Fall 2016L Means


Mrs. Means

Rm. 26

217.482.3252 ext. 314


Course goals:

Students will learn to read and take notes over required reading using reading journals; compiling/identifying various levels of information as assigned by instructor.

Students will increase vocabulary using words from required reading and show a variety of vocabulary using a thesaurus on a regular basis to implement in writing assignments or discussions.

Students will increase their knowledge of grammar and vocabulary through discussion and examination of daily journal responses.

Students will discuss required reading in various formats including full class, small groups, and pairs.

Students will continue to improve technology skills Students will learn to write news, feature, opinion, and sports stories; design publications on computers; edit stories; and understand their rights and responsibilities as journalists.

Students are expected to consistently read good writing to become good journalists


All assignments are due the following school day unless stated otherwise. All assignments must have the following information in the TOP RIGHT-HAND corner:

Name-first and last

Page number and exercise (if applicable) and/or assignment topic

Class/hour (example: Journalism- 4th hour)


Grading Scale

A 90-100%

B 80-89%

C 70-79%

D 60-69%

F 59%-Below

Expectations and Responsibilities of Student:

All students are expected to be prepared for class every day. All materials should be with the students and they should be in their assigned seats when the bell rings. Entering class after the bell rings will result in a tardy. Students are expected to come to class with the maturity level of an upperclassman. Disrespecting fellow students, the instructor, or even themselves will not be tolerated. Due to the importance of making deadlines in journalism, NO LATE WORK will be accepted. Plagiarism and cheating are both punishable offenses in the school code. Students will be given a failing grade for an assignment if they are caught cheating and/or plagiarizing.

Materials needed for class:


1 purple pen

Notebook for taking notes

1 composition notebook (used for daily journal responses)

Assignment book (provided by the school)

(Students may find it helpful to keep their notebooks together in one three-ring binder)

Upon entering the classroom:

1st-hand in to the assigned basket any homework that may be due that day

2nd-be seated and quiet

3rd-take out journal notebook and create at least four sentences in accordance with

the writing prompt

4th-remain quiet and in your seat until everyone has completed his/her journal and

the day’s lesson begins

Mrs. Means’s discipline procedures:

1st offense= verbal warning

2nd offense= time in principal’s office

3rd offense= written discipline notice

***Steps 1 and 2 can be skipped, depending upon the offense***

I look forward to having you in class! Have a fantastic semester!