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[Products and services procurement templates - letter - contract documents]


A Contract Documents Handover processshould be undertaken with the Public Authoritycontract manager/representative after the contract has been awarded to ensure that they have the relevant contract documents to enable them to manage the contract.

This template is to be completed by Department of Finance, Government Procurement staff in consultation with the Public Authoritycontract manager/representative.

The completed template (letter),along with the final/signed copies of the identified documents should be provided to the Public Authoritycontract manager/representative as part of the Contract Documents Handoverprocess.

Evidence that a Contract Documents Handover process has been completed (letter/email/file note)should be placed on the procurement file.

As part of the handover process, as a minimum, Department of Finance, Government Procurement staff should explainto the Public Authoritycontract manager/representative:

  • the contract documentation being provided;
  • the importance of keeping information confidential; and
  • the information available on the Department of Finance, Government Procurement Website (in particular the ‘I Manage a Contract’webpages).

Department of Finance, Government Procurement staff may also wish to provide to the Public Authority contract manager/representative a general explanation about issues that may be encounter during the contract term, and responsibilities of the contract manager/representative. This may include, for example, the process of exercising a contract extension option, contractor performance management, maintaining current copies of insurances and how to undertake a contract variation.

Your ref:xxx[delete line if no reference given]

Our ref:[File no.]

Enquiries:[Your name]

Telephone:[Your telephone number]

[Contract Manager/Representative’sName]


[Public Authority Name]


[suburb] [WA] [postcode]

Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms [Surname]


contractnumber [xxx] FOR [DETAILS AS PER request TITLE]

The Department of Finance Government Procurement is providing the final/signedcopies of the following documentsto ensure the [Public Authority Name] has the appropriate documentation to manage the abovementionedcontract.

(a)Contract documentation:

  • Request Conditions and General Conditions of Contract [Month Year];[insert correct version of conditions (eg December 2016) as was specified in the Request document]
  • Request document;
  • Addendum/a to Request;
  • Successful respondents Offer(s),including clarifications provided;
  • Award of Contract letter(s),including any agreed amendments to General Conditions/Request/Offer; and
  • Service level agreement.

[Discuss with the Public Authority contract manager/representativeto see whether they require a copy of any of the following documents, if and/or where available. Edit the following document list as required.]

(b)Other documentation:

  • Risk documentation;
  • Procurement Plan;
  • Submissions received list;
  • Late submission tenders letter(s);
  • Evaluation panel confidentiality andconflict of interest declarations;
  • Extension to validity offer document;
  • Evaluation Report;
  • Preferred respondent letter(s);
  • Preferred respondent response(s);
  • Unsuccessful offer letter(s);
  • Insurance certificates of currency; and
  • Other documents / advice received which impacts on the Contract (e.g. State Solicitors advice, RiskCover advice etc).

The contract and other documents are to be treated as confidential.

As the contract manager you are responsible for ensuring all contract management tasks relating to this contract are conducted in a timely manner.

Should you have any queries please contact me on [telephone number].

Yours sincerely

[Name of GP Procurement Manager]



FINANCE v. 280817