invoices shall be submitted along with a spread sheet, QuickBooks Report, or copy of any other method you are currently using to track grant expenses in each budget category. In addition, all supporting documentation for each expense must be kept on file in the event of an audit. See Expense Verification Policy.
You do not have to include receipts or an itemized list of your expenses with your invoice, but you do have to keep these records in your possession.
9. Indirect/Admin Costs - This line should reflect the amount you are asking for reimbursement for administrative expenses. The Budget Justification Sheets you submitted with your application (or with your revised budget) specified if your budget included an amount for Admin Costs, and if so, what percentage. An individual invoice cannot exceed the administrative cost rate that was indicated in your application or revised budget.
10. Total – Total all of the above lines.
11. Net invoice Amount to be Paid - Enter the amount you are due to be paid. This will be the same as “Total”, unless you paid back any of your advance.
12. Official Signature - The person who is responsible for submitting this report signs and dates the form here, and enters his/her title and phone number. This person may or may not be the same person who completed the form.
13. The form should be e-mailed to Gabriel McNeal and an original should be signed, and mailed to the address in the box in the upper right corner.