EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE is comprised of:

  • President
  • President-Elect
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Program Chair
  • Member Services Chair
  • Nominations Chair

Non-elected Executive Committee members who are ex-officio members without vote:

  • Advisor (immediate past President)
  • Administrative Assistant

The President shall call Executive Committee or Full FCS PROFESSIONALS Board meetings at least four times a year. A majority of the Executive Committee members shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings shall be called by the President or by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee. (Ref. ARTICLE VI, Section 2)


  • Executive Committee

The chairs of the following Standing and Special Committees which the President and Executive Committee deem necessary, such as, but not limited to:

  • Community Partnerships
  • Communications
  • Public Relations/Marketing
  • Bylaws/Parliamentarian
  • Blog/Social Media
  • College Relations
  • Strategic Planning
  • Web
  • Fundraising
  • Mentoring
  • Mixx & Mingle/Networking
  • Programs

Appointments are for one year beginning July 1. (Ref. ARTICLE VIII, Section 1)


Updated December 2015


Section 1.This organization shall be known as the Food & Consumer Science Professionals (FCS PROFESSIONALS).

Section 2.FCS PROFESSIONALS is a non-profit organization operating in compliance with Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The fiscal year is July 1 to June 30, of each year.

Section 3.The business address for FCS PROFESSIONALS is that of the Administrative Assistant.


Food & Consumer Science Professionals (FCS PROFESSIONALS) providesopportunities for members to learn; share and grow.


Section 1.Members of FCS PROFESSIONALS shall meet the following requirements and membership qualifications:

Membership in FCS Professionalswill be defined as 12 months (July 1-June 30).

Professional Membership: actively employed professional with a degree from an accredited college or professional program who has been employed longer than one year.

Student/New Professional Membership: full-time or part-time (more than 8 credits per semester) undergraduate or graduate student actively enrolled in an accredited college or professional program and/or an actively employed professional who is less than one year out of college.

Emeritus Membership: an active member in the professional business community who is at least 60 years old and no longer gainfully employed.

Annual membership renewal will be sent out the week of July 1. Current members will be required to renew membership not later than October 1. Those not renewing by this date will be removed from member only privileges (e.g. directory, member only web pages). Applications for membership will be prorated beginning in January.

Section 2.Privileges of individual members shall include:

(a)access to the members only FCS PROFESSIONALSwebpages, including a member directory;

(b)at least six professional development programs at a reduced member cost;

(c)full voting privileges for all members;

(d) the opportunity to serve as an elected officer of FCS PROFESSIONALS.


The Board shall establish annual FCS PROFESSIONALS dues. Any proposed dues changes will be recommended by the Board. The membership will then be notified of an open Board meeting with a specified agenda topic of dues. The proposed changes are then submitted to members for ratification by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members voting.


The elected Executive Committee members are part of the full FCS PROFESSIONALS Board. The functions of the elected Executive Committee members and ex-officio members of the group are as defined below.

(a)The President shall be the chief executive officer of the group, shall give general supervision and leadership to organizational policies and programs and shall be chair of the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint all committees and committee chairpersons for which there is not otherwise specific provision. The President shall present an annual report at the Annual Business Meeting;

(b)the President-Elect shall be the associate chief executive officer. The President-Elect shall be a member of the Executive Committee and be responsible for updating the Bylaws and acting as Parliamentarian;

(c)the Treasurer has the responsibility for establishing the annual budget and advises the organization on long-term financial planning for the group. The Treasurer sees that all accounts and records are in compliance with the requirements for non-profit organizations and the Internal Revenue Service. The Treasurer shall also have custody of all funds of the group, shall keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures, and shall make disbursements in accordance with the approved budget as authorized by the Executive Committee. The Treasurer shall present a financial report at each Board meeting and a written financial statement to the entire membership at the Annual Business Meeting;

(d)the Program Chair shall chair and provide a range of programming and monthly meeting choices that promote professional development for members and support the organization’s mission, vision, and tagline;

(e) the Member Services Chair shall chair and oversee all membership activities including working
withthe appropriate board members on all member communications, overseeing the membership directory on-line content, and will introduce new members at meetings.

(f) the Nominations Chair shall chair and perform the duties according to Article VII, Section 3 of
these Bylaws;

(g) the Secretary shall record the official minutes of all business meetings of the Board, including the
Annual Business Meeting and submit a synopsis of each meeting to the board and membership

withinfive business days of the meeting. The Secretary shall perform other duties as may be delegated bythe Executive Committee;

(h) the Advisor, seen in a continuity role, shall offer perspective in policy and procedures and
facilitate the auditing process (every three years), with two other appointed board members, and
shall perform other duties as may be delegated by the Executive Committee;

(i) the Administrative Assistant shall keep the group's membership records, provide office services for all events and perform other duties as may be delegated by the Executive Committee. The Administrative Assistant shall keep for a period of seven (7) years such permanent accounts
and records to establish gross income, receipts and disbursements of the group, the number of members, the dues collected and keep permanent records for historicalpurposes.


Section 1. The duties of the FCS PROFESSIONALS Executive Committee members shall be to:

(a)establish and monitor operating policies and procedures for the conduct of business;

(b)execute an internal financial audit every three years;

(c)manage, review and approve final budget;

(d)hold an Annual Business Meeting for the membership and make periodic reports to the membership via meetings andelectronic notification;

(e)establish and/or approve standing committees and authorize the President to appoint additional committees and act on their reports; authorize the President to appoint ad hoc committees;

(f)negotiate a contract for the Administrative Assistant by July 1of each fiscal year;

(h)establish membership dues and privileges;

(i)review the Bylaws periodically and review all proposed amendments; and

(j)fill unexpired term of officers, in keeping with procedures in Article VII, Section 4.

Section 2.The President shall call Executive Committee or Board meetings at least four times a year. A majority ofthe Executive Committee members shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings shall be called by the President or by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee.


Section 1.The elected Executive Committee members of this group shall be a President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Program Chair, Member Services Chair, and Nominations Chair. Non-elected Executive Committee members are the Advisor (immediate past President) and Administrative Assistant who are ex-officio members without vote.

Section 2.The President-Elect is elected annually for a two-year term. This Executive Committee position assumes the President position at the close of the year in which he/she is President-Elect. All other Executive Committee positions are elected for a one-year term. It is a good practice, but not a requirement, that the President-Elect has been an elected Executive Committee member or significant committee Chair prior to election.

Section 3.Election of officers of FCS PROFESSIONALS shall be by mail or email ballot to all members. Ballots are sent out not less than 30 days before the date of the Annual Business Meeting. Election results are announced at the Annual Business Meeting and in electronic communications.

(a)The Nominations Chair shall nominate at least one eligible person for each office to be filled and report its slate to the membership in writing not less than 30 days prior to the election. Additional nominations may be written in on the ballot. Only those persons who have signified their consent to serve, if elected, shall be nominated;

(b)election shall be by majority of votes cast. Votes are counted by the Nominations Chair. In the event of a tie vote in the election of officers, the Nominations Chair shall break the tie by any method of chance, such as the toss of a coin, at the time of counting the ballots;

(c)officers shall assume their official duties on July 1 following election; and

(d) a person may serve onlytwo (2) consecutive terms in the same elected office. Additional terms
maybe served with Board approval.

Section 4.Vacancies will be handled in the following manner: A vacancy occurring in an elected office shall befilled for the unexpired term by the President. If the vacancy occurring is the President, the President-
Elect for that office will become the President and a President-Elect for that position will be chosen
by the Executive Committee.


Section 1.The President shall annually appoint Committee Chairs to standing and special committees. These Committee Chairs are part of the full FCS PROFESSIONALS Board. Appointments are for one year beginning July 1.

Section 2.A vacancy occurring in an appointed position shall be filled for the unexpired term by the President or their designee.

Section 3.Each Standing and Special Committee Chair shall have the responsibility of keeping the files current. At the end of the term it is the responsibility of the Committee Chair to pass the files on to the successor or to the Chair with whom they work.


Section 1.At least six (6) professional development meetings shall be held during the fiscal year.

Section 2.The FCS PROFESSIONALS Annual Business Meeting shall be held in May or such time as the Executive Committee shall determine. Notice of the Annual Business Meeting shall be communicated to all members not less than ten days, nor more than thirty (30) days, prior to the meeting. Only members shall be allowed to vote at the business meeting.


"Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised" shall govern FCS PROFESSIONALS in all cases to which they are applicable.


These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the group by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing to the membership at least thirty days in advance.


On the dissolution of FCS PROFESSIONALS, the Executive Committee, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of FCS PROFESSIONALS, shall dispose of all of its monetary assets exclusively to such organization(s) organized exclusively for charitable or educational purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization(s) under Section 501(c)(3) or Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) as the Executive Committee shall determine.